American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 130 Sentinels raid the Hydra base


A knife stabbed into Deadpool's body.

"You can't just say hello and stab me."

Wade looked at the narrow wound on his stomach and protested dissatisfied.

"Okay, failure humiliates the light."

Raising his hand, Allen used the healing light to treat him.

Although Wade's regeneration ability is outstanding, self-healing takes some time, and no skill can come quickly.


A snap of the fingers.

Summon an angel.


Ellie, a young warhead, immediately phase-charged and energy shock waves erupted from her whole body, knocking the angel on the spot and dissipating into white clouds.

Allen then equipped Ellie, Pietro, Illyana, and Yukio with three auxiliary skills: Guardian Embrace, Light Guardian, and Holy Flame Power.

Then, he walked straight to Kurt and asked: "Smurf, have you ever talked to the girl from last time?"


For a moment, Nightwalker Kurt felt sad.

"Ha..., licking a dog doesn't even count." Allen said disdainfully.


Such hurtful words made Kurt lower his head in grievance, and even felt like crying in grief.

"Oppa humiliates the light!"

Allen raised his hand and cast a cleansing light, healing Kurt's sad heart.

His originally sad expression suddenly became cheerful.

"I'll give you five minutes to calm down."

Allen turned around and raised the butcher knife to kill Wade again.

"Wait a minute, I'm not ready..."


Another knife stabbed him in the waist, and Wade shouted angrily: "Can you change the position? I feel like my waist is cut in half."


"Afraid of Prey, failure humiliates the light!"

Allen pulled out the butcher's knife, treated Wade, and then snapped his fingers to summon the angel.

In the light door, a beautiful angel with blond hair like a waterfall walked out. Her three-point white battle suit with gold edges was particularly attractive. She held a golden spear in her hand, like a Valkyrie ready to go into battle.

“Balls and sacks.”


Before Allen could stop him, Illyana had already taken action to kill the angel, and the soul blade wiped him out with a single strike.

"Jealousy among women is just horrific."

Allen failed to appreciate the angel's beautiful face.

To be honest, summoning a female angel for the first time made me full of curiosity.

"Do you have any objections?" Illyana asked sideways.

"It doesn't matter. Apart from you, all other women are garbage."

As soon as he said these words, Allen suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and two murderous intentions came into his heart. Looking back, Ellie and Yukio were looking at him with murderous intent.

"What are you looking at? You two are not considered women."

Allen raised his orchid fingers and said shyly: "We are all girls, so we must stay united."

Who the hell is a girl with you?

You now have gender dysphoria.

With a puff, Pietro laughed. Seeing Allen's squirming look, he felt particularly funny.

"Young baldhead, you are so ridiculous, you haven't dared to recognize your father for so long." Allen said harsh words without hesitation.

Pietro, who was originally smiling, suddenly looked sad, and even anger was brewing in his heart.

"Oppa humiliates the light!"

The next second, a cleansing light healed Pietro's sorrow.

It's almost five minutes.

The Cleansing Light skill is immune to negative effects for five minutes.

Allen turned to Kurt again and said, "Let's play rock, paper, scissors."

Deliberately looking at Kurt's hands, Allen suddenly said: "I forgot, you only have three fingers and you can't point to the cloth."


Kurt doesn't want to be a sparring partner anymore.

He cried very hard.

After several days of information analysis, Skynet finally calculated the mutant's hiding location.

"Hydra still exists in the world, and it is actually mixed with mutants. It is definitely an unstable factor that harms society."

On the display screen, several coordinates and a lot of information are displayed.

The five chiefs were shocked.

During World War II, Hydra had been dismembered and destroyed, but it secretly resurrected and grew stronger in the country.

Trask did not forget to fan the flames and said: "I have reason to guess that mutants have cooperated with Hydra very early, so they have infiltrated various institutions of the country."

"It is indeed very possible, so just eliminate it in one fell swoop to avoid future troubles."

"Yes, we must eliminate Hydra. We almost bombed the mainland. There is nothing that such a crazy enemy can't do."

"If the hidden dangers are successfully eliminated, more power can be won over based on merit."


The five chiefs spoke out in front of Trask, all because they invested money in Trask Industries and regarded it as a puppet capitalist under their control.

In fact, Trask is full of disdain and is accustomed to the faces of politicians.

However, his plans are very big, and he must remain hypocritical and submissive to obtain more financial support.

Relying entirely on Trask Industries to manufacture Sentinel robots is too wishful thinking.

The cost of building a Sentinel is as high as 10 million, and many key raw materials have official import restrictions. If you want to increase production, you must rely on those in power.

The Sentinel Corps dispatched last time was worth one billion US dollars, which was simply not something a private enterprise could afford.

Therefore, through a chicken-and-egg operation, the Sentinel Legion was born on a large scale.

"Doctor, how many sentries are there now?"

Trask called up the warehouse surveillance and said: "There are three hundred sentries ready to attack at any time."

"Assault on the Hydra base immediately."

And in the inaccessible rocky mountains.

The metal gate disguised as a rock mass was moved aside, and the rectangular transport aircraft was fully loaded with sentry robots and dispatched.

Inside the Hydra base taken over by mutants.

