Six pillars of light appeared in the distance, as if a spear made of light had pierced the night, and was about to pierce the tranquility of tonight...

Diane and Peter looked solemnly at the huge black SUV like a beast coming in the distance.

Without having time to think about how the enemy had discovered the location of the two, Diane turned around and was about to leave.

"We left the back door! Sneak down through the night.

Although Dai Anxin understood how unreliable this plan was, there was only one way to stay here, and escaping was their only way out at this time, not to mention her character did not allow her to sit still, no matter what.

Peter did not follow Diane away, he looked at the black giant beast that was speeding in the distance, and sighed secretly.

This is not the first time he has encountered this scene, it has been almost his daily life in many years of mercenary career, but the only difference today is that he no longer has reliable teammates to entrust his back.

Diane saw that Peter did not react, gritted her teeth fiercely, and did not persuade again, hurriedly picked up the bag she carried, and immediately left the villa, but just after taking two steps, she felt that her body was light, and the whole person was hugged by Peter.

Dai was relieved and realized that the worst had happened, she looked at Peter and said softly:

"Even if you hand me over, they will not spare the witnesses, we have an agreement, if things can't be done you can leave, I won't blame you, but I will never forgive betrayal."

Peter ignored her and carried her directly to the safe passage, then grabbed her palm and slapped it.

After understanding that Peter wanted to open the shelter and hide, Diane frowned and whispered angrily:

"Hiding here can only delay time!" Sooner or later they will find out here, we have no chance of winning without foreign aid!

However, before he could finish speaking, Peter threw him in.

"Hide inside and don't come out until I call you."

He then took the pistol from Diane's bag, and the door to the safe passage was closed in front of Diane.

Diane, on the other hand, felt like her head was going to explode.

Is he going to use himself as bait to lure away the enemy? Or are you planning to single out the opposite group?

Who do you think you are? Terminator? Although it is indeed a bit handsome to play this set at this time, it is a terrible thing! The most important thing will be to put me in it!

Diane's hand hung in the air for a long time, but she still didn't open the door and continued to run.

She knew that it was too late, and the other party also understood, so she turned on the headlights so brazenly, and came all the way, and all she could do now was to fight to the death. For

the first time since she was born, Diane felt trepidation and uneasiness in her heart, she had never been in such a desperate situation.

The bodyguard who had just picked up outside the door was obviously unable to deal with the enemy who was full of three cars, and I am afraid that it would not be long before him, like his previous bodyguards and drivers, after performing his last duties generously.

Dai An'an also surfaced a small guilt at this time, it was she who pulled the other party into this trouble, it was she who pulled him into the water like a drowning man grabbing a lifeguard.

However, she really did not expect that this hiding place would be exposed, obviously she was cautious enough...

Wait a minute!

An incredible thought suddenly came to Dai'an, she took out her mobile phone, stared at one of the numbers, and then gritted her teeth and dialed the number.

And immediately a frivolous, somewhat smug voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, my lovely cousin, did you have a good day?"

"Milk..." The

instantaneous call and the other party's tone confirmed what Diane was thinking, but she still couldn't believe and asked:

"What did you do?"

As if not feeling obvious anger, Milk smacked his tongue as if he were displeased.

"I did something that was long overdue."

Then Milk continued in a pleasant tone: "I want to correct the mistakes made by Uncle Charles and put the family on the right track."

Even the last fantasy was shattered, and the aura on Diane's body was suddenly full of murderous aura, her fingers gripped the phone tightly, and the force was so strong that people wondered if she would crush the phone.

She tried to suppress her anger, but she still couldn't suppress her trembling voice.

"So you actually betrayed your family?"

"It's a hard way to say, I'm just correcting mistakes within the family." The

voice on the other end of the phone revealed obvious dissatisfaction, as well as an indescribable sense of pleasure.

It was as if he clearly did not like Diane's attitude, but at the same time enjoyed her hostility.

