American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 16 Rorschach's Ultimate Back-up Plan


Another cold light flashed by.

It was Luo Xia who shook his hand at the Black Emperor again, and another dagger drew a sharp knife light in the air.

In the blink of an eye, it shot at the Black Emperor.

But the situation that killed the rapids did not happen. When the dagger touched the Black Emperor, it seemed to encounter some unknown energy blocking, and it stopped directly in front of the Black Emperor.

Then it fell to the ground with a thud.

It did not cause any effect on the Black Emperor at all.

"What's going on?"

"Why can't the dagger penetrate?"

All the mutants were confused.

Since the dagger can't penetrate, then the bullet is useless, right?

Only Luo Xia knew the principle.

Of course, the Black Emperor absorbed all the kinetic energy of the dagger in the first place, which made the speed of the dagger drop to zero at once.

Naturally, it could not continue to penetrate.

It could only fall to the ground.

"It's worthy of being the Black Emperor!"

Luo Xia couldn't help but secretly admire it.

It has to be said that this ability of the Black Emperor is still very buggy, it is simply a cheat, because it means that all forms of attack are ineffective against the Black Emperor.

Whether it is physical attack or energy attack.

"It's useless, don't do any more useless work."

The Black Emperor was not annoyed, but stood there with his arms folded, looking at Luo Xia with a smile.

Luo Xia's attack just now was just a tickle to him.

Luo Xia seemed not to hear what the Black Emperor said, and ignored it, but ran to the side, raised a car with both hands, and rushed towards the Black Emperor.

More than a ton of force pressed on Luo Xia, which made Luo Xia's ground shake faintly with every step he took.

The roaring momentum was so terrifying.

What was even more shocking was that Luo Xia was holding such a huge thing, but it seemed that he was not affected at all.

The speed did not seem to be reduced at all.

It seemed that the car was made of paper.

This scene is still very visually impactful.

"Isn't Rorschach too exaggerated?"

"What a monster!"

Mystique, Raven and others swallowed their saliva.

"Wow, what a terrible power!" Even Black Emperor couldn't help showing admiration on his face.

The more he looked at Rorschach, the more satisfied he was.

However, Black Emperor didn't care about Rorschach's attack at all. He just stood there and waited for Rorschach's arrival.

Although it was enough to show off, it must be said that Black Emperor had the capital to show off.

Boom boom boom!

Soon, in such a tremor, Rorschach had run in front of Black Emperor, jumped up and jumped high.

He grabbed the tail of the car with both hands and smashed it on Black Emperor's head.

The car weighing more than one ton, plus the inertia of falling from the sky, and Rorschach's power, just merged together, like a small mountain, smashing down on Black Emperor's head.

But Black Emperor raised his right hand casually and lifted it up gently.

The car just froze above Black Emperor's head, just like a leaf, being lifted up gently by Black Emperor's hand.

It was unknown whether Black Emperor had absorbed the gravitational potential energy, or whether Black Emperor absorbed the terrible kinetic energy and used his own strength to lift the car.

In short, Rorschach's move was completely useless and completely useless.


Black Emperor gently pushed forward with one hand, and the car was overturned by Black Emperor and fell heavily to the ground.

Then Black Emperor gently patted the dust off his body, as if he had done something insignificant, and then looked at Rorschach: "Okay, enough of the trouble? There should be a limit, right?"

The atmosphere at the scene began to become depressed again. No one expected that Black Emperor would be so powerful.

Rorschach, who killed the Red Devil and the Rapids in succession, could not make any waves in front of Black Emperor.

"Rorschach, we're here to help you!"

The Destroyer Alex stood up at this time, twisting his body like a hula hoop, and swishing out several energy halos.

Two of the halos hit other places, but one of them hit the Black Emperor with incredible precision.

The halos of the Destroyer were still very powerful, and could even cut through metal sculptures instantly. It stands to reason that cutting through a person would be no problem at all.

But the next moment, the smile on the Destroyer's face froze, because he saw the Black Emperor suddenly reaching out to his halos and pressing hard into his palm.

The halos were actually absorbed by the Black Emperor.


The Black Emperor then raised his right foot and stepped on the ground, releasing the absorbed energy directly.

Crack, crack, crack!

The ground was directly broken, and a huge crack spread forward, directly rushing into the room.

There was a loud bang.

The wall shook violently, and then half of it collapsed.

The mutants screamed and dodged in all directions, and when they looked at the Black Emperor, their eyes were filled with endless shock and fear.

They realized that it was not something they could deal with.

The two sides were not on the same level.

No one dared to act rashly again.

When Black Emperor saw this scene, he also showed a satisfied smile. He glanced at everyone and said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. But now, can we talk?"

Everyone was trembling and crowded together, looking at Black Emperor with fearful eyes, and no one dared to answer.

Black Emperor then turned his eyes back to Rorschach: "What about you?"

Rorschach did not seem to continue to attack Black Emperor, but walked back to the crowd without saying a word.

First, Rorschach had verified it himself that he really had no way to kill Black Emperor, so there was no need to do useless work.

Second, other mutants also deeply realized the power of Black Emperor, so the time was ripe.

"Rorschach, what should we do?"

Mystique Raven whispered to Rorschach's opinion, and others also looked at Rorschach with inquiring eyes.

Although Rorschach could not defeat Black Emperor, he was still the backbone of everyone's hearts.

"Everyone, hold each other's hands."

Rorschach reminded everyone inexplicably.

Although everyone didn't quite understand what Luo Xia meant, it was not the time to ask more questions. They followed Luo Xia's instructions and grabbed each other.

At this time, Luo Xia took out several gas bombs that he had prepared long ago, pulled the rings, and threw them all at Hei Huang.

Chi Chi Chi!

A large amount of irritating white smoke instantly spread.

"Darwin, didn't you say you wanted to leave before? It's time."

Luo Xia took the lead and led everyone to retreat quickly.

Everyone realized that Luo Xia wanted everyone to hold on to each other because he was afraid that someone would be covered by the thick smoke and get lost.

Thanks to the overcooked lobster for the reward, and thanks to 14455147117727412224 for the reward again!

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