American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 215 Allen’s one-step attack

After seeing Allen's power, the Predator Blood Wolf expressed his willingness to reach a cooperation invitation.

According to Blood Wolf's description, a team of five of them arrived at the trial site.

Follow the normal procedure to activate the pyramid to awaken the alien queen, then drive the natives into the pyramid to complete the parasitism process, and then start hunting the aliens.

However, if nothing unexpected happens, something unexpected happens.

Due to the large number of panicked natives, the number of aliens exceeded the limit that they could hunt.

What's especially important is that three of the companions encountered parasitism and gave birth to iron-blooded aliens.

The Iron-Blooded Alien perfectly inherits the genes of the Predator, and can kill the Predator with just one encounter, while the surviving Blood Wolf immediately chooses to escape.

During the escape process, the control device on his wrist was damaged and he was unable to remotely control the spacecraft to call for help from his tribe.

Even near the spacecraft, there are many aliens lingering and waiting.

It had been five days since the Alien Queen was awakened. Blood Wolf could not give an accurate figure on the number of aliens that had been bred.

A pyramid located deep in the forest with moss-covered walls.

The alien queen trapped in the pyramid has a special metal restraint on her body, so she doesn't have to worry about escaping.

"Aliens originated from an ecological planet. They were once space jockeys from an engineer civilization used to study the continuation of the race, but they set foot on the wrong biochemical technology tree." Blood Wolf lamented.

The Iron-Blooded Civilization saw the value of the aliens as prey, so they captured the alien queen and established trial areas on various planets in the universe to provide young tribesmen with adult rites.

Allen looked at the blood wolf with disdain, and couldn't help but complain: "You seem to be developing correctly. With such high technological content, if you insist on hunting like Uncle Hei, you can forget about hunting. With high-tech weapons, they are sometimes counterattacked."


These words made Xue Lang embarrassed.

Predator trials are often overturned, and there have been more than one cases of death at the hands of natives on this planet.

"We focus on personal honor."

The blood wolf gave a far-fetched reason.

Indeed, the Iron-Blooded Civilization would not vent its anger on its prey and launch shameless revenge. Instead, it would disdain the tribesmen who died in battle.

The tribesmen who failed to pass the trial and returned alive ended up doing menial jobs like slaves, instead of being like honorable warriors who could enjoy the pleasure of hunting in the vast universe.

The blood wolf is willing to cooperate with the key factors, and does not want to return to the clan and be forced to do odd jobs throughout his life.

Therefore, the iron-blooded civilization has always followed the tradition of cruelty and cold-bloodedness.

"I deployed a sound wave device outside to attract the alien guards, and then sneaked into the pyramid."

Xue Lang took out a disk-shaped device from his waist.

Turning around, Allen had already rushed towards the pyramid.

"He's crazy?"

Xue Lang was very upset when he saw his teammates acting recklessly without paying attention to tactics.

The three people and one dog completely ignored the aliens hidden in the ancient ruins and broke in brazenly. It really felt like they were going to die.

Lacking the control skills, the blood wolf cannot accurately know the changes in the pyramid.

As time goes by, the pyramid changes according to the program space. Stepping into it rashly is like entering a maze by mistake, and you can't expect to get out smoothly.

The blood wolf's intention is to be the first to find the corpses of his people, remove the optical brain wrist, and regain control of the spacecraft.

With this, return to the spaceship to repair equipment and complete the hunt.

His heart skipped a beat, and the blood wolf caught up with Allen.

Stop in front of the pyramid.

The building, which is about thirty meters high, only has a dark entrance at the top, like a devouring abyss, hiding a chilling crisis.

"You can't break in head-on, there must be a lot of aliens." Xue Lang reminded.

The status of the Alien Queen is above all else, and she must have adult aliens acting as guards to provide constant protection, similar to the racial model of ants and bees.

"I, Asura Quanwan, never take the ordinary path."


The words fell.

Allen's figure flashed past quickly and punched the thick wall.

Where the punch landed, there were cracks spreading all around.

Bang bang bang...

With the violent storm of fist shadows, two or three punches turned a one meter cube of rock into crumbs.


When Xue Lang was stunned, the folded dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

Too fierce.

The most powerful man who demolished a tower with his bare hands!

At the same time, the blood wolf realized that Allen had shown mercy before, otherwise his soul would have returned to the ancestral star with one punch.

They watched as Allen forcibly blasted a passage straight into the pyramid.

The whole process took no more than five minutes. The outer layer of rock was as fragile as tofu and could not withstand Allen's fist.

Stepping into the dark stone room, Erha was covered in flames, which served as a source of illumination.

