A dusty man who quickly shook off the snowflakes from his body gently pushed open the door of the bar.

With a smile on his face, he looked into the bar, but the sight in front of him made him look stunned.

Bottles of whiskey and cocktails were placed on various tables, and Emily and Dam were busy.

"What's happening here?"

The man asked with some confusion.

Emily's little head suddenly turned around and looked at the man with a smile: "Today the bar celebrates Lin's return! All drinks are 20% off!"


The man quickly came to a table and opened a bottle of whiskey himself. Damn on the side quickly handed him the wine glass, but he didn't take it at all. He just held the bottle and drank it with a bang. stand up.

Soon, a regular customer knocked on the door of Emily's Tavern.

"Good guy, Lin, you are finally back!"

"I thought you couldn't stand Emily's oppression and ran away secretly!"

A big white man with a beard said with a smile, which instantly caused Emily to glare at her. However, instead of being angry, the big man looked like his aunt was smiling.

More and more regulars of the bar greeted Lin Jue. Within a moment, every table in the huge bar was filled with customers, and there were still more people walking into the bar.

"Good guys! These guys, what's going on? Why don't you go to work so late?"

A guest who couldn't find a seat looked at Emily at the booth in surprise.

"Haha, Uncle Buken, you can go to the second floor. There is now a new floor open on the second floor next door!"

Emily's eyes looked at Lin Jue who was shuttled between various desktops. Her heart was finally not as anxious and empty as usual.

After Lin Jue disappeared, she realized that Lin Jue was already indispensable in her heart...

"Okay! Emily, your business is really getting better and better..."

The middle-aged man walked towards the second floor stairs on the side. At the same time, Lin Jue also began to greet some new guests.


Dam twisted his fat body and stretched his waist.

Emily quickly leaned down and took the wine from the wine box to the stand one by one. Damn picked up the wine bottle and walked quickly towards the loudly shouting guests.

"By the way, have you heard? Catwoman seemed to have met the remnants of the Masked Society yesterday!"

"S~, those damn guys won't come to our East District, right?"

"The Blood God and the Judge have not appeared in our East District for a long time. They seem to have left here, so that the criminals seem to be ready to make another move."

The big white man who originally teased Emily said with a worried look.

"Uncle, I have some gossip!"

Like a whirlwind, Dam quickly rushed to the big man's desk and said with a sly look.

"Huh? Really or not! Is it about the Trial Council?"

The big white man, including his table mates, all turned their heads over and looked curiously at Dam, who had a mysterious smile on his face.


Dam's eyes glanced at the wine glasses in front of their table, and several people quickly and subconsciously handed glasses full of wine to him.

He casually picked up a glass and took a sip, a blush flashed across Dam's chubby face.

"I'm sure that the Judgment Council will visit our Gotham East District again in the near future, so that Miss Catwoman can stop running around so much!"

"real or fake?"

Some people questioned with some disbelief.

"Haha! Have you forgotten my prediction last time? The Judgment Council directly released a powerful judge like the Blood God. Believe me, the Judgment Council will definitely shock those despicable and evil people with the power of thunder this time. Guy!"

"It seems that Damn boy did predict it last time?"

"Haha, drink, drink!"

The diners who got the good news handed over their wine glasses one after another, and Dam drank three more glasses. They chatted happily while eating snacks from Emily's Tavern.

Finally, no more customers came into the store. Lin Jue had a rare moment of rest. He slowly came to the staff table and poured himself a cup of cocktail.

Then he started to mind his own business.

However, not long after, a slim woman slowly came to his table and stared at Lin Jue's face.

"Lin? Long time no see!"

Lin Jue looked at this woman with some confusion. Lin Jue was not familiar with this woman who seemed to know him.

"Oh, it seems you have forgotten everything. You saved my life before you were a waiter in this tavern!"

A trace of loneliness flashed across the woman's face.

"Easy to do!"

Lin Jue smiled faintly and said that he had some fighting skills before, but only for small fights. Except for Dam, he didn't remember most of the others. Moreover, his purpose was to punish evil, not to save people.

"I have always wanted to find a chance to thank you! But I didn't expect you to disappear for a month. Now, I want to invite you to our family dinner!"

"Uh...huh? Family dinner? May I ask your Excellency?"

"Mary Grayson!"


Lin Jue, who originally planned to refuse, suddenly became interested. Mary Grayson's name did not easily attract his attention, but his son Dick Grayson gave Lin Jue some ideas.

"So, your family is a reorganized family, mainly formed by the merger of you and the original branch!"

"Yes, our family currently works in the circus! But recently, we responded to my grandfather's call and prepared to attend this dinner. As this celebration, every family can invite friends to participate. Some of our family members are in the East End. With considerable financial resources, I hope I can be of some help to you. You are a respectable person!”

"Thank you, I will consider participating!"

Mary Grayson nodded with a smile, then slowly stood up and left the bar under Emily's hidden gaze.

"Lin Jue, who is she?"

Emily wandered to Lin Jue's table and asked softly with her usual expression.

"Ha, a lady I rescued before wanted to invite me to their family's dinner party and introduce me to the rich people in the East District!"

Lin Jue smiled and explained quickly.


Emily, who knew that she had something wrong, quickly turned her head away and continued busy with her own affairs.

Lin Jue drank the wine slowly, with a look of thought in his eyes. Dick Grayson, this is not an ordinary person. If nothing happens, he may become Batman's Robin. He has extremely unique abilities. He had a common fighting talent, and was thinking about Dick Grayson's story line in his mind. He couldn't even remember many parts clearly, but there was a piece of information from the series flashing through his mind.

It would be really interesting if there was a story line like that...

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