Is there really no limit to his improvement?

Spider-Man used the skills he learned with Iron Fist to fight Weaver, while complaining in his heart. He ducked sideways to avoid a heavy punch, and slashed at Weaver's neck with his right hand like a knife.

Li Buying blocked Peter's attack with his left hand, and his fist turned into a palm and slapped Spider-Man on the neck. Spider-Man jumped up and somersaulted to avoid the attack, raised his hand to block his right foot, and his body was kicked away. go out.

Pulling away from each other, the two people raised their hands to launch spider silk at almost the same time. The spider silk balls launched by the device collided with the hard and impactful spider web and exploded directly in the air.

A large amount of spider silk exploded in the air and formed a wall of spider silk that made it impossible to see the opposite side. Peter carefully waited for the weaver on the opposite side to attack, but he did not wait for the opposite attack.

Damn it, you couldn’t have slipped away, right? ?

Suddenly realizing that Li Buying might just slip away like the previous times, he immediately broke the spider webs clinging to the two pillars and found that the weaver who was completely capable of defeating him had disappeared carrying the Green Devil.

Spider-Man is somewhat helpless against an opponent who can't be beaten again and again, and who can't catch up even if he runs away.

He pinched his numb arm and did not talk as much as he usually did when facing other people. He stood on the edge of the building and recalled the conversation between Li Buying and him.

"Does this count as being let off again?"

Looking down at his spider mark, Peter had actually already realized that the Weaver had been giving in to him, and if there really was a fight, he could kill him in the first battle.

To be honest, this feeling of being let off, or let alone several times, was actually not a good one, and it made Peter feel a little powerless.

If it were other villains, he would have chased them long ago. The reason why he did not do so now is because no one has been able to catch up with the Weaver so far, and he alone cannot beat them.

"Well, I keep blaming him. Don't masked superheroes like me often break the law..."

Sighing with some self-pity, Peter was thinking seriously about "procedural justice" and "result justice" that Li Buying said, and he had some goals in mind for what the ordinary person named Peter Parker would do in the future.

Spider-Man in each universe is unique, and the things Spider-Man here encounters are the same.

He has the existence of the Weaver, who is like a villain, and has met Daredevil, who is both a mentor and a friend. Many super villains have been solved...

With enough time, under the influence of these events, he was able to think about things in advance that he in other universes did not have time to consider at this age.

Of course, he was not thinking about it now. Spider-Man quickly came back to his senses and patted his cheek hard. He took out his mobile phone and contacted the superheroes in his address book to see if anyone was nearby and could help him find the Green Goblin and the Weaver.

After all, you have to look for it. Whether you can find it or beat it is another matter.

"God, I have experienced the feeling of a villain being forgiven by me." Peter smiled wryly at himself, waiting for the call to be connected.

Carrying the green demon tightly tied with spider silk on his shoulders, Li Buying took him into the previous sewer and threw him on the ground. As the spider silk dissolved, an arm held up a gun and tried to attack him.


Slapping the green devil's pistol away, Li Buying didn't intend to say anything to him. He raised his hand and directly pressed the green devil's head, and the power of the tiger automatically flowed into his body.

Try splitting first.

Pulling his head hard, Li Buying found that the Green Devil was easier to pull apart than Dr. Lizard. A normal Norman Osborn and a fierce and stronger Green Devil appeared in front of him.

"I finally got rid of my useless personality..."

After being torn apart, the devil couldn't help but smile when he found himself coming out, but before it could raise the corners of its mouth, Li Buying punched it to incapacitate it, and reunited it with Osborne again.

Next is soul fusion.

Staring coldly at the green devil in front of him, Li Buying began to test his abilities like a mad scientist. He pressed his hands on both sides of the green devil's brain and squeezed hard.

As the power of the tiger was injected again, the fainted green demon suddenly let out a painful howl from his eyes: "Let me go! Let me go!!"

His body is constantly changing between the green monster and the normal human body. Under the influence of the tiger's power, the two images quickly appear to render each other.

The human body becomes greener and greener, the ears become more and more pointy, and the monster's body becomes thinner and thinner, while the appearance looks somewhat normal.

The next second, Li Buying raised his hand and slapped the ears of the hybrid of Green Devil and Norman Osborn in front of him. The deafening sound that only Norman and Green Devil could hear was transmitted to the brain and even the soul.

A slightly thin green devil appeared in front of Li Buying. He took out his wand and directly stimulated the new green devil to wake up. He raised his wand and used [Legilimency] on him.

The green devil who had just woken up did not realize that Li Buying was already peeking into his thoughts. His mind was still a little chaotic, and some evil thoughts kept popping up in his mind, but they were quickly suppressed by his self-control.

"Hey, black..."

The hybrid was just about to say hello to Li Buying with a sinister smile, but suddenly felt that something was wrong with this, and suppressed his disgusting tone and said:

"Weaver, I know you can kill, can you really not let me go?"

[Hmph, when I get back to the company, I must find you and ruin your reputation. No, it would be better to let you be used by me. 】

The thoughts of the hybrid flowed into Li Buying's mind, and he then talked to the guy in front of him: "Green Devil, think carefully about what happened to you before, and also, let's see if you are the Green Devil or Norman Osborn now. ”

[What do you mean, of course I am the Green Devil - wait...]

The hybrid's pupils shrank, and after his mind became clear, he remembered what happened before again, and he reached out to touch his face, looking a little panicked.

[No, my face is wrong, why am I like this? I am Norman Osborn, and the Green Devil is the negative personality I created after using the potion. Now the two personalities are merged together? 】

Norman Osborne gradually found his position. Li Buying slowly asked him a few questions and discovered some post-fusion situations.

Let’s talk about the conclusion first. The hybrid Norman is more evil and chaotic than the original Norman. This is the result of merging with the Green Devil’s personality.

The Green Devil is an extreme personality created by using potions to strengthen his body and increase his negative emotions at the same time, not just his original emotions.

In other words, if the secondary personality generated in this situation is merged with the main personality, although the main personality will still dominate, it will indeed affect the personality.

Secondly, if there is no external force after completing the fusion, he will not turn into them again due to the passage of time.

And the last point - Li Buying can still separate him.

Confirming the last point, he grabbed the very resistant hybrid's head and prepared to experiment to see what would happen if Norman Osborn was killed by the Green Goblin personality.

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