American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 193 Usage of Allen’s Ikeon Form

A gold coin flipped back and forth between Allen's fingers. His sharp eyes looked at the young nuns gathered together from time to time, and sometimes looked at the nuns who were hanging clothes. His eyes were full of criticism, scanning their chests and buttocks.

"How long are you going to keep this posture?" Agatha asked boredly.

After breakfast, Allen stuck out his butt, played with gold coins between his fingers on his right hand, and kept observing the nuns. No matter how he looked at them, he felt that they were not serious.

"My name is Detective Ke Bei. Based on many years of criminal investigation experience, I already have a clue."

Allen held the gold coin, threw it to Agatha, and said with a mysterious smile: "No sin will be able to escape."

"Oh Beibi."

When talking about having fun, Allen turned his head and ended up sitting on the ground. He stood up and patted the dust on his butt. He said calmly: "I'm so cool."

"What do you have an idea about?"

Agatha didn't understand Alan's thoughts.

From yesterday to now, he only focused on throwing coins and did nothing at all.

"I've already given you a hint, just sit back and wait for the answer to be revealed in the end."

Allen can't help but like to show off, but the prerequisite is that the preparations are completed and the last step is told slowly and slowly.

"What hint?"

Agatha looked at the gold coins in her hand and asked, "Are the gold coins a clue?"

"It won't be fun if you say it." Allen said cowardly.

Night falls.

In the bedroom, Geralt, Agatha, and Ancient One suddenly discovered that Allen was missing after dinner.

Allen had said hello in advance that he was going to dig out the dirty things in the monastery and let them do their own thing.

In fact, they wanted to see what tricks Allen was playing, and they couldn't find him after tracking him for a while.


A full moon hangs high in the sky.

The crow perched on the branch emitted a shrill cry.

Two figures, one large and one small, were walking among the woods next to the monastery, holding oil lamps.

"Mommy, I want to go back to sleep."

The little girl rubbed her sleepy eyes and cast a pleading look at Dean Ciri.

“Nisha, do me one favor and hold on a little longer.”

Dean Ciri led Nisha to an ancient tree deep in the woods, and there was a tree hole under the tree.

Looking at the dark environment around her, Nissa was so scared that she hid behind Dean Ciri, looking a little at a loss.

"Nissa, get into the tree hole and help grandma find something." Dean Xiri said patiently.

"What is it?"

Nessa, who was simple-minded, asked in confusion.

"It's a very important thing. You'll know it when you climb in. Grandma is old and can't bend down, so the brave Nissa can only help." Dean Xirui's words were full of bewitching.

“Nisha is willing to help grandma.”

Nisha took courage in advance and had a serious expression on her face.

As Nisha crawled into the tree hole, she let out a scream of terror within a minute, but the sound stopped abruptly within a few seconds.

At this time, Dean Xirui was full of guilt and repented.

"Lord, forgive my sins, I have no choice but to..."

After the confession, Dean Ciri gathered her mood and staggered back to the monastery.

But she had no idea that there was a pair of eyes witnessing the whole process.

That's right, Allen was invisible throughout the whole process.

In the middle of the night, Dean Ciri stayed up and took the little girl to the woods. Things seemed particularly strange.

Either they have special hobbies or they have ulterior secrets.

As expected, there are indeed problems.

Allen is quite vocal when it comes to patience.

He once won multiple fly competition championships in Qingshan Rehabilitation Center.

Whoever gets a grain of rice on the tip of his nose and has the most flies on his nose wins.

Looking towards the tree hole, Allen squinted his eyes and his mind became more active.

Inside the tree hole.

Nisha was horrified to find that there were many children trapped here.

They were dressed in the monastery uniform, but she couldn't remember the names of the children.

The arms-thick branches were entangled and imprisoned, and the weak body could not break free no matter how hard it tried.

Moreover, she saw some children's bones on the ground, and a chilling fear filled her whole brain.

In the middle of the tree hole, there is an altar made of tree stumps. Children's skulls are displayed as candlesticks. Some unknown hairs, old cloths, and dried viscera are arranged into a ritual full of evil.

In front of the altar, a rickety and twisted figure muttered something in an incomprehensible language.

The monster looks like a woman, its dark skin is covered with dirty dirt, and it even exudes a disgusting smell.

Cluck cluck...

Suddenly, a strange sound sounded, like someone squeezing his throat and making him breathless.

The monster stopped chanting the curse and looked in the direction of the sound source.

With a pair of dark pupils, looking at the empty place, he couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion.

Cluck cluck...

The strange noise sounded again, but from another direction.

The monster grabbed the bone blade on the altar and waved it tentatively.

The result was absolutely nothing.

Cluck cluck...

Cluck cluck...

Cluck cluck...

At this time, there were sounds from more than one direction, and dense strange sounds sounded together, as if there were many invisible and terrifying creatures hidden in the entire tree hole.


