Just when everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of the radiant guy, Kara's first reaction after confirming the situation on the field was to use her eyes to release heat rays to attack the Doomsday. Li Buying shouted one step ahead:

"Don't use energy-type moves, they can absorb energy!"

Her eyes that were glowing red calmed down, and she looked at Clark, who was holding on tightly. Her emotions were no longer as violent as before, and she felt calm in her heart. She grabbed Superman by the collar and threw him directly into the sky.

Clark, who was out of the attack range, also understood who the man with the glow all over his body was. He breathed a sigh of relief and without too much hesitation, followed the power and flew into the universe, preparing to recover himself under the sunshine.

After throwing away Superman, the energy beam carrying the electric current hit Kara, but she didn't even bother to raise her hands to defend herself, letting the electric current fall on her body, and just walked towards the day of destruction.

Sensing the danger approaching, Doomsday reduced the current blocked by Wonder Woman in front, and focused his attention and power behind him, trying to block Kara's progress.

But this did not have any effect. Kara arrived in front of Doomsday within a moment, and instantly swung the knife with a speed that was difficult to observe, and Doomsday's head was cut off directly!

Without the control center, the originally exciting current beam stopped instantly, and Doomsday's body also fell forward, looking as if things were about to end.

However, just as the body fell, its right foot suddenly took a step forward, turned its waist and used its left hand to directly hit Kara's head. At the same time, it picked up its head with its right hand and pressed it on the head again, and the wound healed quickly.

"Roar——" Bang!

Just when Doomsday was about to let out an angry roar, Kara smashed its bones and cracked its muscles with a full punch, and then let it fly into the air, but its rising speed could not match Kara's own.

The Kryptonian girl who had just knocked the monster into the sky disappeared, and then suddenly appeared behind Doomsday and punched it again, driving it into the soil.

The two punches made the air fluctuate twice, and the shock wave hit Wonder Woman's shield with a muffled sound. She looked at the ground with a serious look. Doomsday had no intention of being unable to move after receiving such an attack.

In just a few seconds, all the internal and external scars on its body completely returned to normal, and its body became stronger.

"K, trap it, don't stimulate it to evolve anymore, just leave the rest to me. Wonder Woman, help protect me."

"I got it." "It's up to you."

The two responded together. Wonder Woman also saw that Li Buying was probably holding back some big move to deal with this monster that was difficult to die at once. She probably didn't have much time to perform other actions, so she agreed to protect him. .

Kara once again came to the back of Doomsday at a flash speed. This time, the punch did not give Doomsday the opportunity to evolve quickly as before, as long as the force was maintained enough to suppress it.

She put a pair of small hands on the spikes on Doomsday's back, and pressed hard for a second. The giant monster was pushed to the ground by the petite Kryptonian girl. No matter how she moved, she couldn't break free, so she could only try to strengthen her body. strength.

The only problem is that the energy it absorbs is still not enough. If it does not die, the current energy can only make it slowly improve itself.

It would take at least ten days and a half to break free from the shackles of Kara, who had been exposed to the sun for "one hundred and eighty days" and was currently temporarily strengthened.

Its hands kept hitting the ground, and the entire ground vibrated due to its attack. The foundation of Metropolis seemed to have completely collapsed. Li Buying continued to scan the weak points of Doomsday's body through gravitational perception.

He will use the kryptonite blades made of these kryptonite spears in his hand to complete the "cooking the ox", and then disintegrate these blades and soak the flesh of the Doomsday in the kryptonite powder.

Since Doomsday was constantly undergoing rapid evolution brought about by death, he needed to constantly update his weak points and plan his route again. Now that it is suppressed by Kara, it does not need to be done. It only takes more than a minute to complete everything. Observations required.

There were no other surprises in this minute. Kara's sudden arrival did make many people in the dark become cautious. They could all feel Kara's power.

At the same time, after observing for so long, these people also realized the horror of the ever-evolving Doomsday. It is definitely not a weapon, but the disaster itself. Even with kryptonite, it may not be completely controllable.

