At the same time that the helicopter arrived overhead, a man in black appeared on the only road leading to the manor and drove a Ducati XDiavel S at a gallop. Just behind him, there were also vans

that followed him, and above these vans there were huge antennas pointing straight to the sky.

Eddie was very excited at this time, he felt that he had been lucky since he met the fake Batman.

For the news about Batman in Hell's Kitchen, he himself did not expect to be so popular, he was already mentally prepared that the manuscript could not even pass.

With the hot performance of the report, his status in the Clarion newspaper has soared.

And at this time, he finally received a contact from this Batman.

In fact, as early as when the news began to explode, Eddie had already expected that Batman would inevitably contact him, but at this time, he did not want to fulfill the agreement mentioned before.

After all, with his ability, coupled with his fame and status today, as long as he does not die, then he will inevitably become a popular figure in the New York press.

And helping Batman deal with the mysterious investor is obviously a death-for-death act.

But he still looked at the message from Batman with a bitter face.

After all, he had seen this Batman's abilities in the alley that day...

The light cast with his bare hands can penetrate the human body, and he doesn't want to be cut a big hole in the heart.

But as he read, his bitter melon face first turned into doubt, then to concentration, and finally to a huge smile.

Because he had a hunch that this Batman had brought him another explosive news.

Every word that appeared in this short message made Eddie extremely excited. The

private residence of the Bernano family, an ancient family that has existed since the founding of the United States, the police dispatched a large-scale operation of hundreds of people, the wanted criminal Ghost Spider-Man, and the recent media darling Batman.

When these explosive elements are combined, even if they just get together to grill meat, it will become a shocking hit!

Eddie didn't even have to think about it, he immediately followed Batman's instructions and called all the people he could inform and contacted every friend in his circle to gather towards the place where the incident took place, the Bernano family's estate.

And as the reporters flocked to the policemen standing at the gate of the manor, the policemen in charge of guarding showed unhappy expressions.

They tried to block it, but as they showed their press credentials, they eventually reluctantly let them go.

Because in the United States these journalists have the sword given by the government and the people, the First Amendment.

These journalists have the right to enter these "crime scenes" that are being pulled up precisely because the people have the right to know.

It is these journalists who exercise this right on behalf of the people.

In the United States, a country that values freedom of speech, journalists undoubtedly have a great deal of power.

In this country, they can use cameras, paper, pens, and the emerging Internet to spread any story they record and weave.

Their reporting is so powerful that in the United States, an electoral country, the media's ability to influence public opinion is particularly terrifying, they can control the outcome of an election, they can influence whether a bill is passed, and even presidents sometimes fear these guys with spotlights and microphones.

It is not how powerful these journalists or the media themselves are, but the ordinary people who stand behind them and can be influenced by public opinion condense into a sharp weapon and give them strength.

But the scariest thing is that these journalists are not acting for justice, they just want a story that will explode the public, so as long as it smells like this, they will flock to it, as it is now.

What's more, there are too many details in this story that can be dug into, and for journalists, it is like a gold mine from heaven!

As long as there are popular news resources, these journalists can become sprint champions, they either carry microphones or recording equipment to the core of the event, even those strong men with camera equipment follow, quickly outside Peter's encirclement.

George Stacy, who was at the center of the encirclement at this time, already felt bad, and he glared angrily at the smiling Batman, as if realizing that it was the teenager who attracted these reporters.

And Peter immediately withdrew his smile while noticing that the reporters' "long guns and short cannons" had been aimed at him.

He knew exactly why these journalists were here.

What they want is a story, a story that everyone in the city will enjoy.

They don't care about the truth, they don't care about the facts, all they want is stories.

If the story isn't good enough, then they will find a way to make it wonderful.

If the story isn't engaging, then they add some eye-catching elements.

Just like those that Gwen has experienced.

Now Peter is going through all this.

But unlike Gwen, Peter knew what kind of story they needed and knew how to make one.

Case... Let me give them a beautiful, funny, and popular story...

At this time, Peter's face was grim, he straightened his body, and he looked taller under the blessing of Batman's helmet.

He first walked to the policeman who was the first to raise the gun and aim at him, he approached step by step facing the muzzle, and finally pressed his chest against the muzzle.

He said in a hoarse, deep voice,

"If I'm not mistaken, you haven't given me your name and your siren."

As soon as Peter's voice fell, the surrounding reporters showed excitement, because they clearly understood that they really encountered a treasure today!

Although they have only just shot a short shot, the meaning it conveys is unusual.

There were many people in the United States in 07 who dared to confront the police, but the end was often to be arrested and detained immediately!

