American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 223 Alan is little Morgan’s grandfather

Tony looked at the relationship between the characters displayed on the message and fell into silence for a long time.

Although I really don’t want to admit it, the fact is before my eyes.

I have heard Steve talk about World War II more than once.

In the Stark Industrial Lifestyle Department, many products evolved based on the technology provided by Allen, and they are still the main products on the market.

In this way, original funds can be accumulated to invest in research in the field of military industry.

At this time, the other Avengers members arrived.

Hawkeye, who provides remote support, has already found a sniper point and is ready for a sneak attack at any time.

At the same time, two motorcycles came from far and near.

It is Captain America Steve and the widowed sister Natasha.

When the wait was approaching, I saw the target person and my heart suddenly sank.

They were old acquaintances with Allen, so they could easily identify each other.

Instead, Tony has his first official meeting with his titular uncle.

"Old man."

With a fatherly expression on his face, Allen walked up to Steve and asked, "Do you care if your eldest nephew hits your uncle?"


Tony landed next to him, raised his mask and said, "I didn't recognize you just now."

"Alan, what do you want here?" Steve asked doubtfully.

Allen took off his mask and hood and said calmly: "If I don't go out to work, the author won't be able to write. It's really difficult for me."


There is really nothing to do in Gotham City.

As for Arthur running for mayor, you don’t need to do it yourself.

The Court of Owls that once threatened Gotham has come to an end.

For ordinary security issues, Bruce takes action again.

Suddenly, Allen felt that his sense of existence was gone, so he went to New York to try out Marvel heroes.

"Sister Widow, long time no see, I miss you so much."

Allen turned to walk up to Natasha, looked at her patiently, and said exaggeratedly: "Sister, your new hairstyle looks really good, like a head of instant noodles."

The two have had a lot of contact, and the two timelines have been in contact.

In the World War II timeline, she rescued Allen once.

In the mutant timeline, Allen forced her to join Hydra.

"What's your look?" Natasha asked.

Strictly speaking, Allen didn't even make the superhero list.

Mainly, he has no heroic deeds and often plays high-end games, which is not very recognized by the public. However, he has a good reputation in the Zhenglian and Zhenglian enemy circles.

Furthermore, Allen never used the identity of Funny Bat when traveling through the timeline, so there is no related story.

"The funny bat."

Allen's skin covered the lower half of his face and he asked enthusiastically: "Aren't you handsome?"

"So-so." Natasha responded lightly.

"A woman who talks nonsense, please face your heart."

Allen never needs others to define his handsomeness.

Tony came forward to smooth things over and suggested that they go to Stark Tower for a gathering to gather Avengers members to get to know each other.

Of course, Allen is considered a distinguished guest.

The feat of defeating the Dark Knights by one man is nothing short of brilliant.

He can actually understand his opponent's weaknesses and defeat them one by one with ease.

Among them, the killing machine can cause Zhenglian University a headache, and the entire city is almost in ruins.

If not for the concerted efforts of all the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance, the Avengers Alliance might have been unable to bear it any longer and would have come to an end.

Therefore, a city reconstruction effort was involved, and Stark Industries bid for a construction project in an urban area.

Speaking of which, Tony and Bruce are exactly the same capitalists. The destruction caused by the war made them richer and richer.

Capital giants such as Wayne Group, Lex Group, and Stark Industries have all made a lot of money from this urban reconstruction.

Steve was driving Nanawi on his motorcycle.

Allen naturally sat behind the widowed sister, with a sweet look on her back. His fingers drew circles on her shoulders dishonestly, and he said in a tone as shy as first love: "Sister, the last time you drove me, you were there. Last time."

"You haven't always liked Mysterio, and now you have forgotten your sweetheart." Natasha teased.

"Don't lie, I have always only had my sister in my heart, and other women are just floating clouds."

Allen held Natasha's waist and hips with his hands and said coquettishly: "My exclusive love handle."

"I heard that you and Wonder Woman Diana get along very well." Natasha chatted.

"Sister is so annoying."

Allen Tian shamelessly retorted: "It's just a joke, sister won't be jealous, right?"

"I recorded it."

Natasha took out a voice recorder and played Alan's voice repeatedly.

"Woman, if you want to possess me, let me tell you straight. Why use conspiracy and tricks." Allen said nonchalantly: "It's easy for me to get it. I'll get it as soon as I get it."

"I don't want to think about it, I'm overthinking it."

Natasha pressed the delete button, just to scare her, and had no interest in getting involved in Allen's personal relationship.

From the information collected so far, this guy crosses the timeline from time to time, encounters women, and must be a certain famous person in the future.

Like ordinary women, he actually has no interest in hooking up with her.

While Allen and Natasha were getting acquainted with each other, a reporter hiding in the corner secretly took a photo of them.

The way Black Widow and Batman sit close together in a car and cling to each other makes it hard not to believe that they are having an affair.

Presumably many newspapers are willing to pay a high price to buy it.

A lot can be compiled from just one photo.

Stark Tower, Avengers headquarters.

A place where heroes usually gather.

Of course, usually the core members can come in and out at will in order to deal with emergencies. The Avengers have many branches, and other hero teams are in charge.

Permanent members: Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, War Machine, Ant-Man, Falcon...

Thor, Doctor Strange, Black Panther and others will lead their respective forces to appear when a major crisis occurs.

In short, a lonely superhero is always on call, and a character who already has a powerful position cannot leave his post without permission.


While gathering on the top floor.

The little girl in Pepper's arms couldn't wait to open her hands to Tony.

"Little Morgan, are you good today?" Tony picked up his daughter with a loving look on his face, and then introduced to his wife: "He is Alan, as I mentioned before, and the one next to him is Nanaway."

"Hello, I'm Pepper Stark."

Dressed in professional attire and with blond hair, the mature and intellectual Chili Pepper greeted him naturally.

Allen said in disbelief: "Eldest nephew, do you have a daughter?"

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems normal.

Tony was in his early fifties, the same age as Bruce. He had had enough fun, and it was natural for him to settle down and get married and have children.

Moreover, Batman and Iron Man were three months old and had the same playboy characteristics.

"Hello, Morgan, I'm your Grandpa Allen."

Allen grabbed the three-flowered cat from the God of War helmet and gave it to Morgan. He said dotingly: "If you like cats, do you want to pet them?"


Morgan reached out and hugged Sanhua, but the lazy Sanhua didn't resist.

As soon as Tony heard the words Grandpa Allen, his face instantly stiffened.

He looked the oldest in the room, but was actually the youngest.

Steve and Natasha date back to World War II.

Allen traveled through the timeline, and his age could no longer be defined.

Nana'vi are the descendants of the gods, at least hundreds of years old.

It could be said that each of them looked younger than the other, and Tony's gray beard meant that he would call them uncle and aunt according to their seniority.

Seemingly seeing Tony's embarrassment, Allen patted his shoulder and comforted him: "We have our own affairs. I'll call you nephew, and you can just call me by my name."


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