American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 145 Allen deceived his second teammate

The desperadoes who were digging stopped their work one after another and looked up at the sudden helicopter. They couldn't help but think that they were important military figures who came to the scene to guide the work.

Similar things happen all the time.

Moreover, a terrifying rumor has been circulating recently that the ghost of the Pharaoh is echoing in the Sahara Desert, killing tomb robbers mysteriously.

At this time, a man who looked like a leader, holding a cigarette in his mouth, slowly tied up his belt.

Behind them, two naked female slaves could be vaguely seen lying in the sunshade tent.

The area has been a war-torn area, with many militants capturing homeless women and selling them on the black market.

It can be said to be a gathering place for filth and evil.

Of course, superheroes are selectively blind and naturally ignore evil to breed.

"Damn it, who is it?"

The leader was disturbed and spat displeasedly, saying, "I didn't know how to make a satellite phone call before coming. It's really rude."

Before the helicopter could land, a slender, dry figure jumped down from a height of tens of meters.

Suddenly, the leader frowned.

At such a high position, even if the ground is full of yellow sand, fractures may occur on the spot.

Whoever is so fierce will risk his life.

Then, his eyes widened with a horrified expression on his face.

That withered figure was approaching quickly like a ghost.

The next moment, he took out his pistol and attacked.

All because the visitor looked like a newly unearthed mummy.


Unfortunately, the power of the bullet could not stop Drake's attack, and the sharp fangs pierced the main artery in his neck.

Gudong, Gudong...

Drake greedily drank in the long-lost taste of blood.

At the same time, the appearance of the body is recovering at a terrifying speed. The originally withered body becomes swollen and plump as if water has been injected into it, and the sparse hair is also growing crazily.

After throwing away the blood food, Drake still had more to say.

After being imprisoned for thousands of years, he has been hungry and thirsty for too long, and needs enough blood to restore his strength.

Returning to the original appearance does not mean that the strength has returned to its peak.

He needed more blood.

Suddenly he looked back and looked at the excavation site.

The tomb robbers had tools in their hands and were so frightened that they forgot to escape for a moment.

Drake, who had recovered some of his strength, ran towards the tomb robber at high speed, with an afterimage appearing on his body.

"Pharaoh is resurrected, run!"

"Don't kill me. I am older and younger."

"I am innocent, I was forced by the leader..."

The criminal's sophistry seemed particularly pale.

They are not only tomb robbers, but also traitors. They even take up arms and become executioners who massacre civilians. They do not deserve any sympathy.

Nick, hiding under the sand, witnessed everything and chose to remain silent.

He used to be in the SEAL team and was used to killing people. He didn't have the benevolent mentality of the Virgin, and he just obeyed the mission given by Seth.

At this time, I felt a stampede on my back.

Immediately, the sound of someone speaking was heard.

"This is a good location. Let's see who can pee for the longest time."

As he spoke, Allen stepped on his feet and signaled: "Pee in this position, whoever peeing crookedly loses."

"How about changing to another one, I want to go to the big size." Cobot said in a low voice.

Edward and Copperpot obeyed Allen's words.

Who knows that they are mortals, and if they don't make the mentally ill happy, a violent beating is a light thing. If they don't have any sense, they will be sent directly to intensive care.

"When we pee out a hole, you can play the tuba again."

Allen marked a range with his toes, and Nick, who was hiding under the yellow sand, felt something bad, right at the position of his butt.


Stand tall.

Nick stopped pretending.

Looking at the three people in weird costumes and a shark man, Nick's eyes felt strange.

The clown Arthur is still unconscious in the helicopter, bleeding too much and in a weak state.

"Tom Cruise, my favorite movie is Mission: Impossible 8: The Night Raid on the Eight-Child Madame, which you played. Although the plot is very bland and the actors are also average, the focus is on curiosity. The lady is two meters tall. I was very involved in watching it. Her left hand A quick movement of his right hand, what do you think the result was?" Allen asked coquettishly.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked subconsciously.

"I'm bald."


Nick came back to his senses, frowned and asked: "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

He already guessed that the other party had discovered him a long time ago and was just teasing him intentionally.

"You don't want to know how to get rid of Seth's control?" Allen said with a smile.

"I want to know, can you tell me?"

Of course, Seth, one of the nine pillar gods, is not a kind and friendly god, nor will he dare to disobey orders and directly let him experience the feeling of death like the moon god Kongsu.

And, throughout the movie, he's constantly looking for a way out of his control.

Allen said calmly: "I don't know, I haven't taken the second step of the new mummy when I traveled through time."

Then tell me something.

It's like making it very clear.

When the conversation changed, Allen said: "As long as you help me once, I will help you contact professionals."


Nick had a look of disbelief. This person was clearly not normal, and he felt that none of his words could be believed.

"For example, Constantine, who dares to challenge the Huha Demon and the God of Death, the Ancient One, the Supreme Mage who sits in Kama Taj, or Thor, the Moon Worshiping Leader of Asgard, they will definitely have ways to help you."

The three people Allen mentioned are indeed capable of doing it.

Constantine is known as the most hated handsome boy from heaven to hell. The devil of the Three Palaces has deceived him more than once. Dealing with an unpopular old god is a matter of control.

Why should anyone help you in advance, unless Allen makes Nanawi dirty again.

Not to mention the Ancient One, an existence that can stand side by side with Odin. If you can't solve the problem, just solve the god with the problem.

As for Thor, maybe he could use his hammer to reason with Seth.

"Can you really help me?" Nick asked expectantly.

To be honest, he really doesn't want to be the messenger of the old gods. He would rather go back to his hometown to retire, soaking in the sand-filled desert all day long, and his underwear is full of sand.

"Others can't guarantee that Gu Yi should have some friendship. If not, I can rely on my connections. We have people in both Zhenglian and Fulian."

Allen knew Bruce and Diana in Zhenglian, so he gave them some points.

In Avengers, Steve, Tony, Natasha and Thor either have life-long friendships or are relatives.

Alan is Tony's uncle, which is an undeniable fact.

"First tell me what it is, and then I will consider whether to help."

Nick is not a hot-blooded young man who trusts others with just a few words.

Allen talks frankly about what happened in Gotham.

"I promise you."

Nick did not forget to warn: "If you dare to deceive me, don't blame me for being unkind."

At this moment, Derek finished eating and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The aura on his body was obviously creepy, and Edward and Cobot didn't even dare to look at each other directly.

Of course, Allen didn't take it seriously. He had fought the God of War Ares head-on, and he was still afraid of a transformed vampire.

"Next target, Ocean Lord Orm."

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