"Any suspects?"

Mrs. Shangdu frowned and pondered, while Su Sheng stroked her hands up and down.

I have to say, Mrs. Shangdu is amazing!

"Ring Ling Ling…"

Su Sheng's bracelet suddenly sounded and flashed light, this is an incoming call.

Glancing at it was Dinah Lance.

Su Sheng answered at will, and Dinah Lance naturally asked about the explosion on the phone.

"Gabriel blew himself up." Su Shengshou replied calmly.

"Who?" Dinah Lance asked subconsciously.

"Gabriel!" Su Sheng repeated.

"Don't tell me you're talking about the angel Gabriel, oh my God, transhumans, superhumans, aliens, even gods, and now even angels have appeared? And they blew themselves up, which is a bit too incredible. Well, since this is what you said, I believe it, but... how could Gabriel... blew himself up?" Dinah Lance on the other end of the phone was a little speechless, after all, whoever heard that there was really an angel , Angels even blew themselves up like this, right? In comparison, she performed quite well.

"Because I took off her wings." Su Sheng said casually.

The other end of the phone was silent, and Mrs. Shangdu not only trembled.

Removed... dismantled the angel's wings?


"How did they behave?" Su Sheng asked casually.

"It's not bad, I have a foundation in itself, and the progress is very fast."

"That's fine, there's nothing else to do, right? Hang up if there's nothing else." Su Sheng hung up the phone without waiting for her to answer, and turned to look at Mrs. Shangdu. "Have you thought about it? What if you thought about me rewarding you with an angel's feather? Don't underestimate it is just a feather but it is enough to do many things, such as restoring the health of disabled people, such as letting you predict Power enhancements can even target angels."

"Have you heard of Doctor Fate?" said Mrs. Shangdu.

"Dr. Destiny? Well, there is a possibility that he also has this ability." Su Sheng thought about it and nodded. "Any more?"

"The Eternal Council!" Mrs. Shangdu said again.

Su Sheng snorted, the Eternal Council is also possible, which is composed of seven ancient wizards, including the wizard Shazan. Shazam is a code name, not referring to the superhero Shazam, but the one who gave the superhero the power of Shazam.

Whoever it is, it doesn't look like God did it. Yes, God, there is the highest existence in the DC world, the earth, and the earth, which is one of the multiverse, is too small for God, it is as small as a hair, a bacteria on the body will not be easily shot .


Su Sheng turned over and opened the Shockwave Wormhole and returned to the collection room of the Disciple. After a little treatment of the bloodstains on the two wings, Su Sheng hung it directly on the wall beside him, and then pulled off two feathers from the top and turned back. Handing the feather to Mrs. Shangdu, Mrs. Shangdu took it and felt it subconsciously.

In an instant, countless messy pictures appeared in her mind, and the power made her unable to help but groan and fell from the bed to the ground, and her body began to twitch and tremble.

I have to say that the current Mrs. Kamudou is indeed very attractive after worrying about it.

Bending down and reaching out, Su Sheng took the feathers away from her hand, and Mrs. Shangdu calmed down slowly, lying on the ground gasping for breath. He put the two angel feathers aside and helped her put them away. Watching her get up and lie on the bed, Su Sheng smiled and rushed over.

Affected by the powerful power of Angel Feather, she must not have a hunch about what would happen, right? Although she already knew.

At this time, Mrs. Shangdu was unable to resist at all, and it was too late when she gradually recovered.

Mrs. Shangdu seemed to have the ability to arouse special emotions. At first, Su Sheng calmly held a taste and appreciation mentality, and even a little ridicule.

After all, can't you predict?

But gradually he was like a tiger going down the mountain, unable to contain the violence in his heart.

Mrs. Shangdu could only make a whimper and let Su Shenghu roar in the mountains and forests. After a long while, Su Sheng turned over and lay down, and Mrs. Shangdu lay there sobbing non-stop.

For a while, it made me feel pity.

"You are the first person to satisfy me so quickly. Neither the gods nor the Kryptonians can do it." Su Sheng sighed and reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of Mrs. Shang Du's eyes and took her into his arms.

Chapter 447: Only barbarism can enjoy itself

Under normal circumstances, even two or three people tossing together for a few hours can be satisfied, but just after Su Sheng noticed it, he may have entered the sage time in less than an hour or so, which is much shorter than the usual time.

Under normal circumstances, it is estimated that it will be very depressed. After all, men don’t want to have a long time. Is it impossible to shorten the time so much? But Su Sheng was very happy, very happy. Because even if the time is short, it is an hour of intense exercise, and this time can definitely satisfy any woman. And I am cool, after all, it is not a good thing to have to toss for several hours every time to satisfy several people.

This is the charm of Mrs. Shangdu!

Of course, this situation is not particularly uncommon. Many men may have a similar experience. It may take a long time to end if the excitement level with this person is not so high, and the excitement point with another person may end very quickly. And Mrs. Shangdu can make Su Sheng's excitement point very high.

So Su Sheng is really happy.

He was happy, but Mrs. Shangdu couldn't be happy anymore. The sobbing sounded one after another, and the whole body was so sore that it seemed like it was about to fall apart. Although at some point in the process she will also forget the pain, but it will naturally be painful after the end. Especially when she was happy with Su Sheng but very satisfied and happy, Mrs. Shangdu was even more depressed, she was silently comforted by Su Sheng's embrace in her arms.

The night passed quietly.

I don't know when Su Sheng and Mrs. Shangdu have fallen asleep.

They slept soundly here, but many of them stayed up all night. Even if there is an explanation for the explosion, the follow-up things are still indispensable. It is impossible to ignore it when it is over, right? Statistics of losses, casualties, how to explain to the public, etc. People from the Justice League also came, but they didn't pay much attention to it after learning that it was related to Su Sheng. As for Angela, Zed, and Constantine, they all guessed that it was related to Su Sheng, but they couldn't do anything if Su Sheng didn't come back!


In Mrs. Shangdu's fortune-telling shop, Su Sheng and Mrs. Shangdu became lingering after waking up. This time, Su Sheng became a lot more gentle. After all, Mrs. Shangdu is not a child. This result has been predicted for a long time. There is nothing to say. Yes, and this kind of gentleness is actually not bad, so I am more involved than last night.


Here comes the problem.

Su Sheng found that although he was also very excited, he seemed to be missing something, and finally Su Sheng stopped while Mrs. Shangdu begged for mercy. Seeing her lying on the side like mud, Su Sheng frowned and sat on the side.

"It's not the same, do you have to be savage to feel that way?" Su Sheng muttered and got up to wash. After getting dressed, he glanced at Mrs. Shangdu who was still confused and teleported away.

Back at the hotel where Zed and Angela stayed, Su Sheng, who couldn't get up and down, tried again.

Very savage.

But it didn't work.

It seems that this is different from person to person, and the effect will be different in different ways.

"what have you done?"

Constantine and Chas came to Su Sheng's room, watching Su Sheng sitting on the sofa hugging from side to side, he couldn't help asking, of course, it was about last night.

"Felix Faust is dead, the host of the ghost is the policeman who should be dead now, and the whereabouts of the ghost is unknown. I forced the Archangel Gabriel to death by the way." Su Sheng said casually.

"Manny... was also killed by you?" Constantine said suddenly.

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