American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 128 Allen no longer conceals the identity of the swordsman

Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

Charles uses his psychic powers to inform the students to assemble on the playground.

"Professor, there are a lot of people. How should we send them away and where should they be transferred?" Beast Henry asked.

At this time, Charles felt troubled.

He never expected anything like this to happen.

Confrontations and frictions usually occur on a small scale, and it is basically impossible for them to turn into a full-scale war.

When the sentry robot launched a sneak attack from the island, he had a premonition that the crisis was not simple.

The main robots can be manufactured on a large scale in factories, and they can be continuously hunted and killed. However, it takes at least ten years for mutants to wait from birth to having combat capabilities.

But the problem is that now they can't afford to wait.

Charles felt a little lucky, thinking that the officials still had some sense and were unlikely to do anything to kill everyone.

However, one must not place one’s own safety on the kindness of others.

"Contact Scott, we can only temporarily seek asylum from Apocalypse."

Unless absolutely necessary, Charles would not want to cooperate with an unknown enemy.

Henry pressed the communicator on his uniform and obtained the location of the Hydra base.

Moreover, Hydra has more than one hidden base, which can be used to place students separately.

After all, it’s easy to get everything together. They are all reserves for the future X-Men.

"Look, what is that?"

At this time, the Sentinel's transport aircraft arrived.

It makes sense that Xavier School was included as the first target.

Establishing a school openly, recruiting students from outside, and even registering it with the government is an act of committing suicide.


Henry shouted anxiously: "The enemy is coming, everyone is ready to fight."

"Send a request for support to Scott immediately." Charles panicked.

He had seen the terrifying combat power of the Sentinels, and the young mutant students had no ability to withstand them.

"Professor, there is signal interference and it is impossible to contact the outside world." Henry responded.

"You lead the students to resist first."

As he spoke, Charles raised his fingers to his temples and immediately found Nightcrawler Kurt among the panicked crowd.

The next second, Kurt flashed to his side.

"Take me to the amplification room."

"Yes, Professor."

Kurt held the wheelchair and disappeared into thin air with Charles.

Since communication cannot be achieved through technological means, messages can only be conveyed through telepathy.

At the same time, the Sentinel Legion that landed on the ground separated into a group and headed straight towards the teaching building.

Obviously, the authorities were well prepared and found out that there was a psychic amplification laboratory where Professor X could control all human beings through psychic amplification.

The official high-level officials were worried about entering a life-and-death situation, so Charles desperately used psychic amplification to destroy the high-level officials.

So, killing Charles and destroying the Amplification Chamber are top priorities.

Quicksilver, who entered a state of extreme speed, wanted to stop the Sentinels.

He punched the outer shell of the machine with one punch, grinning in pain, it was as hard as iron.

He also found a kitchen knife from the canteen and slashed at the sentry. The blade was curled up, leaving only some scratches on the surface.

"How to fight this?"

Pietro looked helpless.

After all, he only entered a state of extreme speed and did not have super destructive power.

Scanning the playground, it feels like time has stood still.

Many students are facing deadly massacres by sentinels.

"I'd better save people first."

After thinking about it, Pietro felt that he couldn't kill the sentry, so it was more important to save people from his hands.

One by one, students who were about to die tragically at the hands of the sentries were rescued one by one by Pietro's extreme speed.

In an instant, the Sentinel Legion's attack fell, and they suddenly realized that they had lost their target.

Some of the students who managed to escape were still screaming in fear, while others were confused.

"no need to thank me."

Pietro put on his headphones and played the exclusive BGM.

For a time, with Quicksilver's rescue, the students kept teleporting to avoid the sentry attacks.

However, Sentinel's terrifying computing power can barely catch up with Kuaiyin's speed, but the problem is that the hardware running speed cannot keep up. Even if the action trajectory can be budgeted in advance and predictions made in advance, in Kuaiyin's eyes it is equal to stillness, or even Yu Xianting walked sideways and avoided it.

Instruction: Prioritize killing Professor X and destroying the amplification laboratory.

Report: Executing command...

At the same time, the Sentinel Corps gave up chasing the students and launched an attack in the direction of the teaching building.

Faced with the terrifying offensive, the students were unable to stop it.

High-temperature rays bombarded the building, cutting through the concrete walls like tofu like thermal energy.

Suddenly, the entire teaching building collapsed.

Sentinel robots swarmed in, digging and searching in the ruins, aiming directly at the amplification room.

After a while, an alloy wall was locked.

Three sentry arms transformed into drills to carry out wall-breaking work.

Charles, who was in the amplification room, took off his helmet and said, "You can leave now."

He stayed for such a long time, not only contacting Cyclops to ask for support, but also looking for the person behind the scenes.

As a result, he found nothing, so he guessed that the other party was hiding in a special safe house that could block psychic abilities.

So he went to the president to find out what happened.

He directly bumped into the President in the White House having an in-depth work exchange with his female secretary. Charles's sudden visit made the work of the President, who was already powerless, even worse.

In this regard, the president has no clue about launching an all-out war against mutants. He has no idea that this matter exists.

Moreover, the country is not a monopoly of the president; there are several forces competing to carve up power.

A crack was torn in the alloy wall, several black mechanical arms expanded in size, and the sentry stuck his head out to look inside.

Immediately, Kurt took Charles and teleported out of the amplification room.

The next moment, several high-temperature rays poured in.

Charles, who was already in control, watched as the sentries destroyed the amplification chamber.

If you want to rebuild an identical amplification room, you will probably have to invest a lot of money and effort.


