American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 132 Mutants’ comprehensive counterattack

Allen looked for other people in the base sneakily.

He didn't even notice that the others had evacuated, and all his thoughts were focused on hunting down the sentinel robots.

Suddenly, a space crack appeared.

Illyana walked out of it.

"Little secret..."

Suddenly, Allen's expression was extremely excited, and he posed as if he was running fast in slow motion.

The expression on his face gradually changed from excitement to obscenity, and he flicked his tongue to show his perverted color.

"Haha..., hiss..., haha..., little secret, hiss..., haha..."

What a pervert. Open the door to a pervert. The pervert is at home.


Illyana's forehead had veins bulging, she felt a little regretful about coming to him, and the soul blade in her hand couldn't help but materialize.

"Xia Xia, put your weapons away first."

After an instant change of expression, Allen returned to being serious and said: "I have sent Megatron, the strongest agent on the surface, to infiltrate the enemy. Soon our rebel army from the Singles Protection Association will be able to launch a general attack on the evil U.S. imperialism."


Illyana put away the Soul Blade and covered her forehead, unable to keep up with the opponent's thinking rhythm.


Allen solemnly made a Nazi gesture and said: "Our slogan is not to fear men, strong men to lock men, men to men, to overcome ten thousand men."

The two returned to their new base.

Everyone was present.

Apocalypse has settled in with the rest of the students, and Charles' expression is sad and angry.

This time, more than 30 students were killed in the attack. It was an unreasonable disaster.

On weekdays, they fight with each other and basically abide by the principle of not bringing harm to their families. Especially, no matter how fierce the fight is outside, they will not take action against the students in the school.

After this battle, Charles had given up his previous gentle attitude and decided to fight back through violent means.

The soldiers got the professor's approval and they were ready to vent their anger.

After experiencing passivity several times, I really had too many frustrated emotions.

The most angry person is Magneto. Only one-third of the Brotherhood of Mutants is dead and their reputation has been completely ruined. How will they maintain their face in the future?

As for Tianqi, he had a calm mind and very few of his men died. After all, he followed the elite route and had no problem saving his life in times of crisis.

"Everyone is waiting for me to have a meeting?"

Allen sat down familiarly, and the bosses from the three parties cast strange looks.

Magneto is not familiar with it and feels that a psychopath cannot help and may even cause trouble, but there is no doubt about his view on combat effectiveness.

Charles himself was depressed, so when he saw Allen betraying the school, he naturally had a bad look on his face.

Of course, they are covered by Apocalypse, and the hiding base is provided by Allen, so even if they don't like it, they can't show it.

"The problem is before us. We don't know the location of the sentry, so we can't take the initiative. We are completely passive and are beaten." Magneto said in a deep voice.

During this period, it's not like they didn't think of ways.

Apocalypse invades the Internet to collect information. It is obvious that the other party has been prepared and established a local area network to block outside hackers.

Secondly, Trask is very cautious in doing things, and any relevant documents are displayed on paper to eliminate the possibility of leaving traces online.

There was some consideration of letting Charles use his psychic abilities to invade the consciousness of all humans to screen information.

But the problem is that the psychic amplification chamber has been destroyed, and it will take a lot of time to build a new one.

Now it takes ten days and a half to collect materials through the Hydra organization.

"It seems that we can only sit still and don't think about taking the initiative. The sentry robot has the function of detecting the X gene. Sending mutants is equivalent to sending death." Charles said helplessly.

What seems like a helpless decision is actually the right arrangement.

Is it just a threat from the Sentinels? Once the two sides fight too frequently and are exposed to public view, the official will definitely use public opinion guidance to intensify their hatred of mutants.

"team leader!"

At this time, a Tianqi subordinate came over to report.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't figure out who the captain was.

"team leader."

The man walked up to Allen and reminded him a second time.

"Sorry, I forgot that I am the captain of Hydra." Allen smiled awkwardly and said, "You tell me."


This person reported: "Black Widow sent ten coordinates, and an unknown signal sent coordinates."

"Calculate the coordinate position."


Allen leaned back tactically, put on a confident expression, and said proudly: "You must have heard it."

"What do you mean?" Magneto frowned.

It is impossible for them to guess the mind of a mentally ill person. After all, normal people cannot understand chaotic thinking.

"Lao Wan, I'm not telling you, it's obvious that the enemy has nowhere to hide."

Allen flipped up his hair and explained: "When the Sentinel robot appeared, I sent my deputy Natasha to investigate. Obviously, the coordinates she sent were all manufacturing factories."

Allen changed his position, with his feet hanging on the table, his hands holding the back of his head, and talked eloquently: "Of course, how can a villain as witty and charming as me prepare a move? It is completely inconsistent with my style, so waking up in advance is already Dr. Zola, who is a data life form, takes over a robot when the Sentinel raids to find out the opponent's control center."

