George was in a trance.

For a while, I couldn't recognize whether Su Mo in front of him was the president of the 10 billion company, or a genius criminal who made the police unable to find any clues.

"Gwen, go back and get some good sleep. "

"The umbrella company will always reserve a place for you, and when you think about it, you can come to the company at any time to report. "

Su Mo looked at Gwen who was holding the ledger and said softly.

"Thank you......


Gwen nodded in surprise, wanting to thank him.

"Wait!what's the reservation?Gwen can't go to your company!!".

George interrupted rudely and said loudly.

Joke, tomorrow Gwen joins the umbrella, and the day after tomorrow the police station solves the case, and then he takes someone to surround the umbrella company

He also arrested and interrogated his daughter

I can't even think of it! This kind of thing will never happen!

"Dad, what are you doing......


Gwen was a little annoyed and slammed George with the ledger.

"I don't agree, and Helen won't agree, Gwen, don't be blinded by good-looking men!".

George was unmoved, and said solemnly.

This kid has clearly taken a fancy to Gwen, and he must guard against it and put an end to all possibilities!

"Also, Helen is waiting for you in the bedroom, and you'd better have a full explanation!"

“...... Uh!".

Gwen was startled and looked behind her.

She insisted on staying, met with strong opposition from George and Helen.

Although the two were persuaded in the end, after returning home, they inevitably had to come to a three-session trial.

"And you! stay away from Gwen!".

"I'll keep an eye on you!".

George looked at Su Mo vigilantly and said solemnly.

made such a big move, and overthrew the mafia that had been entrenched in New York for many years overnight!

Can it be a good person??

"It looks like you have some family conflicts that need to be resolved. "

"Goodbye then, Gwen, Director Stacy. "

Su Mo smiled goodbye and sat on the Ford F550 with Ah Fu

The RV drove slowly.

George breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Gwen.

Gwen: "......



George snatched the ledger from Gwen's arms and said angrily

"Helen is very angry, you can do it yourself!".

"Don't ask me, I still have a lot of work, and the movement of Little Ross alarmed the mayor's ......".

Gwen immediately stepped forward and began to say nice things.

In the end, in exchange for everything that happened last night, George reluctantly nodded and agreed to help calm the angry Helen ......


Hamilton Estate.

John got out of the car early and went home, and Ah Fu went back to his room to rest.

Living room.

Su Mo sat on the sofa and poured a glass of bourbon.

Holding a wine glass, looking out the window at the dawn, the sun breaking through the layers of fog and rising.

A lot happened overnight and needed to be digested slowly.

Earned more than 3,000 emotional points and fished three times.

Green quality [Gene Lock First Order], blue quality [Perfect Crime], Golden Legend [Mask of the Faceless].

Sure enough, murder and arson set fire to the gold belt, and get rich overnight!

Su Mo finally realized that the right way to harvest emotional points.


The waves are flying and becoming the brightest cub in the audience!

In this regard, he must learn from Tony!

If he was like Tony, holding a celebrity female model every day and appearing in front of the camera, it is estimated that his emotional point would have broken 10,000 long ago.

Where is it like picking and searching now.

"Tony, ......


When were you kidnapped?

I've been waiting for you so hard......

Su Mo sipped his wine and sighed in his heart.

He's ready to save Tony himself, and he's angry with a wave of emotional points!

Fishing, then surfing!

Now the capital is a little small, so it has to be a little obscene.

"Tony is spending the night with a woman named Katch and shouldn't have time to think about you. "

A strange and familiar voice sounded behind him.


Su Mo was startled, the bourbon in his hand scattered a little, and he looked back at the ancient one who appeared at some point.

"Don't you mages know how to knock on the door?".

"Also, you're trespassing on private territory, please get out!"

Su Mo said angrily.

Is the ancient one idle?

Haunting him so hauntingly??

"I want to talk to you. "

Koichi smiled peacefully and sat down on the sofa on the other side.

"It intrigues me that you know me, you know who I am, but you are not afraid of me. "


"Madam, you should listen to the young master and get out of here!".

There was the sound of a gun being loaded.

Holding a shotgun, Ah Fu appeared behind the Ancient One.

As a qualified housekeeper, how could he go back to sleep with peace of mind?

Gu Yi looked at Su Mo with a smile and did not speak.

It would be difficult for a human firearm to inflict damage on her, as long as she didn't want to die.

"Ah Fu, put down the gun, this thing is useless to her. "

Su Mo shook his head helplessly, he seemed to have accidentally caused a big trouble.

I can't beat it, I can't say it.

If you're not careful, you might be taken to the ditch by the old goblin who has lived for hundreds of years.

"Okay, young master. "

Ah Fu hesitated, and put the shotgun back in its place.

"So, what are you going to do to leave?"

Su Mo poured the wine again and looked at the ancient one opposite, a little helpless.

When he becomes a god, the first thing he will do is to beat the ancient one!

Write this down in a small notebook.

"Black statue, where's it?".

Gu Yi's eyes flickered, and he asked in a deep voice.

Her instincts told her that the black statue was the key!

The statue disappeared suddenly, and even she couldn't find any traces, but Su Mo suddenly had a strange ability ......

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