American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 165 Allen’s Treatment for Laughter

Arkham Fortress.

"Unita Sensen, transmit Plan No. 1 to the Batcave and deploy a laboratory."

"Okay, Commander."

Allen looked at the Laughing Bat fixed on the metal frame.

Woo woo woo...

The Laughing Bat had a prop ball stuffed in his mouth and kept whimpering and trying to speak.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure you."

Allen gave a look of relief and strode into the laboratory.

At this time, all the members gathered around the Laughing Bat, amazed that there was such a terrifying Batman.

"I thought he was plagiarizing me, but I had no proof."

Arthur looked at him with disdain.

The Laughing Bat really made him feel uncomfortable, it was pure disordered madness, pure destruction for the sake of destruction.

"Nanawi thought he was imitating his master."

Nanawi tilted his head and reached out to take off the metal eyepatch on the Laughing Bat's face. A pair of eyes covered with dense bloodshot eyes revealed terrifying madness.

"It's so scary."

Nanawi hurriedly put the blindfold back on.

"I mentioned the Dark Multiverse before, so are there countless identical worlds in universes other than ours?" Morbius pondered.

He had the highest academic qualifications among those present, and his codename of Dr. Dark Night was not random.

"In Atlantis science, there is a multiverse theory, but the energy required to open the channel is unimaginable."

The former King Orm received royal education from an early age, and his knowledge level was unquestionable, and he could barely answer the question of Morbius.

The others were confused.

They didn't even understand the universe they were in, and they had no intention of caring about other universes.

Not long after, Allen came out holding a syringe.

"Boss, is your syringe a bit big?"

Edward looked at the syringe like a knitting needle in shock, which seemed to be used to inject elephants.

"I was afraid I wouldn't have enough, so I picked the extra large."

Allen held the arm-thick syringe in both hands and proudly showed off: "Let me tell you, I used to be an alchemist. Do you know the super serum injected by Captain America? But after I improved it, it is very easy to create an emotional virus." reasonable."

After saying that, Allen shook the syringe.

Suddenly, the colorful liquids stored in it mixed and intertwined, and even emitted wisps of fluorescence.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like serious research results in the field of biology.

Moreover, the results produced in a quarter of an hour can't help but make people suspicious.

"Boss, you are sure it will work."

Morbius raised a question. He is an expert in the biological field. His own ability is the serum extracted from a rare bat. It is clear that it is abnormal based on the color.

Solvents are generally transparent or light in color, and naturally cannot be so dense that they emit colorful fluorescence.

To be precise, he felt it was more like radioactive powder.

"Have fun with Bray."

Allen said proudly: "I have previously developed an injection to change the past, and I have experience in serum for mental aspects. I named this one Qicai Wuxiu Injection."

"What's the point?" Arthur asked cooperatively.

"Good question."

Allen held up the syringe to find where to start, and did not forget to explain: "There is no doubt that the purpose can be heard from the name. The beneficiary will be born with seven personalities to take over the body seven days a week."

"Everyone help me, pull off his pants, or give him an injection in his butt."

The Laughing Bat struggled hard, but could not withstand the strength of several big men, and the prop ball on its mouth happened to fall.

"Don't mess around. What kind of personality do they have?"

At this time, the Laughing Bat panicked a little.

Previously, he had speculated about suppressing madness by enhancing different emotions.

But the result is to use different personalities to cover up the main personality, which is completely unexpected.

Allen said righteously: "You are no longer worthy of being Batman."

As soon as he finished speaking, the needle was inserted into the right position.

"Let me all in, Jie Jie Jie..."

Allen's smile was ferocious and excited. There was at least two liters of serum in the syringe. With the force of his hand, the personality serum was injected into the laughing bat bit by bit.

"Oh yo yo..."

"Stop it, it's too much."

"If one injection doesn't work, it should be divided into multiple injections."


The madness on the Laughing Bat's face was obviously reduced a lot, and his words were no longer as arrogant and crazy as before.

"A one-time injection is required to give birth to a new personality 100%. Do you want to know what kind of personality they are?" Allen showed a sly smile.

"What personality?"

The Laughing Bat subconsciously asked.

"I won't tell you, I'll understand it myself."

Allen increased his strength on his hands.

With the continuous injection of personality serum, the Laughing Bat's hips became asymmetrical.


Pull out the syringe.

The Laughing Bat lay limply on the table with a look of despair, as if it had been trampled and humiliated by a group of strong men.

"He's not dead, is he?" Nick asked.

Although he has the power of the god Seth and can observe the soul, the Laughing Bat is a human in the anti-matter universe and cannot sense the existence of the soul.

"Those who can't die will be alive and well in a moment."

Allen waved his hands, looking confident.

Suddenly, the Laughing Bat turned over and sat up, covered his chest with his hands, curled up and glared at everyone, crying and saying in shame: "How can you beasts do such a thing to others."


A muscular man actually showed a delicate posture, which immediately made everyone shudder. They couldn't help but look at Allen and cast questioning glances.

Sure enough, the mental circuit is abnormal and a female personality emerges. Don't disgust everyone to death.

"That's not right. My designs are all about positive male personalities. I hope I can have an extra helper."

Allen touched his chin and examined the Laughing Bat, trying to find out what the problem was.

"The bullying is not enough. What do you want to do, you lunatic? I'm warning you, I'd rather die than obey." Two tears streamed down the face of the laughing bat, which looked like a chaste and heroic woman.

"Ah da!"

"Get back to normal."

Allen was really disgusted and did not hesitate to give him a righteous blow.

The Laughing Bat was beaten and cried until it rained heavily.

"Fuck, I get it."

Allen came to the conclusion and said seriously: "It is the effect produced by the matter from the anti-matter universe and the positive matter universe, which evolved into the opposite distortion effect."

"That makes sense." Morbius nodded in agreement.

In the universe of matter and antimatter, the rules develop in opposite ways, and the results must be completely opposite.

It's just that what kind of seven female personalities were born in the body of the Laughing Bat.

"You can't inject him with personality serum to correct him." Orm asked.


Allen lamented: "I'm worried that he escaped to create an antidote and deliberately designed irreversible properties."


Furthermore, Allen made three more personality serums for Laughing Robin to use.

With the raw materials depleted, there is no way to create another serum to save them.

"Then what to do with them?"

Russell looked at the squirming Laughing Bat with undisguised disgust in his eyes.

If he were to be placed in Arkham Fortress, he would be the first to opt out of Midnight Bully, which is so disgusting.

"It's very simple, just leave it to Zheng Lian to handle."

Allen also didn't want to take another look at the Laughing Bat. Of course, he would not admit that it was a major failure of his.

"Your Excellency Commander, there is a communication link coming from the Batcave."


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