The high-temperature rays cause the energy reactor to trigger a chain reaction, resulting in a violent explosion.

The powerful shock wave caused the sentry on the ruins to overturn and fly away.

After waiting for the aftermath to subside, the sentinels stood up again and faced the students on the playground.

"Professor Cha, your school was bombed again."

An inappropriate voice sounded.

The teleportation force field came with more than a dozen elite mutants. Allen, who came with him, looked sadly at the school that had become a rubbish dump.

"You hold on, I'll transfer the students."

Apocalypse never withdrew the teleportation force field.

A group of elite mutants immediately stepped forward to confront the Sentinels.

The students gathered towards Apocalypse under the command of Charles.

"Fast man, Smurf, long time no see."

Allen is not busy taking action, but catching up with his roommates.

"Alan, we were all worried about you when you were away." Kurt expressed concern.

"Smurf, what can happen to me? It should be someone else." Allen patted the symbol on his chest and said proudly: "I am now the captain of Hydra, isn't it very tricky?"

"Are you really a villain?" Pietro asked in surprise.

"Villain is just a label given by others. I think I am a hero."

Allen pulled out the butcher's knife from his waist and said domineeringly: "Now that things have happened, I can no longer hide my identity as a swordsman."



"What's up with him?"

"I feel like my temperament has changed!"

Pietro and Kurt looked at Allen who was lowering his head and brewing emotions.

This guy is definitely going crazy again.

"As a swordsman, I will never leave my body with my sword, but I am a Saint of Swords who has reached the state of transformation. I have understood the extraordinary and holy realm of using people to control Qi and using Qi to control swords."

Allen looked lonely like a weather-beaten knight, describing the secrets of the sword.

Pietro and Kurt's faces contorted in disgust.

Don't get sick casually. Please take a look at the situation. You are currently fighting. Can you find a safe place to show off?

With a look in his eyes, Allen swaggered into the battlefield holding a butcher's knife.

"Danger, come back!" Pietro shouted and warned.

"Don't worry, the Force is with me."

Allen strode towards the battlefield without a trace of panic.

The energy rays that fall next to him from time to time cannot stop his steps.

The two roommates looked terrified, fearing that they would be killed by a high-temperature ray.

Allen felt calm inside.

He is crazy, but not stupid.

The Sentinels only kill mutants, not ordinary people.

The mutants fighting here are all allies and will not attack him secretly.

So, Allen is like an invisible man without the invisibility.

A sentry transformed into a body of steel, suppressing Colossus, and its tapered arm turned into a hammer, about to beat the target to death with one blow.

"Don't do this to your Uncle Zhang."

The sentry turned his head and looked at Allen, who was holding a butcher's knife beside him, and his processor was running rapidly.

It was concluded that the creature in front of him was a human being and was not among those to be eliminated.

Immediately, he raised the hammer high and continued to prepare to hammer it down.


A silver-white bolt appeared, penetrating through the sentry's upper body.

Kill instantly with one knife.

The sentinel was cut off from the chest up, revealing the internal mechanical structure.

[Kill the sentry robot, experience +1000]

Colossus secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the Sentinel was his nemesis, crushing him in strength and defense.

Before he could get up, Allen's butcher's knife was already on his neck.

"Praise me for being handsome."

"You handsome."

"Taking care of humanity."

Allen was satisfied with looking for the next target.

Colossus wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead. That knife could kill the sentry. When it was placed on his neck, he suddenly felt a cold light on his back.

"Don't bully me, Nao Po."

Seeing Mysterio going one-on-three, Allen raised his butcher knife and stepped forward to support.

A man walking swiftly stood in front of Iliana and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, I won't allow anyone to touch your eyelashes, not even a robot."

"You mean to say hair on your head," Illyana corrected.

"Pretty much, it's all hair anyway."

Allen responded with a confident look and said proudly: "They have been shocked by my domineering and domineering look."


The sword rises with the hand and falls with one strike, killing with one strike.

Three thousand experience points were recorded.

Trask Industries, Data Processing Center.

It showed that the number of Sentinels was lost by four, and Trask immediately called up the recording screen image.

"What's going on? Why didn't the sentry kill him?"

Judging from the visuals of the screen, it seems that the sentry is waiting for the opponent to kill him.

Trask said solemnly: "My sentry will never have a technical failure. There must be some reasons. Wait for me to call up the data log."

Within a minute, the corresponding log report will be retrieved.

"He is a human." Trask was surprised when he got the answer: "Why do humans mix with mutants?"

"Don't care what he is, kill him immediately. The sentry is the property of the country and cannot be damaged."

In the eyes of the chief, the Sentinel Corps belongs to the government and is a weapon purchased and built with a large amount of money.

"The sentinels I created are only for mutants. It is quite troublesome to modify the basic principles."

Trask said it righteously, but that was not what he thought in his heart.

His ambition is to control a country. How could he not leave behind the procedures for modifying the sentinels and just do it deliberately? Otherwise, politicians who are suspicious by nature will definitely be jealous.

"No matter what method you use, the loopholes must be corrected. Maybe Charles controls an army to fight against the Sentinels. That is not the same as waiting for death without a solution. We would rather cancel subsequent orders."

Evil people often think more evil of others.

Moreover, this possibility does not exist.

After all, a dog will jump over the wall when it is impatient, and a rabbit will bite when it is impatient.

"I will order the program to be reprogrammed as soon as possible and try to solve the loopholes in the next batch of sentinels." Was Trask acting on his own terms?

The five chiefs were very satisfied with his expressions, as if they felt that it was not easy to handle a businessman.

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