American Comics: Starting with Obtaining Spider-Man’s Powers

Chapter 8 The Memory of the Master Assassin

While everyone was nervously paying attention to the members of the opposite gang, Li Buying, who had put on his equipment, rolled over from the steel beam and stuck to the bottom of the beam, finding the two mafia members at the top and crawling over.

Mr. Negative's men and Jin Bing's men were wary of each other, which gave Li Buying an opportunity to take advantage of. When the two top members looked down squinting because the deal was about to be completed, he immediately fell from the steel beam and fell. On the way, he quickly took out the dagger from his waist.

Li Buying fell quietly without making any noise. Two mafia members felt the wind blowing over their heads and subconsciously raised their heads. A guy wearing a black sweatshirt and a white mask suddenly fell from the sky.

Before they could react, two daggers were inserted straight into their throats. They opened their mouths but could not make a sound. They could only make "ho ho" sounds and fell backwards.

Pulling the firearm from the hands of the two men, Li Buying aimed the pistol at the ground beside him in the darkness. Those who looked over due to the sound of falling to the ground could only find that——

A member of the opposing camp or one's own camp fired at the side, covered his abdomen and shouted loudly and knelt down: "There is an ambush!"

The tight string among everyone was finally broken due to Li Buying's operation.

No one considers whether there are outsiders or third-party members. The chain of suspicion has been completed. Neither party dares to trust the other party. What they have to do now is to strike first!

"Fire!" "Fire!"

Suddenly gunshots rang out and smoke filled the air. Li Buying, who pretended to have fallen to the ground, lay on the ground and moved forward. When he reached the blind spot in everyone's sight, he immediately climbed up the steel beam and stared at the warring parties. He aimed his pistol at the flour box and the cash box.

If someone wanted to take their money and goods and run away, he would make them want to stay.

Under the suppressed fire, both sides were injured. Finally, a member approached and suggested: "Boss, let's withdraw first!"

The man under Kingpin's hand held the suitcase tightly and looked angrily at the film men who wanted to take advantage of him: "Let's go, let's leave quickly. Sooner or later, the damn devil gang will make you look good."

It turns out that the gang in the negative is called the Devil Gang.

Li Buying remembered this name, raised his pistol, aimed at the people on Jin Bin's side and fired several shots. Because the gunshots were too confusing, no one noticed him.

The first shot confirmed a point, the second shot confirmed the gap after moving the muzzle. After confirming the distance between the first shot and the second shot, Li Buying aimed at the hand holding the suitcase and fired the third shot.

The third shot directly and accurately hit the palm and grip. The pained little leader Jin Bingfang subconsciously threw his hand up, and the suitcase fell directly on the open space between the two sides under the eyes of everyone.

The money moved people's hearts. The little leader of the Devil Gang, who originally wanted to retreat, stopped escaping and attacked Jin Bingfang again, hoping to take the money away with him.

In the understanding of the two little bosses, the opponent wanted to take advantage of the enemy, and they were just forced to fight back.

Li Buying, who rekindled the fight between the two sides, got down again, preparing to wait until both sides were completely injured before going out to harvest.

"You **** bastard..."

In the past 20 minutes, the gunfight was finally coming to an end. There were only eight people left in the field of more than forty people, including three from Jin Bingfang and five from the Devil's Gang. Everyone was injured, and the leader of the Devil's Gang was dead.

The time was ripe. Li Buying poked his head out from the steel beam and aimed his pistol at Jin Bin's little leader three times as usual. The last shot hit him directly in the head. Until now, some of the remaining gang members finally realized that something was wrong. , looking towards the top of his head.

Li Buying, who was armed with a black gun, fell from the steel beam to the second floor in advance. After changing his position, he pointed the gun at the member of the Devil Gang who discovered the strange thing and shot him in the head before he could tell what he had discovered.

Killing the remaining six members, Jin Bingfang and the Demon Gang were left with only one person each. They realized that they were not the only ones at the scene and hid deeper. Even if they guessed that Li Buying caused the battle, they still did not The meaning of cooperation.

The elusive young man slowly moved his body, crawling through the shadows like a real spider. Sparks came out of the gun and killed the last member of the Devil Gang. The member of Jin Bingfang immediately ran out without looking back. !

However, this was of no use. A bullet penetrated his head, and Li Buying used a strategy to eliminate everyone. Li Buying leaned against the wall and panted slightly, his heart beating violently. Only now did he feel extremely nervous.

It was not advisable to stay here for a long time. The only living boy on the scene jumped from the second floor. He looked at the box full of banknotes on the ground with great regret. He did not choose to take it, but left directly, leaving the scene as it was.

Two hours after Li Buying left, a large number of police cars directly surrounded the abandoned factory. Personnel from the FBI and DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) arrived belatedly, only to see the mess on the ground and countless dead bodies.

Is this being hacked?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind, and they were quite puzzled when they saw the two boxes still on the ground. Soon the police surrounded the place and tried to find something. However, Li Buying handled it very well and left no clues about himself. .

On the other side, Li Buying, who was not stained with blood, shook off the dust on her clothes in a small park. After the smell of gunpowder dissipated slightly, she walked back to her home along a place with few cameras.

After returning home and throwing the clothes into the washing machine, Li Buying lay in the bathtub and gradually relaxed his muscles in the warm water. The tense nerves relaxed again. He closed his eyes to adjust his mentality and then opened the panel and looked at the taskbar.


Mission: [Good and Evil, Crime and Punishment] completed.

Mission rewards are being drawn——

After extraction, please choose from the following memories:

1. The battle memories of Ezio Auditore da Firenze. (Assassin's Creed: Revelations stage)

2. Ratonhnhaké:ton’s battle memory.

3. Callum Lynch’s battle memories.

[Please note that since you do not have Isu blood, the battle memory needs to be re-digested during the battle and mastered bit by bit. 】


Task evaluation:

You expressed dissatisfaction with what they did, which is kind, but did not choose to hand them over to law enforcement, which is chaos.

You have your own laws in your heart, and you have your own conclusions about everything in the world. When someone exceeds the bottom line you set, you will choose not to abide by the law, but to use lynching.

At this time, you are walking on a boundary line, like walking on a tightrope. Many people will definitely criticize you verbally, but obviously, other people's evaluations are useless to you. The only one who can affect your behavior is yourself.

While others blindly pursue the truth, remember—

Everything is empty.

While others are subject to moral and legal constraints, remember—

All things are permitted.


"Assassin's Creed", the memory of the master assassin?

Li Buying sat up from the bathtub, feeling extremely pleasantly surprised. This was exactly what he needed at the moment.

Spider-Man-like abilities give him unparalleled physical fitness, but when it comes to combat, Li Buying is still a novice.

He had no place to systematically learn combat knowledge. The master assassin's combat memory was no different than a rain in the desert.

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