The monster picked up the skull and threw it, but it still hit nothing.


Nessa screamed in fear and looked at a figure appearing out of thin air in the tree hole.

The monster followed his gaze and found a strange man covered in mud and with branches stuck on his head.

Seeing this, the monsters froze on the spot, probably trying to figure out whether they were the same kind.

The next moment, the scene before his eyes was like a monster falling into panic.

One after another, figures appeared out of thin air in the tree hole.

The key is that they all look exactly the same, just like clones of the same person.


The monster had only one idea and fled towards the tree hole exit without hesitation.

Not knowing the strength of the other party and what species it belongs to, I very carefully chose to stay away from the edge.

Cluck cluck...

The strange sound was made by the other party with his mouth open, but it just kept lingering in his ears, like a lingering magic sound.

As soon as the monster came out of the tree hole and tried to escape into the depths of the woods, he suddenly found that the trees were full of strange figures.

Turn around decisively and run in another direction.

At the same time, the monsters moved and crawled on all fours, making weird noises from their mouths as they chased the monsters.

In the bedroom.

Geralt greased his sword carefully.

The weapon that accompanies you through life and death is like your second life, and you must take special care of it.

"There's movement!"

Geralt's ears twitched slightly, and he immediately stopped maintaining his weapon and looked through the window toward the woods.

The demon hunter's physical fitness is permanently enhanced through magic potions, and his sensory level is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Besides, walking on the edge of life and death all year round, it is already a function of staying vigilant.

Agatha and Ancient One, who were meditating, opened their eyes and cast questioning glances at Geralt.

"There are many creatures in the woods, running towards the monastery." Geralt explained.

The sudden movement made Geralt unsure whether it was an enemy or a friend, because the number was comparable to an army.

"We can't sit still and wait for death. Yao Mei informs the dean that Geralt and I will resist first."


The three of them quickly left the bedroom.

The Ancient One rushed to tell each other, while Geralt and Agatha formed a close and distant cooperation, hoping to delay some time.

Indeed, the footsteps of a large number of creatures could be clearly heard.

Because the branches and leaves of the trees blocked the moonlight, only darkness appeared.

Geralt has a pair of golden pupils and has a certain range of night vision.

"It's coming, get ready!"

Geralt grasped the sword with both hands.

Agatha raised her bow and fixed her gaze on the woods.

Not long after, a female-like monster ran out of the woods, sometimes looking back in horror, as if it was trying to avoid being chased by something scary.

Immediately afterwards, groups of unknown creatures crawling on all fours chased after him.

call out!

A golden arrow streaked across the night sky, accurately hitting a chasing unknown creature.

"what happened?"

Agatha saw herself shooting one target and disappearing with the rest.

This scene caused the monsters to stop running for their lives, and instead looked suspiciously into the woods, fearing that they would appear in groups again the next second.

"Are you sick? Why did you shoot me?"

Covered in mud and with a branch on his head, Allen walked out of the woods angrily.


Agatha was disgusted with Alan's new look. She smeared her shirtless with mud and couldn't figure out her brain circuit.

"Answer me first, why did you shoot me?" Allen asked angrily.

"Who makes you look like a monster?"

Agatha said awkwardly: "She also created so many projection clones. I thought she was being chased by monsters, so I rescued her."

Allen tore off the branches on his head, wiped the mud off his face, and corrected: "She is a monster. I played the monster to scare her out. This is not a mirror projection. It is a serious incarnation spell, the form of Ikeen, and the mount. , one thing to say, we really don’t have any tacit understanding, so they didn’t take any action when they were super big.”

The starting position of Ikeen's form is like the unfolding of the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara, and then it evolves into hundreds of incarnations.

Doctor Strange once used it to deal with Thanos.

In fact, the spell has many flaws.

For example, if an avatar is attacked and the instantaneous spell fails, or all avatars can only cast an ordinary spell with the main body, it is wishful thinking to form an army by one person.

"Not always."

Agatha whispered.

In fact, Geralt was fighting in close combat, otherwise he would have been hacked away.

Allen looks more like a monster than a monster, and he wants to strike anyone with a sword.

"Subian Hezi."

With a drink, the crimson chains extended from Allen's hips, wrapping around the monster who was about to escape.

"She eats children. I suspect she is Cantonese."

Alan dragged the monster up to Geralt to identify its origin.

"Eating children?"

Geralt captures key information points.

"I made a mark in the woods. Looking along, I can see a tree hole. There are many children and many bones inside." Allen said truthfully.

"Wait me a moment."

Geralt escapes into the woods to find out.

At this time, the three abbesses led the nuns to escort the child out of the monastery building.

It was just that the imagined crisis did not happen, so they gathered their courage and gathered around to see what was going on.

When Dean Xirui saw the monster, his expression suddenly changed.

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