When Peter returned carrying the unconscious Erica, the night was fading little by little.

There were still sporadic gunshots near the manor, but the interior of the manor had basically returned to normal, and if it weren't for the mess on the lawn, it would be hard to believe that there had been a fierce battle that poured thousands of bullets here at night.

Thanks to the fact that these ninjas turn into flying ash after death, the cleanup work is very fast, and after sending their injured guards to the family's hospital, and collecting the bodies of those guards, the servants quickly return to their respective jobs, but their work content has changed slightly.

Gardeners clean up dropped shell casings and weapons left behind by unknown people.

The valets began to clean up the damaged furniture in the mansion, while the maids rolled up the blood-stained carpet.

Most of them had become accustomed to this scene after the last invasion, and only the chefs had encountered a sudden situation.

Although their work content has not changed in the slightest, today their workload has more than tripled, and they quickly produce beautiful dishes under Gwen's supervision, but before they can be plated, they have been eaten by Gwen, and with the symbiote that can change at will, she does not even need tableware, and the chefs suspect that if they move a little slower, it is estimated that Gwen will not even let go of the raw materials.

Peter took Erica and went straight to Diane's study under the guidance of Cotton's butler.

Although the battle had come to an end, it was still heavily guarded, with several bodyguards guarding every corner.

Everyone was wary of everything around them, only Diane herself still looked casual, and almost at the same time Peter entered the door, she opened a bottle of champagne with a "bang" to celebrate.

Peter ignored Diane, who was opening the champagne at halftime, threw Erica on his shoulder on the carpet, then closed the door and took off his helmet, which had a few more white marks.

Diane frowned, she looked at the helmet that Peter casually threw aside and asked with a bit of suspicion:

"Are you sure you want to take off your helmet now?" You know she's awake, right? "

However, the exposed Erica still did not move at all, her eyes were closed, her breathing was steady, and her heartbeat did not change, almost no different from a comatose person, she believed that Diane was deceiving herself with words, exposing herself actively, and she had to wait for a better time to escape.

However, she did not know that her mind had already been exposed in front of Diane, who had the ability to peep into the fruit.

And Peter just threw his helmet aside and said without care:

"If she's smart enough, she should understand that she'd better stay in a coma."

And Diane, who "saw the whole battle between the two" with her own eyes, chuckled and really ignored Erica, and did not even ask where the kidnapped Milk was now, and after the two glanced at each other tacitly, Diane poured two glasses of champagne to celebrate.

And Erica, who heard the conversation between the two, also had a trace of regret in her heart.

She didn't expect that the reason why Peter suddenly cut off Milk's calf was not because he was afraid of him escaping, he had always been absolutely sure of leaving Milk, and the reason why he did this was only to let himself have some scruples and not run away easily, and his purpose in the first place was to capture himself!

At that time, when she mastered the current situation, she did not think that this was a trap, but even if she knew Peter's thoughts at that time, she would still jump into the trap.

Because once she escaped, it would mean that their long-planned operation would completely fail, and because she was still confident that she could defeat the other party.

But she underestimated the strength of this Batman, or she believed too much in the intelligence that had been out of date for too long.

Erica, as the leader of the ninjas, is naturally already on the front line of the ninjas, only weaker than her master, Murdoch, the leader of the Tewakai, and the three ninja training masters who have never revealed their names.

She is confident that she can easily defeat both the bullseye and Fisk's characters with extraordinary power.

This is not arrogance, but a top ninja's understanding of his own and his enemy's strength as a ruler.

And in the face of a small character who can fight back and forth with Bullseye, although he eventually kills Bullseye, Erica's cognition of Peter is still in a small role that requires a little more effort to defeat.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that if Peter had just acquired one or two extraordinary powers but had not yet adapted to it, then the two of them would indeed have a close match.

But in the months after killing the bullseye, not only has Peter's extraordinary strength been strengthened by the system many times, but his physical fitness has long been different from the past.

Although Peter today cannot integrate all his extraordinary strength into his fighting style, his plural ability and physical quality that have been strengthened many times are enough for him to completely crush Erica.

And all of Erica's attacks couldn't even break through his defenses.

It wasn't until she was completely defeated and imprisoned in place by the strange claws that emerged from the dirt that Peter slowly came to Milk's side,

At this time, Milk was still in the position he had when he fell, looking at his empty knees sluggishly, unable to even make a scream.

Then Peter's fingers opened, and a magic seal appeared under Milk, and then Peter's palm ejected hot flames, enveloping Milk.

And listening to Milk's screams, Erica finally understood Peter's real goal.

After a brief coma, the only thought on her mind was to immediately flee here, warning her leader and lover Murdoch that they must withdraw from this war, continue to recuperate, wait for the ninja lost today to be resurrected, and then the farther away from this Batman as possible, she can conclude that neither Murdoch himself nor her master can compete with it, and this Batman alone can fight against the entire ninja army!

But just when Erica was still preparing to escape, a sudden strong sense of crisis made her nerves tense, she forcibly did not follow her instinct to escape, but then she was caught by a strange huge claw again, and she only felt that her strength was rapidly draining, and at the same time she finally couldn't bear the pain, hummed softly, she realized that she might not be able to retreat all over...

Then she opened her eyes with a strong reluctance, and she immediately saw the true face of her enemy, Batman, who defeated her.

Diane and Peter, on the other hand, were not surprised by her "waking up", they didn't care about Erica's movements, and even began to discuss what to do with her in front of her.

"I've put her into a weak state, the next interrogation of this female ninja and the bullseye lady will be handed over to you, priority is to find their hiding place, preferably today, I need to dispose of them as soon as possible... As for after getting the information..."

