American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 160 Gotham Rookie Midnight Bully

"Director Gordon, is it convenient to reveal the specific circumstances of this case?"

Outside the museum, a reporter from Gotham TV looked eager to know the facts of the case, and the microphone in his hand almost hit Gordon's face.

"Sorry, no comment."

Gordon had a straight face and disliked aggressive reporters. He relied on the reporter's right to know and kept asking questions like a lingering fly. He even deliberately led the topic to create public opinion.

"I know I know."

At this time, the Midnight Bullies and the Funny Group appeared in front of reporters, immediately attracting all the attention.

If you can walk out of the museum unharmed, you will definitely know the details, unlike others who either escort you out or carry them out.

"Sir, what do you call me?"

The beautiful reporter had a smile on her face and had already thought of a set of professional words to create an effect.

As a result, Allen grabbed the microphone, slapped his face in front of the camera lens, and said enthusiastically: "Good evening, citizens of Gotham with pure folk customs, I am the superhero funny bat stepping on the roof of your house. Currently, He leads two teams, the Midnight Bullies and the Comedy Team, to guard every lonely night in Gotham. It’s easy to get angry when working the night shift. If you need to relieve your anger, please go to the Riddle Penguin Wonderful House. You can enjoy a 20% discount when you become a member in the next three days. , ensuring great value for money and a different experience.”

"Please give me the phone back."

The beautiful reporter pulled at the microphone but couldn't pull it back.

Allen took the opportunity to place an advertisement for his industry and immediately returned to the topic.

"Everyone must want to hear the latest news. Funny Bat exclusively provides first-hand information, so keep up."

Allen waved his hand and motioned for the photographer to follow him with the camera.

He walked straight to the owl priest and lifted his hood, revealing a ferocious and terrifying appearance.

"Have you seen it? They are humanoid creatures living underground. They kidnapped the powerful people of Gotham City and wanted to use their resources to destroy the entire city. Fortunately, under my wise and powerful commander, Midnight Bully and Funny God The group successfully prevented human tragedy from happening."

The owl priest angrily spoke in an unintelligible language.

Allen was not used to it. He raised his hand and punched him, warning: "Speak in Chinese."

"You just wait to die, Batman has fulfilled his final destiny."

"Ah da!"

Listening to the priest's nonsense, Allen raised his foot and urged the police officer: "Take him away, take him away, and interrogate him strictly."

The police officers helped the priest and put him into the escort vehicle.

Allen did not forget to explain: "I, the Funny Bat, have always been approachable. Just now, it was entirely out of justice for the villain and criminals. Did you feel my justice?"

The photography guy shook the camera up and down very sensibly, and if he didn't cooperate, he would kick him.

By chance, four Gotham dignitaries walked out, shouting crazily at the camera.

"Help, we are not crazy, it is all their conspiracy."

"This man is crazy. He is not a good person. Don't believe him."

"I'm a normal person, and he wants to put us in a lunatic asylum."

Allen turned away the camera with one hand and said sadly: "Did you see that these non-human priests persecuted Gotham's elite to the point of becoming insane? Fortunately, they were rescued in time, otherwise they would become manipulated puppets and have a negative impact on Gotham City. Blunder."

"They are secretly creating claw warriors, all transformed from the dead. It is simply a blasphemy against the dead."

"Those guys in leather jackets are all killers from the Assassin's League. They actually committed crimes against humanity for money."

Allen introduced the identity of the villain and criminal and revealed explosive news.

Usually, the police hide the incident, fearing that the incident will spread and cause panic.

The beautiful reporter who originally wanted to rob her was very smart and stayed with her. She didn't need to worry about it at all. She was even considering whether to establish a long-term cooperative relationship.

"The person being escorted is the criminal leader of the Assassin's League. Let's interview him."

Allen put the microphone on Lei Xiao'aogu's face and asked: "I would like to ask Mr. Lei Xiao'aogu, the leader of the Assassin League and the title of Ninja Master, if he is aware of the mistakes he has made and feels deeply regretful."

