
Not long after, everyone from Valkyrie and the Guardians of the Galaxy arrived at the command hall.

Looking at the empty command hall in front of them, they already understood what happened.

The founder of Ogg Company, the one who was called the Supreme Evolutionary, was so easily wiped out by Li Qingyun.

Not even any bones were left.

"Go and convey a message to all the civilizations under Ultron Company. From today on, they are all under my control!"

Li Qingyun is no longer too lazy to look for the life planet in person.

Now under the rule of the Supreme Evolution, there are several other life planets that can be directly brought under his command.

"Let them cooperate with the people I sent to build the altar."

"If there is anyone who doesn't cooperate, let's wait until the entire planet is destroyed together!"

Li Qingyun's words made no one in the Guardians of the Galaxy present dare to question them.

Although they have not seen Li Qingyun destroy the planet, they have seen Li Qingyun destroy the entire dark army.

They are also convinced that Li Qingyun has the ability to destroy planets.

Because the power gem, which is said to be able to destroy a living planet in an instant, is in Li Qingyun's hands.

So far, Li Qingyun has never used the power of the Infinity Stones, and he is already invincible in the entire universe.

At least that's how it seems to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"Anyone who doesn't cooperate will be destroyed. You are really arrogant!"

A loud voice came from the distant sky.

Li Qingyun turned around and looked outside the command room.

"What's coming is not a real entity!"

The sound of the big clock rang, and Li Qingyun had already seen who was coming.

Celestial Clan, Yi Ge!

This is a character that only exists in the movie universe. He is Star-Lord's father, and his identity is also full of doubts.

He calls himself a Celestial Clan, but there is no such thing as a Celestial Clan in the universe.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are only gods, the Celestials, and the Five Gods!

Perhaps, the people of the Celestial Group are the Celestial Clan, but almost every Celestial God is a member of the Celestial Group, and these gods will also call themselves the Celestial Group.

Yi Ge is not a member of the Celestial Group, but calls himself a Celestial Clan, so Li Qingyun's judgment is that he may have been one of the seeds sown into the universe by the Celestial Group.

However, there was a problem in the growth process of Egg, which resulted in the original body of the Celestial God group not appearing, but instead formed the appearance of the current planet.

Therefore, his energy, life form and self-awareness are obviously different from those of the gods.

"You're already here, why are you still parked outside?"

Li Qingyun said, and at the same time, from above the clouds, a golden spaceship slowly flew towards this side.

This ship is not the same as a regular spaceship.

It does not have so many accessories used to maintain the various functions of the spacecraft, it simply has only one shell.

The energy driving the spacecraft comes from Egg's own power, so it doesn't need anything else to assist it.

"Lord of Kamigawa? You should be the same as me, right?"

Egg appears above the spaceship.

It looked like an old man, and he was pretending to be Star-Lord's father.

Although he was originally Star-Lord's father.

But in fact, as a planet, the appearance he transforms into can be in any state.

"Why do you say that?"

Li Qingyun tried to see through Yi Ge's thoughts, but the result was that he couldn't see through it at all.

Perhaps Yi Ge himself is just a clone transformed from energy, or perhaps his energy level has reached a certain level, so that Li Qingyun's current eye of insight is no longer able to see through it.

"I feel similar genes to those of the Celestials in your body, but you are obviously not a member of the Celestials!"

Egg said.

"Yes, I have the energy factor of the Celestial Team, and I am indeed not a Celestial Team, but it is even more impossible for me to be a ball like you!"

Li Qingyun took the initiative to collect the energy factors of the God Group and integrated them into his genes after analysis.

Li Qingyun's main body is composed of super genes. The Celestial Group Factor, Thor Factor, and Super Star Factor are just part of the energy integrated into his super genes.

"Even if you and I are not exactly the same, we are still somewhat related. How about we join forces?"

Egg has always wanted to rule the universe on his own.

But today, he invited him to cooperate with Li Qingyun.

That's because he also felt the power of Li Qingyun, and he also knew that with his own clone, he might not be able to take Star-Lord away from Li Qingyun.

"Join forces? Join forces to use your own son as a battery, use the energy in his body to activate the seeds you have buried throughout the universe, and then control the entire universe?"

Li Qingyun's words caused Star-Lord, who was struggling at the side, to immediately change his expression.

What the hell is this battery?

"You are sowing seeds all over the universe just to find an heir who can be used as a substitute for yourself. For this reason, you are even willing to kill the mothers who gave birth to your children."

"A ball like you is worse than a beast. If I join forces with you, wouldn't I be worse than a ball like you?"

Li Qingyun continued to speak, and the truth revealed in his words made Star-Lord instantly change from stunned to angry.

All the thoughts were clear.

Ego's goal was to rule the universe, and the way to rule the universe was to create a descendant with the same blood as him, and use the power of this descendant to activate the seeds he buried on other planets in the universe.

And in the process of creating humans, after the other party gave birth to offspring, he would kill those mothers directly.

So, Star-Lord's mother did not die of illness, but was killed by Ego.

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

Star-Lord roared angrily, pulling out the weapon at his waist and attacking Ego continuously.

Rocket Raccoon and Tree Man Groot also responded immediately.

One took out an energy gun, and the other threw out a long vine directly, both of which attacked one at the first time.

Ego's face was gloomy, but he didn't say anything.

He just raised one hand casually, and a white energy formed a shield and appeared in front of him.

Whether it was the laser shot or Groot's long vine, they were easily blocked.

Seeing that his attack had no effect, Star-Lord threw away his weapon and spread his hands in front of him, and two white balls of light quickly formed.

When he saw the light balls appear, Ego's face changed immediately.

His eyes revealed unconcealed greed. He finally found the offspring who inherited his Celestial genes, a perfect battery, right in front of him.

He had to take this battery back no matter what!

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