American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 201 Allen almost became someone else’s dog licker

Listening to Allen's arrogant words, Senasi was immediately confused.

She came to seduce Allen and prepared some means to seize the opportunity. As a result, the other person seemed to be quite hungry.

"How do you want to check?"

After adjusting her mentality, Sainahi naturally agreed.

"Masters compete with each other, and their moves are deadly. I never expected to meet an evenly matched opponent."

Allen's expression was solemn. He changed from the wretched look before. He suddenly stood up from the bed and said righteously: "In that case, I reluctantly help you check it."

"What do you need me to do?"

Sennaxi was smiling and wanted to see what tricks she could pull off.

"Please stand up."

Following Allen's command, Senasi waited for the next step.

The Spencer family does not have very strict requirements for men and women, so she looks like a pure girl, but in fact, she can assume eighteen different postures, and she can do many tricks even while standing.

"Hold your head with your hands, feet as wide as your shoulders, and do three sets of twenty squats."


Following Allen's order, Senasi was a little at a loss as to why it was different from what he imagined.

"Ah, what? Don't you want me to check your physical fitness? Is there anything wrong with it?" Allen asked seriously.

"No... no problem."

Senasi's response was a bit far-fetched, but her character of never giving up until she accomplished her goal made her still face the difficulties.

"one two three four……"

Sinahi did squats, and Allen counted them one by one.

His expression was very serious at first, but gradually became lewd and brilliant.

Because Sennaxi's mage robe is too tight, and her figure is too plump, every movement is accompanied by waves, which is indeed refreshing to watch.

"Eleven, twelve, thirteen, thirteen, thirteen..."

Sai Naxi stopped her movements and corrected her: "You counted two thirteen."

"You actually discovered it."

However, Allen Tian said shamelessly: "I am testing whether you are attentive. It is obvious that you have not devoted yourself to the physical examination. This group will not be counted. Let's start again."

Sennaxi almost lost her expression. She squatted half a set, but her buttocks were already sore. She must have completed Allen's request, and her legs were no longer able to walk.

The mage is not a warrior.

On weekdays, whoever has nothing to do to exercise would probably imitate Karma Taj's melee mage.

"Then switch to push-ups, and do the same three sets of twenty."

Allen couldn't wait to lie down on the ground, looking sideways in anticipation of observing the majestic scenery, and said seriously: "Don't get me wrong, this angle allows me to see more clearly whether your movements are standard."

Seeing through but not telling off, Sennaxi is happy to see the opponent's crazy behavior, feeling that her charm is fully displayed, and she can completely manipulate his mind.

Rise and fall with push-ups.

When the hanging mountains touch the ground, they are squeezed flat and extend outward.

Senasi took care of Allen's visual experience and deliberately slowed down the motion.

As a result, he couldn't do more than five push-ups, and his arms trembled and swayed.

Having never exercised physical fitness, it is naturally impossible to easily complete high-intensity requirements.


"It's flat! It's flat!"

Unable to hold on any longer, Sainahi lay down helplessly.

Then, Allen's eyes were as big as copper bells, and he said coquettishly: "The mountains have turned into basins, and young people are under great pressure."

"Why don't you come over and help me?" Sai Naxi said coquettishly.

"I'm coming."

Seeing Allen approaching urgently, a hint of cunning flashed in Senasi's eyes.

When they were face to face, Seinaxi took this opportunity to slightly open her thin lips and exhale a puff of pink smoke.

Without warning, Allen inhaled some pink gas.

"Finally done."

Senasi couldn't help but smile proudly and said: "After being infected by my exclusive charm powder, you have fallen hopelessly in love with me. As time goes by, I can make you willing to give up your life with just one word."

From beginning to end, she had been planning and waiting for this moment.

As initial observations lead to the conclusion that building a relationship normally is a bit unrealistic.

First of all, the target is a little neurotic and it is difficult to ensure the emotional bond like normal people. Secondly, there are many competitors and there is no time to cultivate feelings, so the goal must be promoted through external things.

"You are such a vicious woman."

Allen said sadly and angrily: "I don't allow others to play with my feelings, I can only accept others playing with my delicate body."

After that, he picked up Erha who was biting the quilt.

As for the unruly Erha, he couldn't figure out what immoral thing his host was going to do, but his wild eyes showed disdain.

"I won't let you succeed, bad woman." Allen said angrily.

"Without my antidote, you will soon become a slave who obeys my every word."

Seeing that the other party would rather die than surrender, Sinahi became even happier and enjoyed the process of taming a man.

However, Allen raised Erha and rubbed it hard on his face, the fluffy mane irritating his nasal cavity.

Ah sneeze!

Allen sneezed out and sprayed Erha's face with saliva.

The dog stuck out his tongue and licked the saliva from his face.

"It's smooth."

Allen took a deep breath, feeling energetic, and successfully eliminated the charm powder from his body.


Senasi felt so bad that she never considered sneezing to resolve the problem.

"Erha, what's wrong with you?"

Allen suddenly noticed that Erha's unruly eyes were no longer, his pupils turned pink, his tongue was hanging out, and he looked completely excited.

"Woof woof woof..."

Erha struggled and fell to the ground. He looked at Sennaxi, swaying his long and slender tail, and flew up. His forelimbs hugged his calf, and his small body started to move like a motor.

In an instant, Allen cast a disgusted look and couldn't help cursing: "Eh... you are such a licking dog."

"Damn it, it's so disgusting."

Sai Naxi raised her leg to throw Erha away, turned around and ran away through the door.

Before she could escape out the door, Erha hugged her calf again and behaved in a disgusting and dirty manner.

"Don't chase me."

Sai Naxi kicked Erha away and continued to run away, but Erha persisted in pursuit.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Cerberus is a female dog that is only in the puppy stage.

The other female mages who heard the commotion poked their heads out to see what was going on. Seeing Sennaxi's embarrassed appearance, they couldn't help but taunt her.

"It turned out to be a coward from the Spencer family. I guess he used dirty methods, but it ended up being self-defeating."

"The way she looked at the target on the first day, she felt like she was going crazy."

"Isn't that right? We can't finish talking about her family's bad things for three days and three nights."


Within a quarter of an hour, Erha staggered back, looking depressed.

Sai Naxi fled back to the room and gave Erha the antidote to remove the charm effect. Otherwise, she would be chased by a hell dog all day long, and she would be very upset just thinking about it.

"Silly dog, I have a bold idea."

When Erha saw Allen's tall figure, he was so frightened that he retreated to a corner, cursed and barked: "Woof, woof, woof..."

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