Those villains no longer act rashly. After all, what they want is to rule the world or other purposes, not to destroy the world itself.

Phew...it's finally done.

Li Buying exhaled slightly. This was the only time he used gravity control to perform such a precise attack. It was enough to turn Doomsday into thousands of pieces in an instant. Coupled with the effect of the kryptonite blade, it was guaranteed that there was nothing he could do about it. Recover.

"K, let it go."

After calling Kara, the Kryptonian girl let go of the hand that suppressed Doomsday and jumped away. The monster that lost its suppression stood up and howled to the sky. It wanted to attack Kara again, but suddenly found that it was unable to move, as if it was entangled by a transparent rope. live.

It was thrown into the sky by the gravitational tentacles, and the kryptonite blade spinning at high speed between Li Buying's hands flew out at this moment. As his control over the ability increased, the blackness of his eyes became darker, as if he wanted to swallow the Doomsday Sun whole.

Doomsday, who was in the air, watched helplessly as the kryptonite blade flew towards it, and finally felt the fatal feeling it had never felt in the more than half an hour since its birth.

It was suspended without any leverage points to move. When it realized the danger, it actually accelerated its own evolution and moved with great effort, as if it wanted to evolve the ability to fly. However, it was still too slow without suffering death.

Staring at the flying "poison" that was the most deadly to it, Doomsday suddenly lit up his eyes and released an electric current, aiming directly at kryptonite!

The instinct of the creature tells it that as long as it destroys this thing, neither Kara, who brings it the greatest threat, nor Li Buying, the second threat, among the members present, can kill it immediately!

However, Li Buying had anticipated this situation a long time ago. When its eyes glowed, he instantly adjusted the direction of the kryptonite and completely approached the Doomsday, leaving only the last distance left for it.

The desire to survive makes it still choose to give up. The current surges in its body and is about to be completely released. When it completely releases this energy in a ball shape, the kryptonite will still be destroyed by it.

Unfortunately, its last ray of hope was completely cut off. A bullet hit its back from behind and exploded completely. The green smoke spread, directly making it lose the possibility of mobilizing the energy in its body.

Batman coldly moved his arm, and he, who was on the verge of not being able to participate in the monster battle, started the prelude to Doomsday's death.

When Li Buying shouted "K, let it go", Batman had already shot the bullet from Doomsday's back, and Doomsday only focused on the thing that posed the greatest threat to it, thus ignoring it. Danger behind you.

This blow completely ruined Doomsday's hope. The green sharp blades were close to Doomsday's body and started their work due to the influence of gravity.

The four claws were cut off easily. First, the outer flesh and blood was cut off bit by bit and turned into pieces of meat suspended in the air. Then came the internal organs of Doomsday. The sharp blade penetrated the hard-to-break bones to process important parts from the inside, destroying the brain together. .

In the end, the only complete part left was the skeleton. After all the flesh and blood was removed, Li Buying still did not receive the system prompt, and continued to control the sharp blade between the skeleton, constantly wearing away this difficult bone.

It took about more than three minutes, and he finally sliced ​​the Doomsday into pieces, all of which were suspended in the air without falling off.

Putting them and the kryptonite blade inside a force field sphere, Li Buying raised his hand and clenched his arm. The kryptonite blade instantly turned into powder and mixed with the bones and flesh. He shook it vigorously a few times to ensure that all the flesh and blood were contaminated with kryptonite.

Amidst the constant shaking, the seemingly ordinary flesh and blood finally began to change, slowly turning into ashes as if all the vitality had been sucked away. Finally, only white dust and green remained in the transparent sphere. of kryptonite powder.

Li Buying's frown finally relaxed, and he heard the announcement from the system.


The mission is completed, Superman is not dead, Doomsday has been killed, and mission rewards have been distributed.

Whether to return to the Lord...


You will have a month to fix it.


The moment the task was completed, Li Buying trembled slightly. The light stream that only he could see emerged from the panel and entered his body. His cells were slowly being optimized, and his own force field also changed slightly.

