American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 574 576. Reversal and reversal

Three idiots.

Not the eldest Stark daughter of Winterfell.

Not the sled-pulling triumvirate.

Nor is it Brother Hammer’s Ma Chai Three Warriors.

But there were three idiots that Scott Lang knew. They were also convicted of crimes and had served in prison. They were not good people. It was these three idiots who encouraged Scott to steal old man Pim this time.

But it's not that bad, and there's no big point or big evil. That is, it's just being slippery, unable to be down-to-earth, and unable to be a diligent person.

They are three fairly capable bastards.

The most important thing is the two men. One of them is a gossip, Scott's cellmate, who was caught just to steal two smoothie machines.

The guy who was hooking up with Alon asked what kind of job he was doing, which made Aron really want to tell these three people that the police were fishing for law enforcement, and he was scared to death.

Speaking of these three people, things have changed a bit.

Darren Krauss came to see Mr. Pim and said that the Hornets uniform was officially developed and the pre-sales situation was gratifying.

Putting aside the mad scientists and careerists, I actually still have some feelings for the old man. Although I am here to show off, I also want to be recognized by the old man and get inner satisfaction.

Naturally, he returned disappointed, and then tripled the security force, especially to guard against Ant-Man. All entrances, even exhaust vents and floor drains, were equipped with scanning equipment, and no real fly could be let in.

Scott didn't back down this time. He didn't talk about finding the Avengers or anything. Instead, he had an idea and found a way to infiltrate.

That is through the water supply system, that is, the water supply pipe, where the detection device cannot be installed without cutting off the water supply.

It was also necessary to expand the team.

That's how I found these three guys.

For the sake of Scott's vow, everyone resisted the urge to cover their faces, but they had no choice but to shoot when the arrow was on the string. At this point, they could only adapt to the situation.

Pim Technology.

The night of the Hornets jersey launch.

Scott sneaks into the action with Three Idiots.

Mitchell Carson, along with a group of people, as well as the father and daughter Pim Hope, arrived at the fully enclosed core display center of the Hornets uniform.

"Darren, where are the other buyers?"

The father and daughter suddenly felt something was wrong.

"There are no other buyers. Mr. Carson introduced me to the best buyers, which are these gentlemen, representatives of Hydra."

"Darren! Do you know what this means?" Pim couldn't believe it.

"Of course, this means that these Hydra gentlemen who continue to increase their strength and compete with the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. will buy my products at all costs."

Normal sales have allowed Darren to legally obtain huge profits, but he did not expect that this person would take risks for the sake of greater interests, not only antagonizing SHIELD and the Avengers, but also fighting everyone. Head snake trading is simply crazy.

"Darren, are you crazy? You are going to destroy everything." Pim just wanted to stop Darren, but never wanted to destroy the Pim technology he had built.

Being involved with Hydra, it is conceivable that even if Pym Technology is saved, it will still be controlled by the government or SHIELD.

"One hundred percent profit can allow capital to trample on the law, let alone triple it?" Darren shrugged, seemingly calm, but his eyes were filled with the flames of desire.

"Darren, you are crazy." Pim had an old headache and was heartbroken.

"Are you stupid, old man, and want to take your secret into the coffin? I want to let it turn into the result you least want to see." Darren Krauss showed a trace of perverted satisfaction, as if The more Old Pym regretted, the happier he became.


Old Man Pim's eyes were red, he was disappointed and sad, and he punched Darren Cross in the face out of anger.

"Old guy, you are really old."

Old man Pim was old and weak, but he didn't do anything to this traitor.

Being so excited is also half-truth, it is also really sad, and it is also delaying time.

Ant-Man Scott has also successfully sneaked in through the water pipe and installed a Pym particle bomb on the main server of Pym Technology. It is a TNT explosive with a tube of Pym particles. When it explodes, the Pym particles explode. All objects within the area shrink rapidly, it is very powerful, and the collateral damage is relatively small.

Scott sneaked into the core vault again, preparing to steal the Wasp suit.

After several dangers, just when he was about to touch the Wasp suit, a mechanism was activated and the Wasp suit was put away.

Then it appeared in the hands of Darren Kraus, who looked at Old Man Pim with a proud expression.

"I didn't know that you would find a substitute to work for you? I would let the only thing that can compete with my product wander? You old thing, how bad did you imagine me to be?"

Darren Krauss has been playing tricks on him, always guarding against the old man training another Ant-Man, but he has been holding back and letting Ant-Man come out to cause trouble.

So that the old man could lower his guard. He always thought that he could hide the truth from the enemy, so he wildly planted a little flag in his heart that "this is a sure thing."

Can a person who single-handedly drove Hank Pym out of Pym Technology and deduced the Pym Particles under Pym's nose using only some concepts can be compared to others? Can his forbearance be underestimated?

But a certain unscrupulous time traveler who watched the whole show just didn't say anything.

"Darren, stop it, there's still time."

"The moment you give up on me, it's already too late." Darren Krause waved his hand, and both the Hydra and Darren's security personnel brought by Mitchell Carson reached for their respective pistols.

But one person, a Hydra member, actually took out a gun and shot him!

Bang bang bang!

No one had time to react. In just a split second, the man fired several shots!

With a posture of "I'm going to shoot a leopard!", he held a gun in each hand, and fired in a line of rapid fire, which turned out to be a headshot!

When everyone reacted, there were already several scarlet and white blood flowers flying in the air!

The Hydra members and Darren Krause's security immediately settled the matter.

Only the shocked Hope and Pim, Darren and Mitchell, and Scott who were locked up were left.

Old Man Pim touched his body and felt that there were no holes or eyes. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the panicked Darren, but he was still a little confused.

Heaven, earth, which angel sister gave me such a tone?

His English is broad and profound, but that’s probably how Old Pim feels.

"Who are you?" Hope held her stomach, looking at the red and white ground, feeling a little nauseous.

Scott couldn't help but vomit in the Ant-Man suit.

"It's me, Ms. Hope." This ordinary-looking man put away a gun, touched his chin, and a burst of electronic color flashed across his face, transforming into Aaron who suddenly left before making the final move.

"Oh, thank God." Hope finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Aaron didn't say what he was going to do. Old Man Pim was also happy for SHIELD and Avengers to get involved, but he didn't expect that someone would fish in troubled waters and sneak in.

Then carry everyone directly.

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