In front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

Lena Luthor sat on the sofa and took off her high heels and gently rubbed it a few times. As soon as she looked up, she saw Su Sheng standing in front of her, her eyes seemed to be staring at her chest just now...

"You suddenly appeared just to peep at me, right?" Lena Luthor chuckled.

"Arrange your work and prepare some equipment to study kryptonite immediately. I will take you to a place to study black kryptonite. In exchange, I can tell you a secret, a very important secret to you." Su Sheng Said straight to the point.

Chapter 313 Xi Fang takes over Supergirl

"What?" Lena Luthor was stunned and didn't respond.

"As soon as possible, wait for my call." Su Sheng didn't mean to explain, and disappeared after a reminder.

"You're sick!" Lena Luthor muttered angrily, but she put on her shoes and got up to get ready.

Super Investigation Department.

Su Sheng's sudden appearance caused the alarm of the Super Investigation Department to sound instantly, and in a few seconds, countless agents rushed out.

Lucy Lane came out with a gun, Alex put on armor, and Supergirl flew out immediately.


"Contact the alarm, misunderstanding." When they saw that the person was Su Sheng, they were stunned, and followed Lucy Lane to put away the gun and told the agents to return to everyone.

"you are back."

Supergirl Kara rushed over and hugged Su Sheng excitedly, and Su Sheng bowed her head and kissed it.

The people around turned their heads one after another, this dog food was too dazzling.

After a long while, the two separated, and Lucy Lane and Alex came over. Supergirl took Su Sheng's arm and asked happily, "Are you going back this time?"

"Go!" Su Sheng said.

"Ah? Then, how long can you stay?" Supergirl's face instantly turned disappointed.

Su Sheng chuckled and said, "Let's go soon. I'm here to pick up someone this time. If you have time, you can go with me."

Supergirl shook her head regretfully, she couldn't walk away at all.

"Are you going to pick someone up to another world? Who are you picking up?" Lucy Lane asked curiously.

"Lina Luthor!"

"Me?" Lucy Lane was stunned.

"I need you for something. You can temporarily hand over the work here to Alex. Kara and I will leave for a while and pick you up later." Su Sheng said and pulled Kara directly through the shock wormhole and returned to him. The apartment here.

"What are you doing here?" Supergirl asked suspiciously.


"What?" Supergirl didn't respond.

Su Sheng smirked and hugged Supergirl in her ear and repeated it softly, and Supergirl's face instantly turned red.

"You, are you too direct?"

"Time is limited, I'm leaving at night, are you sure you... don't need to be direct?"

"Go to bed!" Supergirl said immediately.

Not long after, the gongs and drums blared and firecrackers blared.

Of course, this description may be a bit exaggerated, but the battlefield after the two ended is not an exaggeration at all.

The bed collapsed directly to the ground, and the bed was broken into several pieces. The cracks caused by several impacts on the wall are clearly visible, and the room seems to have suffered some kind of disaster, showing how fierce the battle just now was. The reunion of Xiaobie and the need for restraint are not necessary. The strong strength of the two did not demolish this building even if it was not bad!

"You seem to have become more powerful, and I can't bear it any longer." Supergirl leaned on Su Sheng's arms obediently and said sweet and greasy love words.

For men, women say that is the sweetest love story.

"I'm already very restrained, otherwise I'm afraid of you crying." Su Sheng smiled, Super Girl and Wonder Woman are completely two different feelings.

Although Wonder Woman is also very strong, she refuses to admit defeat and always tries to match herself. Although she loses every time in the end, she finds it rare to beg for mercy. Super Girl is different. Super Girl occasionally takes the initiative when she has feelings for it, but it is only a small episode in the process, and... Super Girl will beg for mercy, so the sense of accomplishment and conquest is a complete mess.

"When are you leaving?" Supergirl asked reluctantly.

"Later, I may need to find someone else." Su Sheng chuckled: "Wait when I come back next time or I will bring your mother over to accompany you for a while."

"Okay, then... I'll go back to the Super Investigation Department, and we will contact you by phone." Super Girl nodded, although she was reluctant to part with Su Sheng so soon, but since he was going to take Lucy Lane, the Super Investigation Department must be there. There are a lot of things to deal with, and it is really convenient to go back and forth, so the sense of separation is not particularly strong.

After Supergirl left, Su Sheng didn't panic, but contacted Samantha and Xi Fang. Samantha is the master, a person in a similar situation to Caitlin Snow, Su Sheng decided to bring her there temporarily, so as to distinguish the changes between ordinary people and Kryptonians. As for Xi Fang, although she was already tired of playing last time, Xi Fang's performance was not bad.

He has worked hard to manage the shares of Kate International Media, and now he has a good reputation, and it seems that he wants to continue to climb...  

Su Sheng doesn't mind rewarding for a good performance. After all, women need nourishment. For example, Batman and Thalia, don't say that Thalia sleeps with him because of helplessness or ambition. Of course, this is the main reason, but the performance in bed can also feel that it is really necessary.

Therefore, although I was a little tired of Xi Fang before, it didn't take much effort to moisten it occasionally.


Xi Fang is here.

With long golden hair and dignified business attire, she looked unmistakable, which made Su Sheng, who was a little tired, slightly interested.

He told Supergirl that he had deliberately restrained himself, but it was true.

Xi Fang was really startled when she saw the scene in the bedroom, but she also quickly understood Su Sheng's intention to contact her suddenly. Instead of being unhappy at all, she was very happy, because it meant that she still had a chance to maintain a relationship with Su Sheng, and... she really needed it.

No superfluous nonsense.

Xi Fang took over Super Girl, and the battle continued.

In less than 20 minutes, Xi Fang was already crying and begging for mercy, which made Su Sheng frown rather unhappy.

It seems that Xi Fang's physique, if you really want to let go and play, you really can't come one by one.

"It's alright, alright, stop howling." Su Sheng said angrily, got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he came out again, Xi Fang looked at 3.2 and finally recovered a little.

Xi Fang dragged her body and simply took a shower and came to the living room. She also knew that Su Sheng was a little dissatisfied because he was not satisfied, so he did not dare to sit on the sofa but sat down beside his lap.

"What do you want?" Su Sheng rolled his eyes and asked casually.

Xi Fang shook his head: "You've given me enough."

"Hey." Su Sheng laughed. "For the last time, say whatever you want."

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