American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 135 Professor X is killed and Dark Phoenix is ​​born

The power of the Skynet Sentinel's punch caused the shield force field to shake violently, and the mutants hiding inside could not help but tremble with fear.

Apocalypse, who maintains a force field, rarely changes his expression.

Seeing this, Magneto immediately controlled the iron ball to bombard him.


The iron ball flew away directly with the Skynet Sentinel.

Obviously, no substantial harm was caused.

The Skynet Sentinel stumbled to his feet, and the surface of his body was smashed into liquid metal like mercury.

However, the squirming liquid metal repaired the body in the next second.

Suddenly, the crowd realized that the sentinel was different.

Magneto concentrated his attention and controlled many iron balls to continuously bombard him.

Meanwhile, Apocalypse kicks up a cloud of dust to assist.

Everyone saw that the Skynet sentry seemed a little dull at first, unable to flexibly avoid the attack of the iron ball.

In a moment, the Skynet Sentinel's arms transformed into a pair of swords, even covered with a layer of high-temperature red.

The red sword slashed, cutting the iron ball in half with one blow.

Someone exclaimed: "Is he evolving?"

"It's not about evolution, it should be about building a data model to form a coping mechanism."

Of course, there is no shortage of relevant professionals in the public. The explanation given cannot be completely correct, but only part of it is guessed.

Trask, who was in the safe house, gave an explanation.

He introduced to the five chiefs: "Skynet has the ability to analyze and learn. Don't feel that you are at a disadvantage now. It is just collecting enemy data."

Moreover, the sixth-generation Sentinel has many functions that have not been tested.

For the time being, Trask dare not speak out and show off, as it would be embarrassing if he was slapped in the face.

"Doctor, you are really amazing, you are the future of mankind."

"Yes, if there is no doctor, it will be a loss for all mankind."

"I suggest that after this matter is over, arrange to award the highest award in the relevant field to the doctor to recognize the contribution."

Listening to the shameless flattery of the five chiefs, I completely forgot about the panic and helplessness I felt when I was so anxious that I cursed my mother just now.

Trask smiled and didn't respond, so naturally he didn't take it to heart.

The so-called commendation awards are even more disdainful.

Why do you need others to confer your own achievements?

And on the battlefield.

Magneto tried his best, but failed to cause any damage to the Skynet Sentinel.

Simple bombardment is no longer effective, so try to seal it with metal wrapping.

As a result, the Skynet Sentinel transformed into a high-temperature blade and cut away from the inside.

Or it could transform into iron chains to imprison its limbs, but Skynet Sentinels are like water, not only able to change size and shape, but even separate and then be brought back together.

Skynet: Data collection completed.

Skynet: The magnetic model is constructed.

Suddenly, the Skynet sentry raised his hand, and the iron ball flying towards him stopped in mid-air.


This scene made the mutants stunned.

It is simply a fantasy that a robot can master magnetism.

You can understand that changing the surface texture and simulating the ability of elements can be achieved in different ways. The problem is that magnetism cannot be seen or touched and can be copied, which is completely contrary to the rhythm of heaven.


Trask excitedly recounted: "The advanced version of replica and mimicry can build 90% of the ability model, and it can actually realize the magnetic model."

"Doctor, can Professor X's ability be copied?"

For a moment, Trask's face fell, and he said with a hint of saltiness: "According to my research, the foundation of any psychic ability must have a soul."

The person who asked the question smiled politely and didn't ask any more questions.

If you give an artificial intelligence a soul, you really think you are God.

Besides, how could Trask not see what their plan was, to control the leader through psychic abilities, and then control the entire country.

"what to do?"

Magneto asked Allen anxiously.

I was very angry just thinking about letting a robot secretly learn my special skills.

"Lao Wan, don't you think it's a bit rude to ask a mentally ill person."

Allen was calm and collected from beginning to end. His main profession was at full level and he could escape at any time.

If it really turns into a catastrophic disaster, all kinds of weird and weird forces will jump out to wipe the mess.

"Don't waste time, think of a solution." Charles helped.

"There's really nothing you can do about it."

Allen pulled down his hood, put his hands on his hips, and announced: "Captain Hydra is officially online."


Many people had clenched their fists and wanted to beat him up.

What time has it been? I'm still getting nervous.

Allen commanded: "Nightwalker, Mysterious Guest."

The two of them looked at each other with confusion, not knowing what was going on.

"Please say you received it."


If it weren't for Allen's many clever ideas, they wouldn't be too lazy to act with him.

Allen said solemnly: "You each lead a team of melee mutants, teleport into the enemy's base camp, destroy the jamming device, and capture the culprit."


As soon as this order came out, everyone came to their senses. The data processing center was now defensively empty, making it a suitable target for arrest.

"Attention other long-range units, show your true abilities, find out the enemy's weaknesses, and strive to annihilate them in one fell swoop."

Everyone nodded in unison, so they had no choice but to make this decision.

Currently, there is no better way but to explore the flaws of Skynet Sentinel through constant trials.

The protective force field was withdrawn.

Nightcrawler and Mysterio each teleported away with a group of people, and the rest scattered in all directions.