Rows of ceremonial stages were lined with mummified bones.

"This is the sacrificial chamber."

Xue Lang explained: "More than two hundred years ago, the indigenous people living in this area believed in us as gods. They took the initiative to arrange for girls to be sacrificed during trials every eighty years."

In the process of gestating aliens, the host plays a vital role.

The aliens conceived by the parasitic girls were weaker than the aliens whose carriers were adult men, so several hunts were successfully completed.

This time, the indigenous forces supported by the iron-blooded civilization had long since disappeared, causing Xue Lang and others to find another way and come up with a bad idea.

Allen was not here for archeology, and he was not in the mood to complain for the indigenous people.

He held the spear in his hand and swung it towards the wall, making a clanging sound.

"Please be parasitized, fresh and delicate young man, please be parasitized by blowjob..."

"Don't miss it if you're passing by. I'm a strange man who can swallow twenty centimeters."

"I always like to be passive. Please be more proactive and don't let me waste my feelings."



He said so much, but the alien couldn't understand it.

The blood wolf retreated to the corner. He did not dare to be crazy like a madman, but relied on the advantage of the corner to defend. At least he did not have to worry about being attacked by aliens from behind.

Suddenly, several facehuggers jumped out from the cracks in the wall and attacked.

Puff puff……

Allen, who has sharp eyes and quick hands, connected the spears in his hands.

Pierce all the facehugger parasitic mouthparts.

[Kill the facehugger, experience value +50]

[Kill the facehugger, experience value +50]


A harsh hissing sound came.

The aliens hiding in the darkness swooped in.

But in Allen's eyes, the speed was so slow, so he reacted according to the situation and killed the aliens one by one.

"Oh yeah!"

Allen said excitedly: "I triggered the hidden experience copy."

"Follow up, keep up!"

Erha was lighting up the front, and Allen was strutting in front.

On the contrary, Gu Yi and Agatha didn't think the aliens were very scary. They just had to sit aside their feelings and it was enough.

The most depressing thing was the blood wolf, who said in a hurriedly discussing tone: "Can you give me a share? I need to complete the trial."

"Don't ask too much."

Allen patted the blood wolf on the shoulder and said, "Call the boss and come listen."


If it weren't for the mask on his face, the blood wolf would be so embarrassed.

I come from an advanced interstellar civilization, and if I consider a native of the human interstellar civilization as my boss, it would be a huge disgrace for my tribe to find out, and it would be a lifelong stain.

His hand touched the edge of the mask, silently deleting the video recording just now, destroying the evidence that ruined his honor.

"Since you're so on the road, I, as the boss, can't treat you badly."

Allen asked casually: "How much fresh food do you want?"

"What do you mean?" Xue Lang was confused.

The alien stuff is not seafood, how much fresh food can it still be divided into?

"I'll beat him half to death, or he'll still be alive and kicking," Allen explained.

"Uh..., half-death is enough."

Xue Lang hesitated and said: "There is a video record of the trial, so it can't be too false."


Allen readily agreed.

The next second, I met love around the corner.

The strange-shaped tail thorn, as sharp as a spear, struck directly towards the face.

In an instant, the tail thorn was frozen in mid-air, and Allen stopped moving forward even an inch with one hand.

Hiding in the shadows, the alien made a strange sound and slowly poked out its ferocious head.

"Look at you, you idiot."

Allen pulled the tail with his backhand and slammed the alien to the ground.

Two heavy falls made it difficult for the alien to get up, and it seemed to be afraid of Allen.

"Let me kill."

The blood wolf volunteered and fought hand-to-hand with the alien with his wrist blade.

A fight.

It made Allen feel a little ashamed.

This guy must be one of the best among the Predators. It's hard to hunt down an alien with only half health.

Although he was successfully killed in the end, his arm was pierced by the tail thorn and injured.

The blood wolf followed the requirements of the trial and carved an honor mark on his forehead.

"Let's just say that there are a lot of cheaters among the Predator." Allen questioned.

The bloody wolf dead duck said harshly: "There is no rule in the trial that you cannot cooperate with other races. I am not cheating."

Allen was too lazy to argue, others had the final right of interpretation.

The next step was very smooth.

Allen went on a killing spree, all the way into the spawning chamber.

Kill as many aliens and facehuggers along the way as you can to level up only five levels.

The blood wolf picked up a tribesman's optical brain wristband on the way and could summon a spaceship to evacuate at any time.

Of course, without clearing away the alien threat, the elders of the clan would most likely judge the trial as a failure, and he would not be able to just walk away.

The alien queen, about six meters tall, is being restrained by chains and stimulated by electric current to promote egg laying.