The internal staff have already been transferred. Out of distrust of human beings, they will not let go of any possibility.

'Warning, it is found that the target cannot be identified is approaching! ’

'Warning, it is found that the target cannot be identified is approaching! ’

'Warning, it is found that the target cannot be identified is approaching! ’

The voice prompts woke up everyone who was resting.

Henry, who was in the control hub room, saw that other bases were already facing attacks.

Charles took the lead in contacting Apocalypse and asked for the rescue of mutant students in other bases.

Multiple bases faced attacks at the same time, catching the mutant elites who were already short of manpower off guard.

In the base where they are located, it seems that the situation is not very urgent.


The first level of the base was blasted through.

Sentinel robots filed in along the gap.

For a time, fighting broke out on all floors.

"Oh yeah, I can gain experience again."

Allen held the butcher's knife and rushed towards the sentry excitedly.

In the passage, three sentries were patrolling, and they happened to meet them head-on.

"The target is found, the T800 Terminator starts the destruction process, click click click..."

The three Sentinel algorithms were a bit unresponsive, because Allen imitated the robot and walked towards them.

Allen glanced up and down and deliberately imitated the electronic synthesized voice: "The database cannot parse the target model, beep beep beep beep beep, information feedback has been transmitted to the main brain."

He is sick!

Why would he want to imitate a robot?

One of the sentries fired high-temperature rays from its face, preparing to kill him with one blow.

In fact, Trask has listed Allen as one of his must-kill targets.


A scorching light hit Allen, followed by a white light flashing across his body.

At the critical moment, the Guardian's Embrace blocked the fatal blow.

For a moment, Allen looked unbelievable.

"I almost died on the spot. You want this book to end!"

The knife fell from the hand.

The sword light appears.

Kill the sentry who just attacked with one strike.

"Come after me, Jie Jie Jie..."

After a successful blow, Allen turned and ran away.

After the Sentinel robot fixes the loopholes, it is naturally impossible to gain experience without any scruples.

At present, Allen's physical fitness should be about thirty-three times that of ordinary people. He has less than four tons of strength to support himself to death. To attack the sentry head-on is an act of suicide.

Moreover, stealth attacks are even more impossible.

There’s no reason why it shouldn’t have thermal imaging capabilities.

After spending so much money, you still need one more part?

As the chase continued, Allen fled into a dead end.

The number of sentry robots chasing has increased to four.

Suddenly, Allen smiled mysteriously.


With a snap of his fingers, five angels were summoned to help him fight.

At the same time, it is blessed by the embrace of guardianship, the guardianship of light, and the power of holy flames.

By chance, a wise angel raised his staff and cast light spells on the other four angels.

As the four sentries came, the four war angels faced each other head-on with big swords.

During the moment of confrontation, War Angel was at a disadvantage, and the sentry easily suppressed it.

"Squat down."

Order the angels to kneel on one knee.

Allen stepped on his shoulders and turned over in the air.

When he climbed over the sentry's head, the butcher's knife in his hand was covered with a shadow edge, and he chopped open the sentry's head like tofu.

Don’t forget, the shadow blade skill of the thief profession can increase the damage by 100%.

Take out a Sentinel.

Allen immediately attacked the remaining three sentries.

Due to the need to suppress the War Angel, the Sentinels were unable to free their hands to deal with it.

With smooth movements, the butcher's knife sliced ​​open the mechanical body.

"I am indeed a ruthless killer."

Allen remained in a half-kneeling position, slowly put away the butcher's knife and inserted it into the leather bag at his waist.

After waiting for a long time, I suddenly looked up.

"Damn it, why am I pretending to be cool when there's no one around?"

Allen waved his hand, greeted the five angels, and said domineeringly: "We want to redeem the lambs who have fallen from the mortal world and make them all into roasted whole lambs."

In the base, mutants are being evacuated.

Before a weapon that can effectively restrain the Sentinels is developed, they don't want to trade their lives for victory.

What's more, there is no point in making sacrifices now, because the sentries are killing them endlessly, and they only have one life.

At this moment, the abilities of Nightcrawler and Mysterio are particularly important.

They are one of the few mutants with the ability to teleport.

Nightcrawlers carry several people at a time and teleport to places they have seen.

Although Mysterio's teleportation is a little unstable, the deviation will not be too large when used in the human world, and it is still enough to send people to a safe base.

There were only a few dozen mutant elites in the base, and they were quickly cleared out.

"Have you seen Alan?"

In other bases, Illyana asked everyone.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

Everyone is busy running for their lives, who cares about the life and death of a madman.

"I'll take another trip to bring the person back." Illyana said angrily.

Ellie stopped him and said, "The base is full of sentries now, so don't take any chances."


Yukio echoed: "Sentinels don't kill humans, and Eren will be fine."

Thinking of Allen's massacre of sentries at school, Illyana's heart dropped.

"Wait a minute, there is a communication channel between the bases. Allen will definitely send a message after he solves the problem." Colossus reminded.

Now no one dares to operate the equipment in the base, fearing that the sentry will catch the signal and hunt them down here.

On the other hand, Qin Gray is stationed at a base where students are placed.

While waiting for Apocalypse to lead Charles and others to arrive.

What comes into view is a horrifying scene...

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