Diane struggled to remain calm, forcing herself to think instead of being consumed by anger. "You can't

do this on your own, you can't control your father, who is supporting you? Elder Anthony? Or Elder Cohen?

Immediately there was a contemptuous laugh from the other end of the microphone.

"Just those two old guys can support me? They were just two wall grasses, and when they saw that I had the upper hand, they immediately surrendered, and even immediately began to prepare for my inheritance ceremony.

Diane thought for a moment, then her eyes widened and she roared in disbelief:

"You united with outsiders? Who is it? Don Gritoli?

Diane gasped, unable to maintain her previous calm appearance, as if she could hear her heart pounding violently, and annoying noises in her ears.

"You actually went to trade with outsiders and betrayed the family members! And your purpose is actually to seek family status! I used to think that you were incompetent, but I didn't expect you to be stupid to this extent!

And Milk heard Diane's roar, instead of feeling the slightest guilt or fear, became more and more happy.

"Diane, I have dreamed of scenes like today countless times, but I never thought that today could actually become a reality."

Milk was silent for a few seconds after speaking, as if he was really enjoying the moment, and then continued with a smile: "Don't

worry, I won't betray the interests of any family, Don Gritoly is an arrogant fool, he doesn't deserve to trade with me at all." "Huh


Diane smirked angrily.

"yes, he doesn't deserve to trade with you, so you think you're just taking advantage of him? Just by you?

"Hmph, whatever you say... I did win, and who else are you available now? If you guessed correctly, you should be shivering in the safe house of that dilapidated house right now, right?

Diane's words seemed to sting Milk for the first time, and his voice became agitated, as if eager to declare and show his victory.

Then he proudly wanted to express his kindness.

"Don't worry, my lovely Diane, we are a family anyway, I won't hurt you, and I happen to need a good helper who can help me, so you can still maintain your position in the family."

"Are you sure?"

Diane's voice was cold, but Milk didn't care, and after Diane's suspiciously positive answer, he felt that he had finally won the desired victory, and his dream for many years had finally come true.

As if afraid that Diane would regret it, he hurriedly gave his promise.

"Of course! You can still keep your property and funds, your inheritance rights will not be taken away, and our future children will be the new heads of the household, as long as you promise that I can let them take you back to sign deeds and contracts now!

Diane snorted coldly.

"It seems that my evaluation of you is a little biased, you are even more stupid than I thought, you think you can fool me in this way?

You betrayed your family, and now you just want to use my orthodox inheritance to justify your usurpation, do you think I will make you happy?

Even if I do marry you, do you really think that you can control me with that little ability?

Maybe my child will be the next head of the family, but believe me, you will never live to the day your child is born, and you are even less likely to be the father of your child!

This stab obviously stabbed Milk's sore spot, and even through the microphone, he could be heard gritting his teeth.

"It seems that you have not yet recognized your current situation, but don't worry, I specially instructed them not to kill you, they will bring you back unharmed, and then I will teach you personally until you deserve the position of my wife."


Milk's voice became low, and his language was mixed with indescribable malice, and he continued happily: "

Compared to my wife, I want you to be my most precious collection, my best plaything, believe me, I will be very happy in the next days~"


Diane could no longer suppress the anger in her heart, she threw the phone directly into the wall, directly turning the phone into pieces, and then she sat helplessly on the bed in the safe room.

Mixed feelings surged through her heart.

Anger at Milk's betrayal of the family, worry about the situation of his father and sister, powerlessness at the fight outside the door, and unwillingness welling up from the bottom of his heart.



And after pushing Diane into the safe house, Peter was not idle.

He ran directly outside the house to destroy the power supply, and the inside of the villa instantly became pitch black.

Since he saw the distance of the vehicle, he already knew that he couldn't run away, and using that police car to break through would only be blocked by the other party at the intersection, and it was even more foolish to want to sneak out, as long as people stood on the platform and looked out, the surrounding scenery would be clear at a glance.

So the only feasible option at this point is to use his familiarity with the terrain to conduct home battles.