"Now that the enemy's factories are located and the control center is in front of us, we can launch a desperate counterattack."

For a moment, everyone was silent, as if their IQ was rubbing against the ground.

Everyone has been discussing for a long time, and the mentally ill person has been prepared in advance.

Bang bang bang...

Tianqi applauded: "You really did not disappoint me, you are worthy of being the third knight."

Having such a smart subordinate made Tianqi feel even more happy.

"I won't be happy if you praise me, hehehe..."

Allen covered his face shyly and let out a mean laugh.

You cover your face and look so shy. You are sick.

Once you know the enemy's location, take the initiative to attack.

In fact, the plan is very simple. The X-Men and the Brotherhood use Mysterio and Nightcrawler to teleport to ten factory locations in batches to destroy them, while Apocalypse leads his men directly to the Huanglong control center.

There can be no overly complicated plan.

There are many smart people here, and they know very well that the longer the delay, the less favorable the situation will be for the mutants.

Sentinel robots are produced in factories, and now they are only in the hundreds. If they were a super legion composed of tens of thousands, let alone mutants, Apocalypse would have to retreat.

A data processing center hidden under a small town.

'warn! Factory No. 1 has been hit. Please give instructions immediately. ’

Trask and the five chiefs, who were preparing for the second raid, suddenly saw the warning prompt on the screen, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Mutants discovered the location of the factory!?"

"How did they do that?"

"There are no people in the unmanned smart factory. How did the news leak?"

Questions arose in their minds, and they felt very confused.

"Crap, they infiltrated Trask Industries through HYDRA agents."

Trask immediately thought why.

Smart factories have no employees, but companies established on the surface need employees to maintain operations.

Information like financial statements, purchase lists, and logistics can be traced to factory locations.

At the moment, he had no intention of finding out who the undercover agent was. He might have escaped long ago. How could he just sit there and wait to be caught?

Recall the video image.

In the picture, Magneto is floating in the air, using his hand to control magnetism and destroying the factory.

The Sentinels are made of special materials, but the production line equipment is just ordinary metal. If you want to replace them all with special materials, the cost is simply unimaginable.

Besides, he never thought that mutants could find the factory.

Production lines were torn out of the ground one by one. Magneto held them with one hand and twisted and compressed them into scrap metal.

Immediately, scrap metal hit the ground one after another, submerging the entire factory in ruins.

On the ground, the residents fled from their houses in fear, looking at Magneto in disbelief, their eyes awe-inspiring as if they were gods.

It's hard to imagine that human beings have such terrifying power.

Of course, the three giants have discussed it.

After this matter is over, he will no longer hide his life, but will declare the existence of mutants to the world and fight for the rights they deserve in an open and fair manner.

'warn! Contact with Factory No. 1 has been lost. ’

At the same time, the video screen was interrupted.

Within a few seconds, another alert sounded that another factory was under attack.

It's obvious that the mutants are out for revenge.

"Don't panic. The factory can be rebuilt if it is gone. Among my backup plans, there are manufacturing factories distributed around the world that can be transformed into sentinel production lines in a short time."

Trask said calmly: "As long as the data processing center is still there and Skynet can run normally, Sentinels are as many tools as you need."

After hearing the story, the five chiefs were relieved.

If the investment in Trask Industries failed, they could not imagine the consequences. Not only would they be impeached, but the entire department would be cut off. It is true that tens of billions of dollars cannot be swayed by a few words. ,

"What if the mutants know the location of the data processing center?" someone worried.

"Don't worry, there is no information recorded here, and no seventh person knows it except us." Trask responded confidently.

'warn! Data processing centers are under attack...'

Trask's expression froze, and the slap in the face was caught off guard.

One second, I was confident that there was no problem. The next second, the system gave a warning prompt, and I really couldn't figure out where the problem was.

Of course, Trask has always been wary of people and never thought that a data life form like Dr. Zola would get involved.

Bring up the video.

In the picture, Apocalypse maintains a force field, surrounded by a group of mutant elites.

And he used his sand ability to turn the entire town into sand in an instant, so that the processing center was cleared of all the dirt and rocks.

It's clear that he wants to overthrow this place.

"damn it."

Trask cursed angrily, took out a memory chip from his body and inserted it into the host.

Fingers flicker to enter commands.

"Activate the Skynet defense system and unlock all weapons to eliminate any intruding enemies."

Before the birth of the fifth-generation Sentinel, there were naturally many prototypes of various types, but they were not suitable for fighting against mutants, so they were sealed in the data processing center and incorporated into the Skynet defense system.

At this moment, it just comes in handy.

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