American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 204 Allen decides to become the Snake King

"Woof woof woof..."

In the forest, Erha kept barking, and Allen said patiently: "Don't worry, my sense of direction has always been accurate."

Sitting by the campfire, Allen looked around cautiously.

It seemed especially quiet in the dark forest.

Logically speaking, there should be many nocturnal animals, not to mention the cries of nocturnal birds such as night owls.

As a result, the silence was unnatural.

After leaving the fortress, Allen and Erha wandered in the forest and got lost as expected.

It was so late at night that I couldn't tell the difference between north, south, east, and west, so I had to wait until dawn before looking for a populated human gathering place.


Suddenly, Erha let out a low cry in one direction, and the hairs on his back stood up one by one.

Along with a rustling sound, a figure approached from the darkness.

Allen raised the toilet plug and waited.

Not long after, with the light of the fire, I could see clearly that the person coming was more than two meters tall.

The twisting and squirming hair and the slender figure made Allen's eyes widen, and he couldn't help but said in surprise: "Medusa!"

This woman has venomous snakes all over her head, a snake body from the waist down, and dark green scales all over her body, showing off her proud curves.

"Good Samaritan, I am a lost girl, can you protect me until dawn?" the snake girl asked pitifully.

"Hiss Liu..., you have met the right person. I am the leader of the parade of the Animal Protection Association, and I have no resistance to orcs."

Allen kicked the nervous Erha away, pointed to the empty seat next to him, and said enthusiastically: "Come and sit, let's discuss life with each other."

"Thank you, kind soul."

The snake girl swayed her snake body and came straight to Allen's side. Her lower body was coiled up and her eyes were pitiful.

"What kind of snake demon are you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

Allen touched the snake's tail with his hand, and the snake girl's face showed a look of horror. She suddenly understood in her heart that the confusion magic had no effect.

The next moment, his eyes revealed a fierce look, and he was ready to launch a sneak attack first.


He was about to open his mouth to spit out the venom, but suddenly he felt pain as if the inner wall of his mouth was tearing, and he couldn't help but suck in cold air.

His eyes turned from fierce to frightened. When he wanted to get up, he found cramping pain in his abdomen at the slightest movement, as if his intestines and stomach were in a mess, and any movement would cause a tearing sensation.

When he looked at Allen again, he had already retreated a few meters away, grinning sinisterly.

Then came a numbness in the lower body and an uncontrollable trembling in the body.

"Be honored."

Allen said proudly: "You are the first lucky person to experience my full set."

Duodenal bow surgery.

Oral ulcer and wisdom tooth augmentation surgery.

Physiological Tidal Incontinence Flood Technique.

Applying it to the snake girl at the same time can be said to make her so sore that she can't stop.

Allen's mental resistance is so high, how can he be easily attacked?

In particular, after receiving Hela and drinking from the Styx Divine Spring, his mental power increased by a percentage. Even facing the bald professor's psychic invasion, he could suffer from nosebleeds.

It is simply unrealistic to confuse such an inferior monster through illusions.

When the snake girl appeared, Allen sensed the mental illusion and judged that she was not the mythical Medusa.

Medusa is a mythical creature, classified as a demigod for the first time. If you really need to deal with her, why go to such trouble? A petrification spell can turn her into a stone sculpture.

The snake girl was rolling on the spot, feeling pain and pleasure. Within a few minutes, her eyes were lifeless and she was about to die.

After the spell was lifted, the snake girl was able to breathe.

"Would you like to do it again? I think you haven't experienced it enough."

Allen stepped forward and kicked the half-dead snake girl. He was very confused. He had never heard of monsters of this species in Europa.

"No, no, no, don't do it a second time. I don't want to kill you." Snake Girl said timidly.

As soon as I went out and met the evil mage, I suddenly felt that the world was too dangerous.

"You didn't want to kill me."

Allen poked the toilet plug into his chest, sucked up a peak, and said ferociously: "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"I really didn't lie."

The snake girl explained in horror: "I went out to capture male humans for reproduction, and I just wanted to stun you."

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be such a shameless monster and dare to spy on this mage's pure and beautiful body."

Allen was angry and activated the vibrating function of the toilet seat.

Immediately, the snake girl trembled all over. She grabbed the handle with both hands and tried to pull it off, but she couldn't get it off no matter how hard she tried.

"We, the devil snake clan, are born without males and can only reproduce by preying on the opposite sex. There is no other way." The snake girl said aggrievedly.

"What world do you come from?" Alan asked.

Indeed, there is no demon snake clan in the human world. There is no doubt that it comes from outside the human world. It is just a multiverse or a multidimensional universe, but it is very crucial information.

Coming from the multiverse, it is a parallel world. Living beings can communicate with each other. There is only one possibility. The two universes will collide and the final result will be destruction together.

The possibility is not very high. Allen is a person from later generations who just traveled through the timeline.

If it is a multi-dimensional universe, dimensional channels must be opened and creatures from different dimensions invade the human world, making things more difficult.

"I live in the Emerald Realm. Not long ago, a curtain of light descended on our clan's habitat, and then it was discovered that it was the rumored human world. Her Majesty the Queen ordered the entire clan to move."

The snake girl said truthfully: "In the Jade Realm, the Demonic Snake clan actually has a very difficult life. Not only are humanoid monsters rare, but they are often attacked by powerful monsters. In our eyes, the human world is simply a paradise."

"Fart, you came at the wrong time. If in the 21st century, I had to experience 996 and 007 every day, you would understand what purgatory on earth is."

Allen glanced at the snake girl's figure and suddenly thought: "However, there will definitely be a lot of potential in the custom industry."

"What is custom industry?" Snake Girl asked curiously.

"Scenery Folk Tourism."


Allen pulled out the toilet plug and asked coquettishly: "Does your entire tribe live nearby?"

"What do you want to do?"

From the other person's eyes, the snake girl felt creepy and had an ominous premonition.

"I want to be the snake king."


In a valley.

The Demonic Snake Clan migrated from the Emerald Realm and have not had contact with human society for the time being.

Mainly, the human world seems peaceful, and in the records, it is described as like a fairyland, but it can always remain safe and sound, so it must have a strong guardian.

As for the Queen of the Demon Snake Clan, Insilius, her first order was to remain hidden.

The demonic snakes that went out to hunt men returned one by one, and without exception they all returned empty-handed.

In the wilderness, let alone a man, you can't even find a ghost.

"Mi'er, bring back a man."

"He is really a man. He looks fair and young. He is so greedy."

"Wait until Her Majesty the Queen has finished enjoying it. Everyone, please take it easy and don't squeeze them dry. It's not easy to find men in this place."


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