Dusk, inside the dormitory of Xavier’s Talented Junior Academy.

Leon hovered in the air, thinking back to the two months he had been at the Academy.

Hit by a meteorite, crossed, unlocked the mutant ability in superhuman form, became familiar with the ability, and became a new student in the mutant academy.

Everything was like a dream.

But the feeling of lifting in the air below him told Leon that none of this was a dream.

The sunlight outside the window fell on Leon’s body, and there was a burst of warmth.

For the past two months, Li Ang didn’t even go to the school cafeteria, just locked himself in the dormitory to bask in the sun.

Affected by superhuman abilities, Leon felt that his body was crisp and numb, just like exercising in the gym, but he did not feel tired from exercising.

Indeed, his body is constantly changing with the light, his arms are getting thicker, and his muscles are becoming more and more defined.

Leon took a look in front of the mirror, and after only two months of shining on the sun, his body was much stronger than when he came.

The two muscles in the chest are like knives and axes, connecting the eight-pack abs in the abdomen.

There is not a trace of superfluity in the body.

The perfect figure is like Michelangelo’s David.

If Li Ang was still like a college student with some traces of exercise when he came, the current Li Ang can definitely be called a bodybuilder who has received professional training all year round.

As long as you bask in the sun, you can keep getting stronger.

Although this growth rate is a little slower, but in this crisis-ridden world of American comics, Leon definitely has the power to protect himself.

Moreover, after Leon’s investigation during this time, the tone of this world is dominated by the Marvel world.

Kryptonite is something that only exists in other people’s imaginations.

After seeing the results of his training, Leon poured himself a glass of Coke with satisfaction.

Speaking of which, he’s been at the Mutant Academy for so long, and he hasn’t been to a class yet.

At most, I met Professor X when I was in school.

Looking at his schoolbag that he hadn’t touched since he moved into the dormitory, he scratched his head.

Isn’t it time to go to class too?

I can see how other mutants manipulate their abilities and learn something.

“Ding!Congratulations to the host for activating the Mood Chest System!”.


A huge panel jumped out of Leon’s eyes like an advertising pop-up.

Host: Leon

Bloodline: Mutant, superhuman

Constitution: 205 [10 points for ordinary people].

Spirit: 105

Strength: 230 [Grip 720 tons].

Dexterity: 221

X-Gene Abilities: Super Energy Absorption, Faster-than-Light Flight, Super Sensing Ability, Super Healing Ability, Super Defense Ability, Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Thinking Ability, Super Biological Force Field, Super Ice Breath, Super Hot Vision.

Backpack Items: None

Inheritance ability: None

This series of super words made Li Ang a little dazzled, but this system was quite detailed.

Leon snorted at Coke, and the normally normal glass immediately covered with a layer of frost.

A glass of iced cola was put into his throat, and Leon also understood the role of this system.

As long as you make people feel emotional, you can get treasure chests

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The stronger the mood swings, the bigger the treasure chest

The stronger the Wave object, the stronger the contents of the chest


It’s a system that’s just for him!

Not to mention that he is a superhuman body, even an ordinary person can rely on this thing to do a lot.

Isn’t it just a mentality?

Leon can be said to be an expert in this area.

It’s really not good, you can still learn from the Azu next door!

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Ang’s mouth hooked up with a smile.

He jumped from the ceiling and reached for his backpack on the ground.

It’s time to go to school.


Outside the dormitory, Wanda looked at the list in her hand with a skeptical expression.

“Li, Leon?”.

“It’s weird, it’s hard to pronounce the name of this freshman. ”

Quicksilver Road:

“Sister, you are really rare and weird, we will go to the gathering in a while. ”

“I don’t want to break the record later. ”

“Got it. ”

Wanda interrupts Quicksilver’s enthusiasm.

Knocked on the door carefully.

A friendly look of an excellent student appeared on his face.

I don’t know why this freshman didn’t go to school, but there are a lot of strange people in the school.

It’s not too strange to not go to class.

There were two knocks, but there was no movement in the door.

Wanda was a little strange and reached for the doorknob.

A huge pull pulled the door open, and Wanda hurriedly retracted her hand.

“Ahh ”

Behind the door, a handsome Asian student, with black hair and yellow skin, was staring at him in surprise.

Wanda nervously cut her hair and made her way towards Leon.

“Hello, classmate. ”

“Today is the school’s aptitude test, and Professor Charles brought all of us to the gymnasium. ”

“This quiz is important…. ”

Li Ang didn’t pay much attention to Wanda’s words.

Now, he has more important things to deal with.

“Ding! Surprise from Wanda detected!”.

“Ding!Drawing treasure chests for the host!”.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, get a bronze treasure chest!”.

This treasure chest is coming too fast.

PS: 10 more every day, the old author begged for flowers, evaluation votes, comments, monthly passes, rewards, the first day is really important, thank you Yanzu!

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