"Alan, I want to kill you, I will definitely kill you." Lei Xiaoaogu roared angrily.

Even though his hands and feet were shackled, he still wanted to make a sneak attack.

As a result, the electric shock shackles produced by Wayne Group instantly triggered the current function.

Lei Xiaoaogu lay straight on the ground and gritted his teeth.

"Have you seen how brutal and terrifying it is?"

Allen kept sarcastic: "The ninja profession originated from the Chrysanthemum Kingdom. It is known that the Chrysanthemum Kingdom has committed war crimes against humanity. He also calls himself a ninja master. You can imagine how dark his heart is. If he hadn't looked at him At this age, I am possessed by a sea cucumber. I raised my golden right leg and kicked him into pieces with a whirlwind sweep. I tell you, I am not kidding."

Citizens staying at home did not pay attention to the Wayne Tower fire and turned to channels to watch the live broadcast.

Looking at the picture, Allen's explanation in a passionate voice felt particularly interesting.

Normally, they kept a distance from criminals, but now they felt so comfortable when they saw the criminals' embarrassment up close.

This guy dresses up as Batman, but in a more entertaining and humorous way.

Overnight, the public's heated discussion about the Funny Bat far exceeded that of the terrifying Batman.

At the same time, the four Robins faced interviews with multiple television stations.

A reporter timidly walked up to Nanawi and asked cautiously: "Can I interview you?"


Nanawi stretched out his four-fingered palm, greeted the camera, and then began to introduce himself: "Nanawi is the shark Robin of the funny group. Nanawi is the pet of the owner Funny Bat. Nanawi likes pink. Female dolphin, Nanawi likes to eat potato chips..."

Arthur the Clown, Edward the Riddler, and Cobot the Penguin forced reporters to interview them.

"If you don't point the camera at me, I will point my gun at you, Jie Jie Jie..."

The cameraman of the federal television station immediately took the camera to Arthur.

The clown's reputation is so popular that he does what he says, so he doesn't want to put his life on the line.

"Mr. Clown, what do you want to say?"

The reporter was so frightened that his brain shut down and he couldn't think of the question for a moment. He just asked the clown to say something and settled the matter in a hurry.

"Correction, I am now clown Robin, a hero who joins the funny team to protect Gotham City."

As he said that, Arthur raised his eyebrows, but unfortunately he was blocked by the eyepatch and could not show a confident look.

"The Funny Bat's words made me choose a different fate. From now on, I will serve my sentence in Arkham Asylum during the day and protect Gotham at night."

Arthur's eyes became deep, and his tone was slightly admiring:

"He said, I don't hate him, but I love him in a twisted way."

"He said that in Gotham City, everyone is a clown."

"He said, you are clowns of emotion, clowns of life, and clowns of work."

"He said now the owls and vampires are going to kill all the clowns."

"He said, can I leave the clowns I love so much alone?"

"He said, I can't, I am your beacon of faith, I am the king of clowns."

"So, I stepped up and I'm your Robin the Clown."


Cobot held his head high and said confidently: "Edward and I are no longer criminals, but serious businessmen. I believe you have heard of the Riddle Penguin House?"

"What, you haven't heard of it?"

Edward chimed in: "Remember the address: No. 999 Washington Street. It's open 24 hours a day and gives you an exclusive experience. New customers can try it at half price. Don't miss it if you pass by."

Arthur promoted the concept of clowning, and many people felt the same way after hearing it, and gradually understood and tolerated him...

And Edward and Copperpot will launch a wave of advertising, and the Riddle Penguin Wonderful House is expected to have a booming business.

As for the cute Nanawi, he has actually gained many fans.

At this moment, Allen walked up to the four Midnight Bullies and made a grand introduction.

Superheroes don’t need to eat, so what’s the problem with taking the commercial route?

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