American Comics: Starting with Obtaining Spider-Man’s Powers

Chapter 131: Fighting and Becoming Stronger

There were dark elves in all directions, and it was difficult for Li Buying to escape as he was surrounded in the center. He immediately prepared to use a large-scale sonic weapon that had not yet experienced actual combat.

Switching the mode to a ball-type attack, he raised his hands flat and clenched his fists hard. The device on his arm immediately activated and entered a three-second charging countdown to stimulate the strongest performance.

When the weapon is activated, he also wears special noise-cancelling earmuffs to prevent himself from hearing those sounds.

The enemy was getting closer and closer, and the shield became more and more transparent. When the three seconds came, the surrounding dark elf soldiers, whose abilities had been greatly enhanced, suddenly felt the fear before death.

Before they could effectively avoid it, the terrifying sound waves spread out with Li Buying as the center, and the noise came together with the sound wave pulses!

The surrounding dark elves were immediately knocked away. When they were hit by the shock wave, they felt as if their bodies were torn apart due to the resonance of the sound, and their brains felt extremely stinging due to the noise.

The range of the sound wave spread rapidly, and an area of ​​about 100 meters was shrouded in the sound wave. The surrounding trees and land were also lifted up as if they were hit by Thor's hammer, but they were not so shattered and scorched.

The bodies of those dark elves who had gained the amplification could withstand the strong impact. Those who were too close would die directly, and even more would suffer fractures.

But the splitting headache made them unable to make effective movements at all, and the continuous sonic damage destroyed their brains and internal organs, which were still fragile after strengthening.

Looking at the dark elves bleeding from all around, Li Buying's first reaction was that this mode of clearing out the miscellaneous soldiers was quite useful.

Just when he was about to deal with these dark elves, a creepy feeling came over him. Li Buying, who used his spider sense to detect the crisis in advance, immediately turned sideways and tried to avoid the danger.

However, the spider sense told him that the danger still existed, and he did not hesitate to release his phase ability to teleport a distance, and the black energy hit his original location.

Malekith didn't know exactly when he came to his side, and he couldn't help but frown when he found that Li Buying avoided his attack.

He used magic to create a big black hand and grabbed it at Li Buying. Li Buying immediately shouted for help: "Thor!"

The beam of light emitting electric current was fired directly from a distance, carrying destructive power and rushing in the direction of Malekith. He could only raise his hand to block his black palm in front of him.

The energy beam hit the palm of his hand, and Malekith couldn't help but take a few steps back and looked at Thor, who was still able to help Li Buying in the fierce battle.

At this time, the God of Thunder has completely entered a certain "deified" state, his pupils are covered in white light, and his whole person exudes unparalleled divine brilliance. He has even become stronger with each war, and has begun to beat up those cursed warriors.

We can't let him continue fighting like this.

Malekith realized this, he ignored Li Buying and directly raised his hand to release extremely powerful curse magic at Thor!

A ray of purple-black energy streaked across the night sky and hit Thor. The dark atmosphere of decay and decay instantly enveloped him. He subconsciously took a deep breath and felt that his whole body was weak and aging.


The other Cursed Warriors were ready to kill him while he was sick, but the God of Thunder roared and did something they didn't expect.

Thor raised Thor's hammer and smashed it directly into his chest!

The black energy was dispersed by the thunder. Although his body was slightly scarred by his own energy, his momentum increased to a higher level, focusing his attention on Malekith.

Wielding Mjolnir out of thin air, he knocked away the cursed warriors around him. He raised his hammer and came to Malekith and hammered it hard. The dark elf lord raised his hand to deal with it without fear.

A spear appeared out of thin air in his hand, and he raised his hand and stabbed directly at Mjolnir, preparing to strike hard.

The powerful energies of the two collided together. Thor glanced at Li Buying before attacking to make sure that he had left before actually launching the offensive. However, Malekith could no longer care about the things around him and raised his gun to stab.

The energy impact spread in all directions, and the magic barrier with a radius of two kilometers that had been set up earlier trembled slightly, and the energy beam formed a violent explosion.

When the light dissipated, the inside of the magic barrier was in a mess. Li Buying, who was standing on the edge of the barrier and unfolded his triple shield, was also covered in dust.

"Ai Yi, are you almost there?" Using gravity control to shake away the dust, he asked if Ai Yi was already there.

"I'm almost there, estimated to be in 3 minutes."

He rubbed his temples, the spider sense was foreshadowing a greater crisis. Malekith's strength seemed to be more than what was shown in front of him, and there was a stronger power that had not yet been shown.

But that's right, he hasn't even used the ability to use ether particles on himself yet.

In short, in order to prevent accidents, he had to ask Ai Yi to come over.

Another sound of gold and iron chiming came from a distance, and the smoke in the center was repulsed. Li Buying also saw the situation there. Malekith and Thor kept colliding with their weapons. Every collision would cause the surrounding areas to explode. Objects are destroyed.

They seemed evenly matched, but what was visible to the naked eye was that Malekith was panting, while Thor still maintained his prime appearance, swinging Mjolnir tirelessly.

After repelling Malekith again, Thor, who was full of divinity, prepared to charge up his strength to give him a fatal blow. However, the cursed warriors who were thrown away rushed forward at this moment, trying to use their lives to hold back the God of Thunder. .

Malekith naturally did not waste time at this time. He raised his right arm and stabbed his palm into his heart. Red-black energy flowed from the gem hidden in his hand, and his pupils also emitted a dark light.

"Thunder God Thor, you are very strong. You will definitely surpass your father in time. It's a pity that you will never reach that future!"

He put down harsh words to the God of Thunder he had just met, and under the influence of ether particle energy, his body quickly repaired, and his energy surged at the same time.

Thor raised his hammer and blasted the heads of the cursed warriors one by one. After killing them all, he released an energy blast at Malekith.

The King of Dark Elf directly raised his hand to block the energy impact, rushed in front of Thor at super speed, and used his black spear to lift Thor into the air.

With his strength soaring, he took the God of Thunder and broke through the original barrier, and then flew towards the universe.

Li Buying frowned when he saw this scene. His gravitational perception allowed him to see some things that no one could see. After Malekith reached out and stabbed his heart, his heart had been emitting space fluctuations and energy fluctuations.

It seems that there is something that can continuously supply him with energy. In the bigger picture, it may be the dark elf kingdom itself.

There was no reason to speculate on this matter, and space fluctuations came again. He looked back and saw Asgard warriors coming to the earth one by one with the help of the space instability caused by the nine-star chain.

Reinforcements finally arrived, and they emerged from the other side to fight the remaining dark elves. A frivolous voice came from Li Buying:

"It seems that my dear brother needs my help?"

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