Peter immediately rushed back to the villa after destroying the power supply, and the enemy had already rushed nearby, and the deep voice erupted densely on the route Peter had run, and although Peter had dodged the first round of shooting, his face was extremely gloomy. The low gunshot is

by no means the effect of a simple silencer, you must know that even if the silencer is installed, the noise of the gun is 130 decibels, and the mainstream silencer is now not aimed at reducing noise, but to change the timbre of the gunshot, so that people cannot realize that this is a gunshot.

And the deep sound just now is undoubtedly equipped with a silencer and a subsonic bullet is used at the same time.

This is a professional killer thing!

Peter's mood became heavier, but his years of mercenary career allowed him to quickly calm down, and then quickly rushed up the stairs and hid in the corner of the door of the second bedroom.

Then he carefully examined the pistol he took from Diane by moonlight, a small Glock 19, although it felt good, but after opening the magazine, he found that there were only five rounds left in the standard magazine of 15 rounds. He

shook his head helplessly, and then he carefully observed the intruder's movements.

I saw that those intruders immediately turned on the tactical flashlight on the pistol after discovering that the lighting in the villa had been lost, apparently prepared.

Then they formed a small team of three people and scattered and began to search the entire villa.

And after seeing the other party's actions, Peter had a smile on his lips.

The intruders behaved professionally, but they were still laymen to him.

Although these people used a fairly effective three-person search formation, it was clear that they were not professionally trained, and their formation was so loose that the three could not react at the same time. In the dark, the

act of opening the tactical flashlight search when the enemy's location is unknown is equivalent to opening the enemy's positioning, and if it is placed on the battlefield, it is a proper death-seeking behavior.

Although outnumbered, Peter already saw his hope of victory, and he just had to wait... Waiting for that ray of light to unfold...

Peter clenched the Glock in his hand, lowered the muzzle of the gun and stood silently in the dead end, he quietly adjusted his breathing, and the whole person almost merged with the shadow.

Soon after, three figures with black hoods appeared from the entrance of the stairs, still maintaining a loose three-person search formation, each facing a different direction, and advancing forward while guarding carefully.

Occasionally the lamppost of one of them swept by, but at most it could only shine next to him, and they needed to get closer if they wanted to see this dead end... A little closer... Again... Near...


In the shadows, a flash of fire rang out with gunshots as violent as thunder, and a killer fell in response.

Peter, who rushed out of the shadows, did not pause, rushed forward again, and pushed the arm that held the second person upwards at the moment the second killer turned around, and the muzzle was already aimed at the third person's knee.


At the same time as the fierce gunshots rang out, Peter turned the muzzle again and aimed at the stomach of the killer who was holding his arm.

"Bang! Bang!

While piercing the killer's stomach, at the moment when the other party lost resistance, Peter let go of his held hand, and both hands held the gun and steadily pierced his head.

Immediately afterwards, Peter did not pause, turned the gun again, and aimed it at the killer who instantly knelt on the ground because of the broken knee.

"Bang!" The 9×19mm Parabellum bullet pierced his skull directly, but fortunately he wore a hood so that the scene did not become too bloody.

"Poof! Burst! And at the entrance of the stairs, there was a muffled gunshot.

The other squads had already discovered his location, and Peter could already hear hurried footsteps in the distance.

Peter's face was calm, and he held Glock, who had hung up empty, with his backhand, and simply used the pistol as a hammer and threw it directly.

"Bang." The dull sound was accompanied by a scream, apparently it had exceeded its mission.

Peter rolled sharply to the ground, dodging possible shots while holding a killer's pistol in his hand. While the gun

was in hand, Peter directly turned off the tactical gun light installed on the tactical rail, and then skillfully pulled the sleeve to check the gun.

However, before he could check the amount of ammunition, a light flashed, and before he even had time to think, Peter instinctively sprinted directly and jumped down from the fence next to the staircase.

