American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 11 Corpse-killing bugs, exploding experience

"Follow up, let's go to the first attraction, the twisted monster in the toilet."

Allen acted as a tour guide and called Bruce and Oliver to the school not far away.

The two remained skeptical about Allen's previously told secrets of Silent Hill.

Looking at each other, Bruce whispered: "Catch one person and interrogate him. If he finds the Redemption Blade, he will evacuate."

"hope everything is fine."

Oliver is good at archery and has very keen senses.

When the ash haze rose, he felt very uneasy, but not to the point of giving up.

The exit of Silent Hill has turned into an abyss-like cliff. Without Alessa's permission, it is impossible to escape safely.

And on the opposite side of the cliff, stood a woman with disheveled hair and dressed in white.

The abandoned school, with dilapidated walls and brown stains, lingers with an unpleasant smell of decay and rust.

Allen was like visiting a haunted house, kicking in the door and entering the house as soon as he saw it, just like a robber entering a village.

"My favorite is monsters and stuff."

Can you not like it?

They are all little cuties who contribute their experience.

At the same time, when the three Allens entered the outside world, the cultists hiding in the dilapidated building had already discovered the intrusion of outsiders and reported it to the leader Christa immediately.

The church is the only place in Silent Hill that can hide from the forces of darkness.

The leader Christa, who was wearing a black robe, listened to the reports from the congregation, her face with wrinkled skin remained as majestic and calm as ever.

They are just poor people trapped in Silent Hill, living in fear forever due to the darkness that causes time to stand still.

Faith in the heart is liberation and salvation.

"A warrior?"

Christa took out an ancient dagger hidden in her sleeve, guessed what was going on, and said calmly: "Get ready to welcome the guests of the Assassin's League."

"Yes, leader!"

The congregants immediately took action as ordered, obviously unwilling to sit still and wait for death.

After years of exploration and research, the curse must be broken, otherwise, members of the cult who die in Silent Hill in any way will turn into monsters in the other world.

Krista eventually found a way to end the source by going through the records.

Only by killing the original body of Alessa with the Redemption Blade can the curse be eliminated for everyone.

"found it."

Pushing open the door of a toilet cubicle, a mummy restrained by wires in a twisted posture came into view, with a line of English sentences written on the wall behind it.

"You jump, I jump too."

Allen tilted his head to examine the English, and a completely wrong translation came out of his mouth.

"If you dare, I dare." Oliver corrected slightly speechlessly.

Allen was slapped in the face by his teammates on the spot, but Allen remained calm and determined not to admit that he was wrong.

"What good is a corpse?"

Bruce put his fingers under his nose. The smell of the mummy was really disgusting.

"It's useless."

Allen responded calmly and continued to popularize science: "He is a perverted cleaner who made the demigod brat laugh. I just came to check in."


Sure enough, if you believe in mental illness, you are mentally ill.

Bruce gave a wink, Oliver understood, and the two were ready to get rid of Allen.

"Abat, Green Arrow, don't leave in a hurry. Do you want to see something exciting? Long-Legged Nurse, a must-see attraction in Silent Hill. If you don't see it, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Allen's expression was filled with excitement, as if he couldn't wait to catch a glimpse of the swollen-faced nurse.

"Ellen, can you stop making trouble?"

Bruce said solemnly: "In a strange and unknown environment, complete the mission and escape as much as possible instead of wasting time pointlessly."

With a hard expression on his face, Allen changed from his normal tone and said in a rare serious tone: "Aba, we are trapped in the surface world now. We can't get out of Silent Hill without the little kid's permission. Don't you think I'm not impatient?"

After hearing this, Bruce felt that he had been wrongly blamed, and that his tone of voice was too harsh, and he felt guilty.

"Hey, I'm really not impatient at all."

The next second, Allen returned to his nervous state.

Seeing this, Bruce took a deep breath and held the hilt of the sword in his hand, wishing to chop him to death and then chop him into pieces.

I'm so sick of my brain, listening to the nonsense of mental illness.

"What happened to the wall?"

Oliver frowned and looked at the black-red mold material spreading on the wall.

Not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floor were covered in black red mold.

The other world has arrived.

This scene made the two of them reconsider Allen's words.

The real world, the surface world, and the inner world really exist, so are you really trapped in them?


The bathroom stall door opened wide, and a crawling monster approached them.

Suddenly he was a mummy bound by wires, and in the other world he had transformed into a monster.

"The twisted monster has thorns and wires all over its body. Every movement makes its lower body feel tearing pain."

Allen commented nonchalantly on the side: "I have to say that the artistic value is very high. The tortoise shell is replaced with thorn wire. The ingenious structure makes the pain converge to one point. It must be a masterpiece of a master who is well versed in this."

The twisted monster followed the source of the sound, spitting out its pale tongue and flying up and down.

Not dangerous, but disgusting.

Draw your sword and slash.

The twisted monster's head fell to the ground and its body lay limply.

[Kill the twisted monster, experience value +150]

"The monster that lusts after my body must die."

Drawing the sword, sheathing it, all in one go, the action was swift.

The sword flashed and killed the monster instantly. Bruce asked himself, he couldn't do it as smoothly as Allen.

Is this what a mentally ill person can do?

I feel like I'm worse than a psychopath.


[Kill corpse insects, experience value +10]

A strange cockroach-like insect emerged from a crack in the wall.

Allen had quick eyesight and quick hands, and was trampled to death.

There is a saying among Silent Hill survivors.

If you encounter a corpse bug, you must step on it decisively, and then run for your life without looking back, because if one appears, countless corpse bugs will follow you.

"Abat, Green Arrow, run quickly!"

The sword was unsheathed and Allen slashed at the swarm of insects emerging from the wall.

A sword slashed out.

The experience value keeps prompting.

At least more than 200 points, which is really not that exciting.

Of course, Allen asked the two of them to run for their lives, mainly for one person to eat all the experience and use it to upgrade.

‘Enough experience, current thief level Lv31. ’

After killing nearly a hundred corpse insects with just a few sword skills, he received an upgrade.

"Elan quickly evacuate."

As the insect wave became more and more turbulent, Bruce and Oliver were the first to break through the door.

Alan, who was silent as his experience skyrocketed, completely ignored the reminder.

The sword was raised and lowered, and the sword was raised and lowered without blinking an eye, fully reflecting the domineering power of slashing from Nantian Avenue to the Tushita Development Zone.

In a moment, corpse insects came overwhelmingly.

A thick layer of zombie corpses accumulated around Allen.

No matter how fast he strikes, he cannot withstand the huge number of corpse insects and is instantly submerged in the tide of insects.

‘Enough experience, the current thief level is Lv50. ’

‘Unlock the skill: Blade Killing Formation. ’

‘Blade Killing Array: Twelve sword shadows attack in all directions, and the damage is calculated based on the shadow sword blade. ’

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