The effect of kryptonite disappeared instantly.

"Hmph, do you think I don't know what Earth people know about Kryptonians?" Astra snorted coldly and punched Alex who was wearing a battle suit.

Unprepared, Alex was instantly knocked to the ground.


Astra dropped his fist from the sky and slammed it down heavily, Alex dodged in panic and pulled away...

"You, you can ignore the influence of kryptonite?" Alex asked in surprise.

Kryptonite is the biggest known weakness of Kryptonites. If they can resist the influence of Kryptonite, then Kryptonites will be difficult to deal with. Alex wondered how Astra knew they would use kryptonite as a weapon? Only kryptonites who have irradiated the yellow sun are afraid of kryptonite. Before that, they never used kryptonite to deal with the Kryptonites of Aslat's faction. How did they know?


During the fierce battle between Alex and Astra, a figure fell from the sky, causing Alex and Astra to be separated instantly.

The violent fall and impact made the two of them look towards the middle, and there was a big pit on the ground. In the deep pit, Supergirl lay straight on the ground and fainted!


In shock, Alex hurriedly turned off the kryptonite mode and rushed to Supergirl, Supergirl...and bad luck.

Although it recovered a little after basking in the sun, it was not in its peak state. When it landed, it happened to be affected by Alex's kryptonite mode, and after hitting the ground, it simply fainted again. Astra was stunned at first and then reacted with a long whistle.

The whistling sound seemed to be a kind of signal. It didn't take long for the sound to be heard. In a blink of an eye, a mixed army of more than a dozen Kryptonians and aliens flew over from a distance, suspended in mid-air at Lieutenant General Super 0.8. The Cha Department was surrounded.

"Today, no one can save you!"

Astra arrogantly turned to Alex.

Looking around, Alex's face instantly became solemn. Supergirl fainted and didn't know when she would wake up. Even if she woke up, I'm afraid it would be difficult to deal with so many aliens, right? Now... what to do?

"Kill them all!"

Astra gave an order coldly with a big wave of his hand.

The sound just fell.

A azure blue lightning fell from the sky, and Su Sheng fell to the ground!


PS: Be more tolerant and less hostile. Writing a book is not easy, just do it and cherish it. Be kind to others is to be kind to yourself! In the past few years, I got up every day to code words, conceive, sleep, code words, sleep, day after day, too much pressure, and a few nonsense after drinking, please bear with me!

Chapter 188 One punch! One punch to split the earth!


Su Sheng's abrupt landing instantly attracted everyone's attention, and he asked Astra as he pulled out his ears. "I didn't hear it clearly, what did you say?"

"It's you!"

Although the battle suit has changed, the voice has not changed, Aslat recognized it instantly and sneered. "I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know who you are, I just want to remind you... If you don't want to die, just get out of the way!"

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Su Sheng clapped his hands and said with a chuckle. "Honestly, I really want to know who has the ability to kill me."

Astra sneered: "Do you think you can control the situation with a single battle suit? See how many people there are here, with just one battle suit, how many people can you save and how many people you can defeat!"

"Why do you think the battle suit is my support?" Su Sheng asked with a chuckle.

Astra was stunned and said subconsciously: "Does it even need to be said? If you don't need a battle suit, why make a battle suit?"

"Some people just like to use their own thinking to speculate about others? Aren't you afraid of being slapped in the face?" Su Sheng chuckled, the suit quickly fell off his body and turned into a bracelet.


Astra was not too surprised by this result.

"Are you crazy?" Alex couldn't help coming to Su Sheng's side and whispered, "You don't need to listen to what she has to say. Did she deliberately provoke you to give up your advantage?"

"Do you think I can't do without the battle suit?" Su Sheng turned his head and asked.

Alex hesitated for a while and didn't speak. From the moment she knew Su Sheng, it seemed that all he relied on was the battle suit. "Could it be that you have other skills?"

"Yes, and a lot!" Su Sheng chuckled and looked at Alex seriously.

"Really? Then why didn't you..."

"I haven't said it or haven't used it yet? I don't think we're at the point where I can tell you everything I know about myself, not to mention that this battle suit has just been made, so I don't need to play with it. What am I doing with that energy? "Su Sheng slightly impatiently said: "Take Supergirl and step aside."

Alex was still a little uneasy, seeing Su Sheng's slightly wrinkled brows, she still slowly backed away with the unconscious Supergirl.

She couldn't tell why, but she had an inexplicable sense of trust.

Looking at Astra, Su Sheng said extremely arrogantly.

"If I take a half step back, count me as a loser."

"If you can kill anyone present, count me as a loser!"

"If five minutes later, you and your people still have someone who can stand, even kneeling, count me as a loser!"

Arrogant, too arrogant!

Listening to the three words he said, it was like losing his mind.

"Who gave you the courage to say that!" Astra said coldly.

"Liang Jingru!" Su Sheng chuckled lightly.

Liang Jingru? Is it some kind of cosmic **** or a powerful person on earth? But why never heard of it? Astra thought about it subconsciously and raised his hand, no matter what Liang Jingru is or not, this the best chance!

"kill him!"

Astra gave an order, and in an instant, the eyes of the Kryptonians around him turned red, and blue laser rays suddenly lit up.



Several laser rays shot towards Su Sheng from different directions at the same time. At that moment, a blue light lit up around Su Sheng, like a blue ball of light.

"Huh, but that's it!"

"After talking for a long time, I thought it was amazing!" Astra said with a cold snort.

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