American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 120 Allen pinches and appears again

"A generous gift to a crab, a great scene for Lao Wanming."

Wade watched in shock as Magneto raised his hands in the air and controlled the movement of the cross-sea bridge.

At the same time, hundreds of mutants praised him in unison.

"The leader's ability is so strong that he deserves to be a level four mutant."

"An army was just a display in front of the leader and was annihilated in minutes."

"The leader is the hope of mutants."

Words of admiration fell in Magneto King's ears. He looked heavy and calm on the surface, but he felt so happy in his heart.

Every time he makes a move, he can shock his men and take the opportunity to gain a wave of prestige.

As it should be, the Brotherhood will exist as long as he lives.

Of course, Magneto is considered a prominent figure in the world, and he cannot do everything himself, otherwise he will lose face, so he recruits low-level mutants as his underlings to solve trivial matters.

Not long after, a cross-sea bridge spanned the middle of the other shore and the island.

Magneto waved his hand, signaling an attack.

Hundreds of mutants emerged from their cages like zombies, running madly towards the island.

He raised his hand at will, intercepted a piece of iron rope, and turned it into a metal disc. Magneto stood on it, flying in a flying posture to protect his men.

"The mutants who can fly are the most annoying."

Wade looked at it with envy and then spotted a pink delivery motorcycle.

"Oh, buy it. It's the pink color I like."

Wade couldn't wait to get on the pink motorcycle, looked at the insulated box on the car, and joked: "The greater your ability, the more pizza you eat, go to JOE'S PIZZA."

After one blow, he raised his legs and kicked, knocking the incubator away.

Twist the accelerator and catch up with the group leisurely.

at the same time.

The agents on the island found the mutants rushing at the front and shot them without hesitation.

Guns and bullets are made of specially made hardened plastic and will never be controlled by Magneto.

What shoots out of the barrel is a miniature serum syringe, which is similar to a tranquilizer gun. It cannot cause fatal damage, but it will degenerate into an ordinary person once it hits.

Several mutants in the front row had syringes stuck on their bodies. Suddenly, their bodies struggled and curled up. Some mutants with obvious features quickly turned into normal people.

"Take cover!"

This scene greatly alarmed those who came after.

Don't just act recklessly.

For members who have degraded, their attitude changes instantly, as if they are strangers.

In the Brotherhood of Mutants, if you are a mutant, you are a brother. If you are not a mutant, you are not a brother.

At that moment, the mutant's eyes were full of despair as he begged his companions for help.

Too realistic, too cold-blooded.

"let me."

At this time, a mutant who was neither male nor female, with short hair and wearing a breastplate came forward.

Clap your hands.

In an instant, a shock wave radiated from the clasped hands and quickly spread to the front.

The agents who stood on the first line of defense on the edge of the island were swept by the shock wave, and the weapons in their hands were shattered.

"Shockwave is so handsome."

"I am so envious of the top ten masters of our mutant brothers."

"He's so handsome that my face bleeds."

Under the praise of everyone around him, Shockwave couldn't help but put one hand on his waist with a proud expression.

At that time, the first line of defense was lost, and the agents immediately retreated to the second line and picked up weapons again to prepare for defense.

Looking at the mutants pouring in from the bridge, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

At this moment, an Asian man wearing a jacket crossed his hands and pushed forward, making a clicking sound.

"Porcupine, one of the top ten masters, is about to take action."

"The ability of a porcupine is such that most people would not dare to get close to it."

"His special skill of killing people in the face is simply terrifying."

The porcupine, who was about to show off his talents on the stage, had a confident smile on his face and showed off the freely retractable spikes all over his body.

The next second, he stood frozen on the spot, and at some point a syringe appeared on his forehead.

He fell straight forward and died on the spot.

If the hit on the body is not fatal but can hit the brain, then that is a different matter.

The porcupine is dead!

It really shocked everyone.

On weekdays, porcupines are playful and show off, killing people without batting an eyelid. They thought they must show off their ferocity, but in the end, they turned out to be useless.

"Be careful, there are snipers."

As a figure disappeared in a flash, it teleported back within a few seconds.

It was the instant image of one of the masters of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

She cannot move at high speed like Quicksilver and The Flash, but teleports over short distances. She cannot even use it frequently, and her body is very likely to collapse.


Magneto came across the sky and absorbed the metal and turned it into a shield to serve as a cover for his men.

Regaining the advantage, the mutant hid behind the metal shield and pushed forward.

At this moment, Wade arrived belatedly on his pink motorcycle. He looked at the normal person lying on the ground and said sarcastically: "Gandalf, can I quit?"

Degenerating into a normal person means that the self-healing ability has disappeared, and the cancer cells will take away his life soon.

"what ever."

Magneto was focused on the battlefield and was in no mood to pay attention to him.

It doesn't matter if there is one more or one less.

A mutant with the ability to sense reported: "Leader, I didn't sense the target. They are all ordinary people."

Magneto frowned, realizing that the news had leaked out, and the other party had changed the target in advance.

After recognizing the agent's attire as someone from S.H.I.E.L.D., he didn't feel too entangled.

SHIELD specializes in espionage work, and it is not difficult to instigate mutants to act as undercover agents.

With so many people mixed together, it is inevitable that management will not be in place.

Then a question came to mind. The target was not on the island, so why did the agent stick around and not leave.

Magneto raised his head and looked at the building standing in the center.

"Could it be..."

The thought came to me and I was about to demolish the building to find out what it was protecting.

The cracks in the building wall extended, as if an invisible force was tearing them apart.

The structure of reinforced concrete contains metal, and Magneto can easily dismantle the building.

The agents hiding in the building noticed that the building was shaking and immediately chose to evacuate.

Just when the demolition was going on, two figures, one black and one white, shot out of the sky.

With every movement of his hand, he knocked out the mutants along the way.


Wade said in disbelief: "How could there be a symbiote here? Is there a multiverse collision?"

Yes, it is indeed a symbiote, and it is a black normal symbiote and a white symbiote that has been reproduced.

"Magneto surrender immediately and stop making pointless resistance." The black symbiote warrior said seriously.

"what are you?"

Magneto felt that the creature in front of him could not be a human being, as it seemed to be parasitized by a liquid creature.

Immediately, the control steel bars softened into a large number of steel balls, which were shot out like a machine gun.

In an instant, the two symbiote warriors moved and approached quickly like phantoms.

The steel ball that hit it couldn't penetrate the surface at all, especially when the white female symbiote bounced the steel ball back.

"I'm curious who you are?"

Wade faced off against the black symbiote, and the two fought back and forth.

However, Magneto is miserable.

In addition to using magnetism, he is not good at fighting. He can only rely on the metal discs under his feet to fly at high altitudes to dodge. However, a pair of fleshy wings appear on his opponent's back. He is extremely agile and can not only easily dodge attacks, but also pursue them.

Nowadays, Magneto's ability is very embarrassing. He can't break the opponent's defense by controlling small steel balls. If he hits the whole steel bar, the speed is too slow and he can't hit the opponent.


A sudden energy beam blasted away the white symbiote that was about to corner Magneto.

Tianqi led everyone to arrive at the right time.

Allen put his hands on his waist and shouted loudly: "The protagonist is here, you can quickly worship me."

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