Seeing a stranger intruding, he kept neighing in an attempt to summon guards.

Unfortunately, there was no response in the end.

There is nothing strange about the Alien Queen except that her head is wider, her body is enlarged several times, and her abdominal cavity has organs used for laying eggs.

"Shet, you don't have what an alien girl should look like. You let me down."

Although he didn't know what Allen said about the Alien Queen, the Alien Queen expressed that she was very aggrieved, and he even threw stones at herself.

That's right, Allen grabbed a rock and threw it at the Alien Queen's face.

Scan the hatchery.

Allen pulled out the chain embedded in the wall with his bare hands.

The Alien Queen was about to burst into slaughter, when a huge force came from her tail, dragging her.

Blood Wolf, Ancient One and Agatha looked on in shock as Allen forcibly dragged the Alien Queen away.

The Alien Queen was struggling and resisting. There were finger marks on the ground with her claws. She was still unable to escape the fate of being taken away. It looked like a beast wanting to defile the girl. I felt sad for the Alien Queen inexplicably.

"Ah ha ha……"

Allen ran happily in front of him, like a couple chasing each other for the first time, and his silvery laughter kept echoing in the pyramid, giving people a creepy feeling.

The Alien Queen, who was trailing behind, bumped into the wall from time to time, feeling a little dizzy.


Allen dragged the Alien Queen outside the pyramid.

Bang bang bang...

After being beaten mercilessly, the Alien Queen's shrill scream echoed through the forest.

At this moment, the predatory aliens stopped at the same time and looked in the direction of the pyramid.

It was a cry for help from the Alien Queen.

No doubt out of instinct, the collective alien race frantically rushed back to the rescue.

Even the facehuggers that failed to find their host rushed back together.

While waiting, Allen asked others to climb to the top of the pyramid to enjoy a wave of experience alone.

Before the Alien Queen could get free, she was tied up in chains and thrown aside.

Not long after, there was movement in the forest.

Three iron-blooded aliens with slight characteristics of the iron-blooded warrior came back first.

In terms of speed, it is obviously faster.

But Allen has a system around him, and all of them are little Karami who can kill them all in one blow.

In the 21st century, where superheroes are everywhere, aliens are completely unattractive creatures and can only be reduced to objects of research.


After getting along for a long time, it is reasonable for Xue Lang to learn a few modern modal words.

He knew that Allen was very ferocious, but he never expected to kill the iron-blooded alien so cleanly.

Immediately afterwards, aliens and facehuggers appeared all over the mountains and plains, coming like a black wave.

This is a forest, and the original environment is very well protected. There are many large wild animals inhabiting it, providing sufficient parasitic conditions for facehuggers.

Aliens of different sizes charge like crazy to rescue the Alien Queen.

Speaking of which, the iron-blooded civilization is one of the main culprits that caused such a scene.

The incubator has an electric current device that promotes egg laying, resulting in uninterrupted production around the clock. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, so many aliens would not be born.

This scene made Xue Lang secretly prepare to control the spacecraft to respond.

If the cleanup fails, he will return to the spaceship immediately and destroy the place with another quantum cannon.

Allen didn't panic at all, and started with an attack in the shape of Ikeen.

In an instant, hundreds of them differentiated into hundreds of incarnations.

Many incarnations have a gilded magic halo on their wrists.

Woof woof woof...

Erha was so anxious that he cursed his mother, and suddenly felt the magic power in his body being quickly withdrawn.

At this moment, Allen squatted slightly and released golden thunder from his hands.

The irregular trajectory of the golden thunder swept across like a wave.

Bossat's Thunder.

An advanced spell.

The disadvantage is that it consumes too much and the attack trajectory is relatively slow. Usually, demigod-level warriors can easily avoid it, or veteran mages can offset it through defensive spells.

It's more than enough to deal with aliens.

The main reason why Allen doesn't need to create his own spells is that aliens don't feel pain.

[Kill aliens, experience value +200]

[Kill aliens, experience value +200]

[Kill aliens, experience value +200]

The constantly flashing system prompts caused Allen's mage level to rise rapidly.

In a few breaths of time, he has become a level 92 mage.

Moreover, there is one more mage skill.

[Comprehension Skill: Spell Reserve]

[Spell reserve lv0: Store a spell in advance, without chanting a spell or losing power, and complete it smoothly. As the skill level increases, the reserve increases by 1 level by level. 】

There were originally countless aliens, but now there are only sporadic ones like charcoal trying to get up.

Allen casually killed the Alien Queen and declared that the matter was understood.

If there is any fish that slips through the net, the blood wolf will be needed to deal with the aftermath.

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