When he heard Gwen call out his name, Miles Walt almost couldn't contain his excitement, and he involuntarily stepped forward and excitedly shouted:

"You can recognize me as much as I can find you! Destiny connects us! It's all fate! "

How does a wolf without cheeks smile? Looking at the corners of the mouth that were hard pulled up and the rows of yellowed fangs protruding from the mouth that flowed out with sticky saliva, no matter how she looked at it, she could only feel evil from this smile, Gwen only felt like a little red riding hood targeted by a big bad wolf, she suddenly missed the warm apartment and room, if she could, she wanted to go back immediately for a good hot shower now.

In particular, the werewolf transformed into by Miles Walt is not exactly the same as the image in the TV series or movie.

Although he has all the characteristics of a werewolf, his body looks a little skinny, and if there is no thick brown hair to cover the whole person, the whole person is a dry strip, which makes his head look extraordinarily large.

His body didn't seem to have the slightest muscles, and although his height had increased a little, his size was similar to that of when he was a human, and thanks to him, his clothes were tattered but still draped.

All this made him look more like a homeless man than a monster, and strands of it were plastered to his flesh after being wet by the rain, his listless hair made him look even more desolate, and even his claws, one of the werewolf's signature weapons, did not look sharp.

There were elements all over his body that disgusted Gwen, but considering that the other party was his own professor, and perhaps he had encountered similar things to Peter and Dr. Connors, Gwen finally suppressed the disgust in his heart and patiently did not attack directly, but tried to continue communicating with it.

"Professor Myers, you can still hear me and understand my words, right? You're not looking very stable right now, you may need help, if you don't mind I will send you..."

Speaking of this, Gwen frowned, she found that she really didn't seem to be able to deal with Professor Myers, she couldn't send him directly to the police station or try to contact the Captain America who had a personal relationship, because the other party had already recognized her identity.

Although his crazy remarks and bad appearance are not easy to believe him, but since being reminded by Peter and Diane, Gwen also understands how unscrutinized his secret identity is, and once there is a reasonable suspicion, then as long as people with brains can quickly lock on the true body of Ghost Spider-Man.

Once her identity is exposed, not only her own life will be affected, but even the father who knows her identity may be implicated on suspicion of harboring his daughter.

At that time, as a "criminal" dedicated to becoming a superhero, it will definitely attract a large number of journalists, even his better friends will be affected and harassed by a large number of reporters.

It's something Gwen wants to avoid anyway.

But who can handle this professor who has turned himself into a monster to the police station or S.H.I.E.L.D.?

However, just when Gwen was embarrassed, Miles Walt took two more steps forward and responded to Gwen's question.

"Of course I can understand your words, my dear Gwen, I am very awake, don't worry about my state, I have never felt so good, I can sense your presence through every scent of your body, this is really beautiful for me, as for help, I think it is not me who needs help, but you, but don't worry, I have arranged everything, we are destined to become one!"

At the moment when the last word was spoken, Miles Walt arched up and threw herself in the direction of Gwen, who was startled for a moment by his swift movements that did not match her appearance, but then her head immediately came to her, and she gathered a cloud of spider silk in her hand with great efficiency, and then turned sideways and raised her right hand, stuffing a palm-sized white sphere into Miles Water's mouth.

She didn't want to hear the other party's disgusting "love words" or be bitten by the yellowed fangs, even if it was sticky to the disgusting saliva would make Gwen get goosebumps, so Gwen simply prioritized "silence" the other party.

After "banning" the other party, Gwen jumped on the wall and distanced herself from the other party, and then she rubbed her arms with both hands and said in some disbelief:

"I wish he would say such crazy things just because he turned into a werewolf, I remember Professor Myers was almost twice my age, well, apparently not, damn it, no wonder I always get an A+ in chemistry class."

Miles Water's eyes widened, obviously trying to say something, but the spider silk in his mouth made him unable to open his mouth, and the werewolf's huge claws were not enough for him to make the action of pulling spider silk out of his mouth, unless he was willing to risk being scratched by his own claws.