This is the first time that he has worked against the police without being arrested on the spot.

As Diane said before, breaking the law in this country is not the most serious problem, and if you violate it and get away with it, some people will even see you as a hero.

Why? Because you're challenging authority!

People don't care if you're wrong or right, they want to see people like this, stories like this.

As long as you dare to challenge authority, even if you slap the president, someone will take the lead in cheering.

Peter looked at the pistol on his chest, and then stared into the other's eyes.

"So you want to arrest me, but you can't find any charges? Do you know what the reason is? Quite simply, because I am innocent!

Peter's volume suddenly increased, and the policeman who was stared at by Peter was even frightened to take a step back, as if he was the one who was being pointed at gunpoint.

Peter then looked around at the other policemen who were aiming at him and sneered,

"So are you going to continue to detain me?" Detain an innocent passerby? So that your work file doesn't look so bad and doesn't make you look too incompetent?

However, the truth is that you only dare to arrest unarmed passers-by like me, not criminals, because they are really dangerous!

Then Peter once again looked at the policeman who had raised his gun and aimed at him first, staring at the other party with dead eyes, and slowly spit out a word.


This completely angered all the police present, who had their fingers on the trigger, waiting for an opportunity to empty their magazines.

At this time, George Stacy, who was standing on the sidelines and watching Peter's speech dumbfounded, finally reacted completely, and he roared:

"Dute put the gun down! What are you doing! They are deliberately provoking you! Put the gun down for me!

At this point, he is the one who fears the most, and the slightest spark will lead to a violent explosion, and his police officers will shoot an innocent person under the watchful eye of the media.

And this damn Batman will immediately be the perfect victim!

Teenagers, Batman, members of the Bernano family, and they don't have any evidence that he has anything to do with Ghost Spider-Man.

Once someone shoots, the labels on the teenager will push the New York Police Department to the cusp, and the next person to be criticized is their police department, and he, the police chief responsible for leading the team!

But Peter didn't care about the muzzles aimed at his black holes, he turned around and shouted at the media:

"Let's see what this group of police officers are doing? They are raising their guns and aiming at an innocent person who is not in danger, who has no criminal acts!

Then he turned to Eddie, who was crowded in the front, made sure that the other party could shoot himself at the best angle, straightened his chest, put his right leg in front of him, and shouted as if he were a climber:

"Who gave them the power to do this? It's us! It is every people of the United States of America, all their power is given by the people, their salaries are paid by the taxes we pay, and every penny he earns comes from the people! Then he raised

his hands flatly and raised them in front of him, his head wearing a bat helmet was slightly lowered, and he said with a bit of sorrow:

"And now, power has corrupted their minds, and they have taken this divine, great power as their own! He thought the power belonged to him! That's why he feels so arrogant and so high, that's why they dare to use this power to devour the true master of this country!

Then Peter turned sharply again, pointing his index finger at the officer like a sharp sword.

"Drain two oil?! How dare you act so recklessly in public with the power we have given you?!


George Stacy tried to stop Peter's speech, and by this time he could see that Peter was using this place as a huge stage to give impassioned speeches.

If it were usual, these media would never look at this kind of madman more.

But now he is surrounded by hundreds of policemen, facing countless guns, and the most deadly thing is...

He wears a Batman helmet!

Just one helmet is enough to turn their entire police station into a villain in a comic! Harlequin in the play!

And Peter is still carrying the correct banner at this time, his every word is incomparably correct, it is simply like a campaign manifesto carefully prepared by politicians, and his words at this moment will inevitably be able to envelop public opinion and bury the entire police station like an avalanche.

George Stacy couldn't imagine the headline tomorrow's news, but he seemed to have heard the constant ringing of the phone in his office. So it is

imperative to immediately stop him from continuing to speak, otherwise the situation will be more serious than if they returned empty-handed.

"No one arrested you, his gun raising was just a stressful act, we will do some checks for him later, and you can always leave freely, since there are wanted criminals here, I suggest you leave as soon as possible, I will send two kind police officers to escort you away."

"Is it? You say I'm free to leave?

Peter's cold tone had a hint of teasing frivolity, which made George Stacy feel faintly bad in his heart, but he still had to admit it.

"Yes, you are free to leave!"

Peter nodded, he looked at Eddie vaguely, and Eddie immediately adjusted the angle to strive for the perfection of the next shot.

And Peter then said:

"Since I am free to leave, then I can also choose to stay!" This is my

house, this is my residence, and the taxes I pay for it feed you!

You have no right to let me go! This is the power given to me by the Republic of America, and you should be the ones who are expelled! "

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