Hearing the conversation between the two, a sneer appeared on Erica's pale face, and she wanted to dig out the information in her mouth in one day? Both Ms. Bullseye and herself have undergone rigorous interrogation training, and she is confident that she can survive any torture without revealing any information.

However, before Erica asked the two not to waste their efforts, it was better to kill themselves directly, Diane narrowed her eyes, and after two seconds of silence, she said softly:

"Well, she's done talking."

Then Diane tore up a note, quickly wrote down several addresses, and explained one by one:

"This is one of Fisk's hiding places, he spends most of his time here giving orders, this is where these ninjas hide, hey, sewers and abandoned factories, it's really the old-fashioned setting, and this is Murdoch's favorite walking spot... For a blind man, isn't the rope of the Golden Gate Bridge a little too exciting? "

Listening to one accurate piece of information after another in Diane's mouth, Erica's eyes widened, these information were too detailed, and there were even some secrets that only she knew...

"Will you read my mind?!"

Erica finally shouted her first words after being captured, originally even if she guessed the truth, she would pretend not to know, making the other party think that her intelligence or weaknesses were not leaked is also a kind of poor information, and it can also have a surprising effect when necessary.

But at this time, Erica still couldn't help but scream, not only because the other party could read her thoughts, making her concealment useless, but also because the power shown by Peter and Diane now made her heart emerge with long-lost feelings and fear...

"Of course, darling."

Diampu's ordinary words made Erica tremble, and Diane's tone and demeanor were the same as Murdoch's, and it was clear that she had seen all her secrets.

But in fact, although the power of the devil fruit is amazing, it is not yet to the point of insight into all the thoughts in the other party's brain, at most she can only peek into those thoughts that appear on the surface, if she can really see all the thoughts of a person like Professor X, then the first person to attack her is probably her ally Peter.

Erica's whole spirit immediately withered, and her slightly pale face, which had just been extracted by Peter, was like white paper at this time, bloodless.

"After that, leave the two of them to me, maybe I can find a way to stuff her into the suicide squad of the one you planned to deal with as a super criminal."

Peter raised an eyebrow, Diane's proposal was good, but the meaning behind it was more important, he stared at Diane with a bit of inquiry, and Diane took out the plan she had signed and stamped from the drawer.

"That's right, that's what you think, I agreed, and the plan will be completely led by you, and I'll only be responsible for spending money and providing those damn text assignments that you're not good at."

After speaking, Diane sighed, stared at the plan rather bitterly, and then said with a wry smile:

"You better make sure it works, we're not talking about a multibillion-dollar project, if this plan goes well, then the amount of money involved is really trillions, and you'd better really bring Tony Stark in as you say, otherwise no one can afford to spend so much."

The experimental center used to analyze the potions and serum you provide, the laboratory used to develop special equipment and the factory responsible for production, the training center and training ground responsible for training heroes, and the supporting information center, publicity department, marketing department, these venues alone are already astronomical, we may have to spit out all the money we have earned before, not to mention that we also have to discuss superhero insurance, duties, and exemption regulations, and problems with the government.

Your plan will truly disrupt multiple industries, and you'd better not mess it up. "

Peter didn't respond, just nodded silently, he had long known that this plan was extremely extensive, but now that he was really in the planning stage, he realized how huge this plan was.

Diane, on the other hand, looked at Erica again, and then said with a chuckle:

"In fact, among your many plans, I think the first thing that can be profitable is actually this suicide squad plan, our family already has a private prison, it is not difficult to fabricate a crime and throw her in, those politicians are already troubled by these new super-powered criminals, and it is in our mutual interest to use these super-powered criminals to do some shady but dangerous tasks, and I believe those politicians will acquiesce."

Maybe we can experiment with the two of them right away. "

"I won't serve you!"

Erica finally had a reaction when she heard this, her mission failed, and she inadvertently confessed important information, she must stick to the last bottom line! She is confident that no matter what conditions the other party gives, she will not waver!

"Killing me is your best option, you won't get more from me!" But if I escape, then I will leak all the information I just heard, and I will definitely take revenge on you! "

"But what if I use Murdoch's life as a bargaining chip?"

Diane played with Erica's hair with bad eyes.

"This Murdoch is very talented, he is fully capable of sharing some of my work, although loyalty is not very reliable, but I think it is difficult to find someone in the world who can be completely loyal to you, as long as I can control him, and I can still use him to contain you, it is very valuable, maybe I can try to keep his life and not let him be buried for Fisk?"

Erica's expression remained firm, but Diane immediately felt the shake from the depths of her heart.

"Do you think you will win if you get their address?" You can't win him! You can't catch him either! "

"But what if we can do it? What would you do about it? Watching your boss and lover die and spend the rest of your life in prison, or working for us and fighting for a glimmer of life for you and Murdoch? "

Erica kept opening and closing her mouth like a fish on the shore, but she couldn't make the slightest sound.

And Diane delivered the fatal blow.

"This Miss Ninja, you don't want to violate your morality and feelings, and end up alone in endless regret with that rigid ninja rule, right?"

"Kill me!"

Erica's roar even brought a hint of crying.

And Di'an touched Erica's hair with satisfaction, then summoned a few guards, escorted Erica away, and then turned around to continue discussing the next counterattack plan, but saw Peter standing in place blankly.

"What's wrong?"

Diane touched her cheek.

"Did I have dark circles after staying up late?"

Peter shook his head lightly and whispered:

"It's nothing, it's just a refresh..."

If you think about it, what the suicide squad has to do is actually no different from the essence of Murdoch's use of Felicia's father to force Felicia to work for him, after all, Felicia's father fell into their hands precisely because of the theft of Fisk's property.

It's all about making the most of the perpetrators, and Diane's coercion just now is even worse than Murdoch's, such a scene makes Peter suddenly realize, well... This Walt company they set up will really become a villain organization...

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