American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 123 The end of Colonel Stryker

Stryker's body trembled, and he looked back at the source of the sound.

Before he knew it, a group of strangers were already looking at him from behind.

Among them were Allen and Wade, whom he wanted to kill day and night.

"Don't be nervous, we are all old acquaintances."

Allen stepped forward and put his arm on Stryker's shoulders, looked at the clone in the petri dish, and asked curiously: "Tell me, what evil plan is brewing."

Wade, who was as familiar as ever, put his arm on Stryker's other shoulder and asked curiously: "Are you cloning me again?"

A psychopath and a lunatic were holding him hostage from left to right. Stryker's body was so stiff that he didn't dare to move.

"Wade, you have five more brothers." Allen teased.

The angry Wade pointed his gun at Stryker and asked, "You just like me that much."

"Don't be impulsive, you have something to say." Stryker said nervously.

At this time, Apocalypse stepped forward and saw the clone, stretched out his hand to control the decomposition of matter, and destroyed the ultimate Gods rule the world.

Secondly, it is necessary to recruit mutants detained in the base. If clones are used to do things for themselves, what will the victim mutants think?

I definitely feel that Apocalypse and Stryker are the same.

"Isn't it a surprise to meet you again?"

Allen winked proudly and said, "Old Shi, I fell in love with you the first time I met you, so I'm especially concerned about you living a few more chapters."

Thank you so much.

Stryker hesitated to speak, as if he had a premonition of his own end.

"It seems you are so moved that you are speechless."

Allen narrated unhurriedly: "I didn't kill you at the beginning. The reason is very simple. The last boss was Charles. You also know that the X-Men are serious and independent. The principle of no killing is noble. It's just sick." It’s not easy, you have to make things complicated.”

"Being a hero means solving 10% of the troubles and creating 90% of the troubles. It is as important as being indispensable." Wade agreed with it.

“We hit it off very well decisively.”

Allen blinked his right eye and raised his hand to make a C gesture.

Wade made the same gestures and touched them together to form a heart shape.

For a moment, the two stared at each other.

This heart was facing Colonel Stryker who was sandwiched in the middle, and the atmosphere suddenly became very strange and awkward.

Allen shyly explained: "I'm sorry, we can't help but feel the sympathy between masters."

Wade held his cheeks in his hands and said in horror: "Shet, why was my heart beating so fast just now?"

An unbearable scene to watch.

Fortunately, everyone is used to it.

But Stryker experienced mental torture for the first time and couldn't help asking: "What are you going to do?"

"Please die."

Back to the topic, Stryker is doomed this time.

He must use his life to quell the anger of innocent mutants and serve as a vote of surrender for his followers.

As a force field enveloped him, he was transferred to the warehouse where mutants were held.

Young men and women were imprisoned in iron cages, with instruments that suppressed mutant abilities wrapped around their necks, and their bodies were more or less injured.

The moment he saw Stryker, his eyes were filled with anger without exception.

There are hundreds of mutants imprisoned, all secretly captured by the public.

And because of today's social trends, mutants are ostracized and no one cares about their mysterious disappearance.

Tianqi raised his hand and condensed sand to unlock the prison door.

Immediately, the sand blew into the suppression device like a breeze, helping the mutants to release their imprisonment.

However, the mutants who suffered inhuman abuse and regained their freedom only had wariness in their eyes and no longer dared to trust others easily.

"Now, please give me a few words from Boss Tianqi, and please give me a round of applause."

Bang bang bang...

Allen and Wade applauded enthusiastically, setting the mood for the apocalypse.

Although it seems very inconsistent, it is not surprising at all when they do it.

"Don't worry, everyone, you are safe now."

Tianqi gave a word of comfort, and then introduced: "My name is En Shaba Nur. I once ruled the first dynasty of Egypt for three thousand years. You can respectfully call me Tianqi."

"I have an ideal, to re-establish a world dominated by mutants, where all mutants do not need to live in fear and can show their identities openly, and no one suffers discrimination or persecution because of it..."

Upon hearing this, the mutants couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

They just hide themselves all the time and don't dare to have too much contact with others. Even their family members and relatives have to be on guard. They are extremely eager to live a normal life.

"This is a huge challenge. Human beings do not allow us to move towards the light. It will definitely be regarded as a provocation to authority, so I need your support."

"The boss said it well."

Wade echoed loudly, and Allen grabbed him and muttered: "When the boss finishes speaking, we haven't reached the climax yet, so our atmosphere team has to wait a little longer."

"I'm building the atmosphere step by step, layer by layer, to create an impassioned atmosphere," Wade explained.

Realizing that Apocalypse was looking at them with displeasure, Allen and Wade shut their mouths knowingly.

"Anyone who participates in such great deeds will be remembered in the long history, and your names will be sung and praised by future generations of tribesmen."

When talking about enjoying yourself, Apocalypse raised his hand and clenched his fist, and said forcefully: "We, mutants are not freaks, mutants are not monsters, mutants are evolution, and mutants are the future."

These words undoubtedly aroused their inner resonance and sense of identity.

"Mutants are not freaks, mutants are not monsters, mutants are evolution, mutants are the future..."


At the same time, the mutants raised their hands and clenched their fists, shouting in unison.

"I believe it." Allen muttered.

Wade said contemptuously: "You made up the lines."

Allen crossed his arms to his chest and said with confused eyes: "Actually, my dream is to be a writer."

"I can't tell that you still have the temperament of a young man." Wade teased.

"You misunderstood, I meant sitting at home sitting at home."


As Apocalypse pressed down with his hands, the noise quickly stopped, and everyone waited expectantly for instructions.


Stryker was thrown out.

Apocalypse condensed a dagger and placed it in front of them, indicating: "He is a murderer who persecutes mutants. If he is willing to follow me, stab him to prove your determination."

This move is equivalent to receiving a certificate of investment.

Let’s shoulder the responsibility together and enjoy the blessings together. No one should try to fish in troubled waters.

On weekdays, they live a comfortable life, but if they really want to take revenge on the perpetrators, they suddenly fall into hesitation.

He didn't even kill a chicken, let alone kill someone.

Of course, numbers of people make us courageous, and when someone starts, others will follow, and everyone has a herd mentality.

A young man with a broken arm angrily picked up the dagger and walked towards Stryker ready to strike.

"I am a colonel in the military. Don't act recklessly. You still have a bright future. Don't regret anything you do...ah..."

The next moment, Stryker held his waist and cried out in pain.



Echoing, lingering.

For a long time without stopping.

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