Apocalypse concentrated on controlling the shrinkage of sand and dust, gathering on the Skynet Sentinel's body, and instantly transformed into high-density metal.

Magneto controlled the metal extrusion, trying to wrap it up and crush it.

Storm had already risen into the air, her eyes glowing white, and suddenly the sky was filled with dark clouds and lightning and thunder.

She was manipulating the weather, preparing lightning attacks and getting ready.

The metal cage lasted less than three seconds and was already showing signs of melting.

The sixth-generation Sentinel has the unique ability to swallow matter to proliferate and repair.

One ice and one fire, attacking from two directions.

The Ice Man and the Pyro Man work very well together.

Hopefully the high and low temperatures will destroy the operating mechanism.

As a result, within a few seconds, Skynet Sentinel's body appeared to have ice and fire abilities at the same time, and he actually used their mutually reinforcing countermeasures.


A barrel-thick thunderbolt fell from the sky and accurately hit the Skynet sentry.

The dazzling thunder light instantly illuminated the sky and the earth, leaving only pure white.

Thunder and lightning passed in a flash.

The Skynet Sentinel was already a charred human figure standing on the spot.


Cyclops Scott shouted a shock wave, and the two brothers seemed to have the same mind and launched their attacks at the same time.

Cyclops's eyes erupted with scarlet rays.

Shockwave's chest emits a dark red energy wave.

The two are biological brothers, but their energy emission locations are different, and their mutant abilities are essentially the same.

Suddenly, the moment the energy attack hit, the Skynet Sentinel exploded on the spot.

Looking at the remains of sentinels all over the ground.

it's over?

Of course it's impossible.

The charred remains of the body seeped out of mercury-like nano-liquid metal and were rapidly gathering in one location.

Wherever the liquid metal passes, it encounters the wreckage of various sentinels and swallows them all, causing the liquid metal to return to its original total amount.

This time, Skynet Sentinels recovered several times faster than before.

Before everyone had time to launch a second wave of offensive, the opponent had already recovered as before.

Skynet: Data collection completed.

Skynet: The laser wave model is constructed.

Skynet: Execution of priority hunting program.

The eyes of the Skynet sentry overflowed with dark red light, and the aura of energy that was ready to go made everyone in the audience feel frightened.

The fusion and superposition of Cyclops and Shockwave abilities is far beyond the growth of one plus one, which is greater than two.

Suddenly, two rays spurted out, accompanied by circles of ripples.


It's Professor X.

Yes, the bombardment was targeting Charles.

The Skynet sentry's head suddenly rotated 180 degrees, aiming to attack Professor X who was watching the battle.

At that moment, Magneto moved the iron ball in an attempt to block it, and Apocalypse subconsciously blessed Charles with a protective force field.

It's a pity that an iron ball blasted through, and the protective force field shattered like glass at a touch.

As for the person involved, Charles, his eyes were filled with dark red light.

Due to his psychic abilities, the frequency of his consciousness is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people.

Another point is that since he stopped using the serum, he sat back in the wheelchair and had no time to react.

"Are you drafting it? Damn it, Nimabi's sentry, ah..."

Before dying, Charles broke his guard.

An extremely well-educated professor couldn't say anything very meaningful, but he just couldn't help but curse.

I am a psychic mutant with a negative threat level to the Skynet Sentinels. How could I become the first target of hunting? I didn't even say a word or make a suggestion. I really messed with you.

Even if he kills the mentally ill Allen first, he can understand it. After all, there is a possibility of a sneak attack with a butcher's knife.


Under the outpouring of energy, Charles instantly evaporated and was buried in a wheelchair together.

He may be worried that he will enter the underworld after death and need to use a wheelchair to report to the God of Death.

The reason why the Skynet Sentinel killed Charles first was actually very simple. When he attacked the school previously, Trask had set the killing priority, but failed and was always ranked first in the mission log.


Qin Gray yelled in grief and anger.

His expression was very painful, his eyes were filled with darkness, and the veins on his face were filled with golden light.

It was the power of the Phoenix flowing, his mind was hit, and his weak will could not suppress his dark personality.

The Phoenix girl was taken into school by Charles since she was a child. She seemed to be a master and apprentice, but in fact she was like a father and daughter, so she was heartbroken.

As Qin Gray's eyes were completely as dark as abyss, black flames spread and rose behind her.

Skynet: Target data cannot be analyzed.

Skynet: The target energy exceeds the threshold.

Skynet: Unable to establish an effective plan for the target.

The dark personality Dark Phoenix takes over the body.

The female senior who was originally sunny and energetic has now become as cold as ice.

Dark Phoenix walked towards the Skynet sentry step by step.

In the running system, warning prompts keep popping up.

The laser wave blasted out again like a beam of light.

But at a distance of one meter from the Black Phoenix, it was as if there was an invisible wall of air blocking the attack.

The steps paused, and Black Phoenix raised one hand and counterattacked with black flames.

The terrifying and overbearing Phoenix Power directly swallowed the laser wave, and when it came into contact with the Skynet Sentinel's body, it was quickly burned into ashes.

Skynet: Implement Plan No. 532.

Skynet: Data is transferred.

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