Without enough time to feel the changes in himself, he opened his eyes and met the eyes of Kara who was approaching. The Kryptonian girl in a highly intelligent state immediately understood Li Buying's eyes and rushed to him with lightning speed. and grabbed his arm.

Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman, who had just completed their supplement and wanted to join the battlefield, all realized something, but were too late to stop them. Li Buying waved slightly and said: "Then let's do this for now, the two of us will leave first."


Kara and Li Buying disappeared instantly, leaving only Wonder Woman and Batman looking at each other. Superman also slowly flew down at this time, only to find that the crisis had been resolved.

Looking at the two guys in front of him who looked like they were no ordinary people, Batman was silent for a moment and then said: "Let's talk between the three of us first."

On the other side, Li Buying took Kara to the underground. The Kryptonian girl saw Ai Yi sitting here. After being improved in all aspects, she saw through the essence of the mechanical girl this time, and said with some surprise:

"So Ai Yi is a robot?"

She was just a little surprised, but she didn't have any other thoughts. When she was on Krypton, there were Kryptonians marrying artificial intelligence.

"Well, speaking of Kara, is your current state permanent or short-term?"

Li Buying nodded slightly and was more interested in Kara's situation. She spoke of her current status without reservation:

"If I take it for a few more decades, I might be able to become this powerful permanently. But now it's just like a short-term increase. After all, it only lasts for such a short time. When the increase time passes, I will still be stronger than my cousin." weak."

Li Buying naturally expressed his understanding. Superman has been exposed to the sun for a full twenty or thirty years on the earth. It would be strange if Kara was stronger than Clark after being exposed to it for such a period of time.

Next, in order to ensure that Kara and herself can live a normal life in the DC universe, this girl who can be called a god on earth will stay in a secret room without seeing the light for a while, waiting for her to return to her original condition. will come out.

About ten days later, Kara had returned to normal. The upper limit of her abilities had improved a lot due to the previous situation, but there was still a gap between her and Clark.

In the past few days, Li Buying didn't see Superman or Batman coming to his door. It must be that Clark didn't want his cousin's life to be disturbed, so he hid the news about her.

However, although Batman cannot know who Kara is, he can definitely realize from Superman's mouth that she is a Kryptonian other than Clark. He will probably hide more kryptonite to ensure his so-called prevention of Superman losing control. situation.

It's just that his target has changed from Superman, who already knows his true identity, to Kara, who still doesn't know his identity.

"I can go out now~."

Kara was lying on the sofa and stretched herself. At this time, she was in a villa in the metropolis, but she still wanted to go out and play.

Ai Yi nodded slightly, indicating that he had completely settled everything about Kara from birth to now, and was able to allow her to appear safely under the sunshine of the metropolis. The girl was very happy to take Li Buying's arm and invite him to go out with her. .

"Li Buying, how about going out with me."

Since exiting that "epiphany" state, Kara seems to have thought about many things clearly. Her eyes are no longer so full of hatred, but she has become very yearning for a new life, and she is no longer so secretive about her feelings.

On the other hand, Li Buying was still a little hesitant. If he wanted to say whether he liked Kara or not, of course he did, but he was mainly worried about what would happen if Kara and Lorna met in the future.

Kara has already warned this Kryptonian girl, but Krypton's concept of love is too advanced. After all, Kryptonian children are directly cultivated through genes.

She didn't care about Lorna's existence, and even wanted to see her. After learning about Li Buying's difficulties, she complained about the backwardness of the earth, and was willing to wait until he asked Lorna before talking about what happened next.

"Okay, if it's just to hang out."

Li Buying opened her eyes and was about to get up, but she and Kara looked at the door together. Superman, or Clark Kent, was arriving in a car and was about to knock on the door.

Kara walked over and opened the door. Clark was still surprised when he saw his cousin. What surprised him even more was that her cousin's attitude towards him had completely changed. Kara smiled and waved: "Cousin, you are finally here. ”

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