At the same time as the muzzle of the gun has been raised, the eye-catching flashlight in the killer's hand is Peter's guiding light, the fingertip pulls, the trigger whispered, and the whisper-like whisper sounded the deafening death knell.

But in an instant, another person was killed by Peter's gun.

But apparently this performance is far from the end of the curtain.

Two pillars of light swept again.

However, this time Peter had nowhere to move, he was already in the center of the hall, the killer standing on the stairs occupied the high point, and the killer guarding the door could form a crossfire, no matter where he hid, he would face the muzzle of one of them.

Without hesitation, Peter rushed directly to the killer who was closer to him, and also entered the dead corner of the killer on the stairs.

The muzzle was raised, and this time Peter did not aim, pulling the trigger on the other party by feeling, and the other party was also shooting bullets at Peter at the same time.

Almost face-to-face shooting without the slightest room to dodge, the two were shot almost at the same time, the killer almost immediately fell to the ground, and Peter also felt a pain in the abdomen, but did not lose his balance, immediately made up a shot to the killer's head, did not care to check the wound, just covered the wound, the whole person ran directly to the door of the hall.

Strenuous exercise can sometimes be fatal when he has already been shot, but his position has been exposed, and if he stays where he is, he will only die.

However, just as Peter was about to run out the door, two more killers with black hoods were about to enter the guest room, and when they saw Peter, the two were stunned, and the next second they were going to raise their guns and shoot, but Peter did not give them a chance. First raised his hand to the stomach of the first person

is a shot, and then swooped over intending to shoot the second person with the first person as a shield, but did not expect that the second person reacted extremely quickly, saw that his gun line was blocked by his teammates, and then jumped to the side and hid at the edge of the door.

At this time, the killer on the stairs also ran downstairs, but he did not learn the lesson that his teammates bought with their lives, and the shaking pillar of light not only reminded Peter but also became the most conspicuous target.

"Poof!" In order to avoid the situation of missing the hand and falling into the abdomen, Peter directly fired three shots, two shots hit the body to ensure that he lost his threat, and the last shot was shot to the head to mend the knife.

The killer hiding in the doorway heard the gunshots and immediately realized that his teammates were attracting fire, and immediately raised his gun and prepared to rush into the room to support. However, before the

muzzle was aimed, Peter reached out and grabbed the sleeve, and the next second Peter was about to use the Mozambican shooting method again, but only fired the first shot at the chest at the same time Peter's pistol hung up.

Fortunately, the killer who was shot could not fight back at this time due to severe pain, Peter directly smashed the pure steel sleeve into the killer's face, the killer immediately fell to the ground, Peter immediately picked up the pistol dropped by the killer to relieve his pain.

At this time, silence finally returned to the villa, but Peter still raised his gun and went around on guard.

When it was confirmed that there was no one alive except himself, Peter returned to the hall with a stumbling step, and collapsed on the sofa as if he had lost his strength in an instant. The smell

of blood mixed with the choking smell of gunpowder gradually spread, and the entire villa fell into a deathly silence at this time, which was quite familiar and made Peter feel as if he had returned to his previous life for a moment.

Suddenly Peter suddenly came to his senses and hurriedly looked down to check the wound on his abdomen, but there was only a slightly blackened circular mark on the abdomen, and there was no wound.

Is the skin strengthened by the lizardman serum, Peter touched the marks on his abdomen.

Although he had long known that ordinary guns and bullets in the eyes of those superheroes in the Marvel Universe were almost non-threatening toys, he was still shocked when this surreal scene really happened to him.

As a person who was born and died on the battlefield and was really shot, he knew the power of bullets better than anyone, and at this time, although the other party was not using a large-caliber weapon, it left only such a small scorch mark in the case of a direct hit.

"Huh... I feel that I really am still not used to this irrational worldview.

Peter muttered, and then after two seconds of silence, he suddenly realized something, and after pondering for a long time, he suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and then roared up to the sky: "Fak, I already knew that I could open Wushuang, then I put this Assassin's Creed to play Ji'er!" "

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