American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 180 Allen owns a girl mount

"I made a bet with you."

Agatha figured it out, it would be shameful for the other party not to ride her as a mount.

"You really don't want to consider giving Maid Happy Pony a try?" Allen asked coquettishly.


Agatha refused resolutely.

That thing is for serious women to ride.

She thought in her mind that she would sell Ellen to the old and ugly black witch.

I heard that practicing black magic makes one's heart become twisted and dark. Many old witches like to abuse young bodies, and they must like Ellen's fresh appearance.

As batch after batch participated in the test, the elimination rate exceeded 70%.

So far, only two people from the first two batches have been able to successfully complete the portal spell.

Even if it causes a little spark, it will be considered a pass.

Among them, many people know very well that it is only the first step of testing, and there will still be an elimination mechanism next.

Some people are lucky and may not be able to grow to the level of mage smoothly.

After a while, Agatha and Allen were left, and the remaining ten people finished.

Those who failed, gathered together.

At that time, a portal will send them all back to the city at the foot of the mountain, allowing them to make their own decisions.

Agatha casually picked up the mysterious ring and put it on, and looked at Allen aside, thinking about whether to wear it on her left hand or right hand.

"Alan, come on."

At this time, Gu Yi shouted words of encouragement, sincerely hoping that he could pass.

After getting along with him, she realized that Allen's brain was not normal and it might be difficult for him to survive alone. At least he had a place to live in Kama Taj.

"Don't worry, Sister Yao."

Allen put on the Xuan Ring on his right hand and waved towards Gu Yi.

At this time, Agatha had already begun to cast spells, and her movements were so standard that there was no fault.

Draw a circle with one hand.

There was a burst of sparks in front of him.

Obviously, it passed the assessment standard.

The old mage nodded with satisfaction, it was obvious that it was a good idea.

In Kama Taj, we don’t pay attention to background, but only care about magic talent.

Official mages have the same status, regardless of high or low. They get corresponding positions according to their strength, shoulder more responsibilities, and thus gain more authority.

Of course, if you were Agamotto's illegitimate son, that would be a different story.

Agatha kept drawing circles on her hands, and the portal spell became more and more perfect.

I casually glanced at Allen, and I was shocked to find that there was nothing in front of me.

No magical talent.

Agatha couldn't help but feel disappointed.

If you fail to complete the test, you will not be able to stay at Karma Taj, and naturally you will not be able to fulfill your bet.

Gu Yi sighed helplessly, it seemed that they were destined to be separated.

I was thinking about placing it in the city and taking some time to take care of it.

The step ends.

The portal never formed in front of Allen.

And Agatha was shocked to find that she had performed a complete teleportation. She had practiced it many times before, but had not been able to fully master it. She never thought that she could perform exceptionally well.

"You can't be my mount. Although I'm a little disappointed, it's fate after all. It's a pity that you don't have the potential to become a mage." Agatha did not forget to sarcastically say.

"Have you ever thought about the reversal of the ending? I won, Jie Jie Jie..."

Allen's proud expression immediately aroused disdainful looks from everyone in the crowd.

Telling lies with your eyes open is really ridiculous.

The result is clear at a glance.

There was no portal in front of him, and not even a single spark appeared. He thought everyone was a fool.

"If you win, what will you win for?"

Agatha looked at Alan with a sneer.

If he keeps messing around, the old mage will not tolerate him.

"Take this."

As he spoke, Allen raised his hand and pointed at the portal in front of Agatha. As his finger moved, the portal moved aside.

At the original location, there was an unfinished portal.


For a moment, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Immediately, I wanted to understand what was going on.

It turns out that Allen's portal covered Agatha's portal, creating the illusion that it was not completed, causing everyone to make wrong judgments.

" did it?"

Agatha was shocked beyond measure.

Beginners cannot control the position of the portal at will, but Allen can do it easily. Could it be that the mage is disguised as an apprentice.

At the same time, everyone was shocked by Allen's talent.

Even the old mage's eyes sparkled.

Preliminary mastery is not a skill. Many apprentices will learn it once but lose it as soon as they use it. It takes time to train to be able to use it skillfully.

And for Allen to be able to achieve results that surpassed others in a lot of time for the first time, his talent is nothing short of monstrous.

In fact, it all depends on the arcane talent of the mage profession.

How could he not know whether Allen had magic talent?

Of course, the most shocking person was Gu Yi.

She had mixed feelings. She really hoped that Allen could stay, but with such an outstanding performance, it was inevitable that she would feel a little jealous.

"As long as you have hands."

Allen casually opened another portal.

This time, the pre-cast wave was omitted.

At this scene, the old mage's eyes bulged out.

The second time to simplify the spell steps, the key is to maintain two portals.

Isn't this the candidate they dream of as the Supreme Mage!


Allen shouted and jumped into the portal.

Before Agatha could react, she felt a heavy weight on her back. Looking back, she saw that it was Allen riding on her back, and asked in confusion: "What do you want to do?"

"If you lose, you will be a mount and ride..."

Allen was as excited as a 130-pound kid.

In an instant, Agatha's whole face fell down, and she suddenly remembered the bet between them.

Serve as a mount for a madman.

What a crime.

Kama Taj welcomes apprentices for the first time.

The originally lifeless Mage Holy Land became lively.

Apprentices, they will face the second test next, mastering five spells in one month.

Portals and combat spells are required, and the rest of the spells are optional.

Allen's outstanding performance immediately attracted the attention of the mages, and he felt that he had a high chance of becoming one of the contenders for the Supreme Mage.

Of course, there are no absolutes in this world, and there may be a sudden emergence of a dark horse.

In the training ground, the apprentices put on Kama Taj's training uniforms and were practicing portal spells collectively.

Allen was the only one standing alone, meditating with his eyes closed.

"Ellen, don't think that because you have outstanding talent, you can ignore it. Please don't waste your talent."

The black mage in charge of supervision couldn't bear to see Allen's unruly manner of disobeying the arrangements.

"Sauri, I am cultivating immortality. My true identity is an immortal cultivator. I can learn magic at a glance."

Allen kept his eyes closed and showed no intention of getting up.

"Forget it, whatever you want."

The black mage's expression was filled with hatred, and he must report this matter and take a look at the Supreme Mage's arrangements.

As soon as the morning training is over.

The supervising mage announced that he could go to the cafeteria to eat. Allen opened his eyes instantly, jumped up, and jumped on the back of Agatha who was about to slip away.

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat."

As Allen spoke, a portal had been formed, and he shouted towards Gu Yi: "You are not active in eating, there is something wrong with your brain, Yao Mei, keep up."

The black mage looked at the backs of the three people walking into the portal, and frowned as he looked at the mysterious rings that had been withdrawn.

Suddenly he realized a problem. This guy could open the portal without using the mysterious ring or gestures.

"Crazy, really crazy. Is this talent? No wonder I don't want to train."

The dissatisfaction with Allen just now was gone.

Let me ask an apprentice with such a terrifying talent, what qualifications does he have to teach magic and interfere with his growth path.

He is just a formal teacher, not an older veteran mage.

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