In the end, he stopped trying, but chose to act directly, he slammed into the air, although his bouncing power was amazing, but it was obviously a lot worse than where Gwen was, but his claws snapped down fiercely, and then his claws were deeply embedded in the wall, and then he used this force to rush upwards again.

Gwen sighed, only felt that tonight's luck was terrible, now she must miss the celebration party to welcome Peter's group back, I don't know if Peter will be angry with himself because of this, Gwen shook her head, these troubles were temporarily thrown out of her head, she must now concentrate more on dealing with the enemy in front of her.

But Gwen still didn't fight back, she took the initiative to rush to the secluded part of the city, wandered through the alleys, and played hide-and-seek with Professor Myers, while Miles Walt followed closely behind Gwen, he understood that there was only one chance, and if he did not catch Gwen today, the chances would be even slimmer.

However, during the pursuit, Gwen shot a few rays of spider silk back from time to time to create interference, and the fur around his body was gradually replaced by white silk threads, and after a while, he changed into a white coat.

Until this time, Gwen, who had been fleeing, finally stopped, she twisted her body and shot a spider silk in mid-air to stick to Professor Myers' body, and then Gwen quickly turned her body by the pull of spider silk, pulled herself straight to Professor Myers, and then a pale pink ballet shoe quickly enlarged in Professor Myers' field of vision.


With a muffled sound that sounded painful, the dancing shoe almost embedded in Professor Myers' face, knocking him back a few steps, but Gwen's counterattack was just beginning.

"OPS~ I hope this won't deduct my points, but I really don't want to continue to be your 'favorite' student again."

While complaining and venting, Gwen took advantage of Professor Myers' unsteady footsteps to make up for another blow and let him retreat to the wall, and then her hands continued to wave, and one after another spider silk seemed to fall densely on Professor Myers' body like the rain falling from the sky at this time, and after a while, the spider silk on his body wrapped it into a cocoon and connected with the wall.

"Well, now you are indeed connected to the fate of many criminals, although you may go to a different prison."

Gwen clapped her hands and made a gesture of finishing work, but she said it lightly, but she was still worried about who should handle this tricky guy.

It doesn't matter even if you expose your identity, it's better to be able to handle this situation, it's better to be someone you can trust...

Then a face that was obviously incomparably familiar but had recently begun to become unfamiliar appeared in Gwen's mind.


Gwen muttered the name, she was a little surprised that she would think of Peter at this time, but she was not surprised when she thought about it.

Before Gwen knew that Batman was played by Peter, he gave Gwen a different side of his childhood sweetheart, whom he had known since childhood.

Poisonous tongue, calm, powerful, reliable.

Before this, she had never imagined that her gentle and even somewhat nerdy best friend would one day stand in front of her to protect herself, and she would never have thought that one day she would be saved by the other party.

If it weren't for too many signs pointing to that only possibility, I'm afraid Gwen would never have suspected that the two were the same person.

Before you know it, Peter has become so reliable and strange...

Gwen couldn't tell if she should be happy or sad, Gwen pulled her phone out of the back pocket of her uniform, opened the address book less than two pages inside, and chose the number labeled "Bastard COS Maniac".

But the moment before Gwen tried to dial the number, the spider silk in Professor Myers' mouth was finally ground by his teeth.

He bared his excessively sharp teeth after letting out a few low growls and grinned eerily expectantly.


Professor Myers' voice was indistinct, as if he was touching a piece of fresh meat in his mouth.

"Hehe, I remember that boy, he is also a guy who is not worthy of standing with you, and I helped you make up your mind to get rid of him."

He wasn't so much laughing as just making a strange "gurgling" sound in his throat, obviously quite funny, but Professor Myers' words made Gwen's heart pound.


Gwen couldn't understand what Professor Myers said for a while, and the other party continued to explain in detail for Gwen without hesitation:

"He's a smart boy, but he's so arrogant that he thinks he's worthy of you! So I gave him a gift and made him think he could catch up with yours. "

Gwen's gaze tightened, and she immediately remembered the information she had told during her first meeting with Captain Sharon.

