American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 13 Successfully found the NPC


Air raid sirens sounded.

This is a signal from the church to warn congregants to come back soon.

It indicates that the other world is about to come, and then there will be crises outside the church.

On his way to the hospital, Allen was surrounded by a group of monsters.

The child who looked like a zombie, with sparks coming out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, made a shrill and piercing cry.

[Kill the ash monster, experience value +200]

Kill hundreds of ash monsters in one pass.

"I still like Chong Chong. I can eat as much as I want."

Walking in front of the hospital, the metal plate embedded in the wall of the main entrance caught Allen's attention again.

‘Thanks to Wieland Corporation for medical device funding. ’

"Wylander, that company in Alien?"

Allen pushed up the non-existent glasses on the bridge of his nose and said thoughtfully: "The sign on the way here says Raccoon City, so the Umbrella Company must be involved."

Umbrella Corporation, Wieland Corporation, Osborne Industries…

"The world I came to is not just DC and Marvel, it should be the American comic universe."

Allen held his chin: "So when the timeline ends, will the return be the same timeline?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm in Gotham City. Just ask Aba and I'll find out."

In the distance, the congregants, all wrapped in sealed firefighting suits, watched helplessly as the target walked into the hospital.

This odor-isolating clothes greatly blocks the detection and tracking of monsters. As long as you don't rush into the marked restricted area, you can basically move around in the other world.

The most terrifying restricted area in Silent Hill is Alchemyra Hospital, because Alessa's body is hidden in the basement of the hospital.

"Guys withdraw, this guy is dead."

"I've never seen anyone escape the hands of Triangle Head."

The cultists have broken into the hospital several times, and the characteristics of the monster are almost clear.

The only terrifying existence is the Triangle Head, which can roam without restriction and hunt the living people who break into the hospital.

The gloomy hospital corridors, with bloodstains and stains everywhere, create a terrifying and bloody atmosphere.

Allen walked straight to the elevator and went straight to the basement where Alessa was.

The steps stopped.

At the front of the stairs, there was a thigh making a seductive movement.

For a moment, Allen smiled so brightly that his gums were exposed.

"Long legs, don't run."

What Alessa can have long legs to stimulate.

Allen yelled and chased into the stairs. He pounced and held down the monster that was about to escape.

"Don't be shy, turn your head, Jie Jie Jie..."

After turning over and over, he suddenly discovered that it was a four-legged monster.

Cut it out with a sword.

[Kill the leg model, experience value +250]

Allen said solemnly: "I can see at a glance that you are not a human being."

Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Use the flying rope and claws to echo in the corridor and rush down.

Not long after, they reached the ground floor. The flickering light of the swaying chandelier shone on the twisted nurse, blocking the passage through the basement.

Allen took a step forward.

The sound of footsteps made the nurse twist.

It is as if the sound source is a switch, triggering the nurse's action pattern.

"Nurse Swollen Face!"

Allen is the monster that has always been on his mind.

Everyone has a Victoria's Secret model-level figure, and looks are no longer important.

"Dance to my beat."

Allen squirmed as he walked.

One of the purposes of this trip is to dance with the swollen-faced nurse.


You want to see dirty content.

Allen said that he is a beautiful person and has a beautiful heart. He is one of the three beautiful young people in Europe and the United States. He has not liked to watch adult websites since he was a child. He only blames himself for not being able to become a member.

The swollen-faced nurse approached step by step, holding a scissors and syringe in hand.

Allen kept posing: "Follow my beat, Beibei."

At this moment, there was an additional figure at the basement door.

It was a little girl with dirty hair, looking at Allen in disbelief.


When you dance in the hospital, do you respect my feelings?

We are a horror movie set.

"I said follow my beat."

[Kill the swollen-faced nurse, experience value +350]

[Kill the swollen-faced nurse, experience value +350]

After killing all the swollen-faced nurses, Allen said arrogantly: "If you don't keep pace with me, this is what will happen."

"There's one more thing that slipped through the net."

When Allen saw Alessa at the door, he stepped forward to gain experience.

"Don't come over, who are you?"

Alessa shouted anxiously.

If you encounter a madman, you can't explain why. If you really want to kill one of your incarnations, it will take a lot of effort to condense it again. In this way, your control over Silent Hill will be reduced to the lowest point.

"You can communicate, I'm Allen."



The next second, Allen came up and started a big fight.

Alessa's mind was buzzing and her face was confused. Her eyes were innocent and she said, "What have I done to hit me?"

"Is your name Alesha?"


"Silent Hill is not in your control."


"I didn't hit the wrong person." Allen said righteously: "As a dungeon NPC, you shouldn't come out to issue tasks to me immediately. You also need me to come to pick up the tasks. Then I will give you a bad review later."


I can't understand a word of what you're talking about.

Alessa's eyes became more and more innocent. This time she met a real madman. At least she seemed to be far more crazy than a cultist.

Although the main body is protected by the power of Samael, it cannot stop the madman from doing other things.

For example, hooha…

In the basement.

Next to the hospital bed surrounded by isolation plastic sheets, a female nurse wearing a red sweater was sobbing sadly.

The young nurse Lisa just took a peek out of curiosity and ended up blind.

Ah da!


Lisa was recalling the tragic past when suddenly a sharp pain came from her waist, and her whole body flew out involuntarily.

It was Allen who had just entered the door and kicked the person away with a flying kick.

"Why did you kick her?" Alessa asked in surprise.

This lunatic does things without any rules and is really worried about doing something excessive.

Lisa held her waist in pain and looked at her with a pair of bleeding and empty eyes, looking aggrieved as if she wanted to know the reason.

"Who told her not to look at me seriously?"

Allen looked at the ceiling with a guilty conscience. He would never admit that he thought it was because he would strike first when he encountered a fierce ghost in red.

This time, Lisa felt even more aggrieved.

If I don't want to look at you seriously, I need to have eyes first.

"what are you up to?"

Alessa stared nervously at Allen, who was approaching the hospital bed, and was already preparing to summon the triangle head to protect the body.

"You're so beautiful." Allen said sincerely.


Alessa twitched the corners of her mouth as she reviewed various results in her mind, never expecting to receive praise from the other party.

"Well..., wrapped like a mummy, there is a kind of beauty that doesn't care about the life and death of others." Allen expressed his true thoughts.


One sentence made the aggrieved nurse Lisa laugh.

Then, she smiled uglier than crying, and Alessa was looking at her with murderous eyes.

It’s over, Bobby knocked.

"Tell me your purpose. My patience has reached its limit."

Alessa doesn't believe in nonsense like accepting tasks. If she doesn't get a reasonable explanation, she can summon monsters at any time to kill the stranger in front of her.

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