"Lizardman serum..."

"Ah! You know it, but the real gift is never given directly, I just gave Connors a little guidance and then revealed a little bit of news to Peter.

But that kid was smarter than I thought, and I thought he would kill him directly, but he was so close to success that even I was inspired by him.

I had to go to his grave to thank him for building a bridge for me to you. "


Gwen looked at Professor Myers' mouth that kept opening and closing, but she couldn't hear a single word, she lowered her head, hugged herself with both hands, the soaked uniform took away her body temperature, the moisture made her body extra heavy, and everything in her vision was not clear.

Professor Myers did not mean to stop, he seemed to show off every detail of his perfect "Lizardman Serum", and what new ideas Peter's serum brought him, and he kept bragging about his new products.

"I fused the Lizardman serum with the extracted spider DNA that turned you into Ghost Spider-Man, and if I had known that you were Ghost Spider-Man, I would have treated that DNA more carefully, but the results were still pleasantly surprising, and I ended up with several very interesting lifeforms that even have their own consciousness and life."

Professor Myers proudly described how powerful this cute little thing was, and with his right hand, which could barely move slightly, he took out a palm-sized bottle filled with black fluid, as he described, the fluid inside the bottle flowed around as if it had life, and it seemed to have realized what was going to happen, and it was constantly twisting and changing, as if it wanted to express its excitement.

And Professor Myers' claws jerked hard the moment he held the bottle, and several cracks immediately appeared in the solid transparent bottle, and at the same time, Gwen's spider induction was also triggered, frantically warning in Gwen's head.

However, Gwen stared at Professor Miles with empty eyes, her fist clenched fiercely, and the huge force made her knuckles make a "Gada Gada" sound, and anyone who saw this fist had no doubt that it could hammer itself into meat puree.

But Professor Myers' face did not have the slightest fear, and he became more and more excited after seeing Gwen's performance.

Although he had not yet thoroughly studied the characteristics of the black fluid, the information he had at this stage could already be used to achieve his own goals to a limited extent.

This thing obviously likes to attach to living objects, and the more active the mind, the more extreme the idea, the more loved by it, and once possessed by it, it will be controlled by it, and this is Professor Myers' confidence that he dares to continue to capture after discovering that Gwen is the ghost Spider-Man.

And the removal of the control of this thing is also extraordinarily simple, that is, noise, strong noise can make it immediately fall into a weak state, thus leaving the host.

For Professor Myers, this is the perfect restraint.

At this time, Gwen is like a powder keg about to explode, and an inconspicuous Mars can cause a violent explosion.

It was only the last shred of sanity in her heart that she could not kill Professor Myers, otherwise she would be no different from a real criminal, but a louder voice roared in her ear:

"He is the culprit of everything! He is the root cause of all your misfortune! You could have lived a happy life! And he ruined everything!! "

The body was already on its own before Gwen could make a decision, and the fist slammed into Professor Myers' huge wolf head with precision, trying to make him shut his mouth forever, and in the next second her fist stopped in front of Professor Myers' eyes.

The fist made Professor Miles narrow's eyes narrow, but then he smiled again, and she really couldn't bear to kill me.

And the moment Gwen threw her fist, there was only a buzzing noise in her ears, she stared at Professor Myers, but her eyes were empty, nothing was reflected, her body was hot, like a boiling furnace, she instinctively wanted to completely exert this anger, but what stopped her was a slight coldness from her ring finger.

It was a ring with a beautiful pattern, the power Peter gave her to "escape", and for Gwen, it was also a promise made by Peter and proof that he had protected himself.

"Peter... What should I do..."

Gwen muttered, and the next moment there was a sudden sound of glass shattering behind Miles, Gwen subconsciously looked behind Miles, and the last picture Gwen saw was a pitch-black shadow splashed on him like this icy rain, and then the large area of darkness quickly enveloped him...

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