American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 89 Thanos' suspicion, the Vanguard attacks

Li Qingyun left Sakaar soon.

He began to travel in the universe.

With the reluctant Valkyrie by his side.

According to the cosmic star map that the Great Clock learned from Heimdall's observation, Li Qingyun went to one life planet after another.

If the original living conditions of this planet are very good, the people live and work in peace and contentment, the planetary environment is excellent, and the ruling class is very complete.

Li Qingyun is just a passer-by, who takes a look and then leaves.

But if it is a chaotic planet, where there are constant wars between each other, there is no suitable leader, or the leader is an extremely bastard, Li Qingyun will take action.

It's not that he wants to be a good person, but it's easy to occupy a planet like this.

In addition, you are the savior who saves ordinary people from the hellfire pit, and the people on this planet will respect you very much.

In addition, after ending their disputes and wars, their population size will expand rapidly due to the arrival of peace.

This is also a process of providing Li Qingyun with more life energy.

Li Qingyun took over these planets, and then recruited a large number of people to help him build the altar, and then sent Shenhe mecha to install the core energy transmission device.

After the altar was built, the local people not only said that they would not destroy it, but on the contrary, they would regard the altar as the most important holy place and protect it completely.

"You mean, Li Qingyun is constantly occupying those chaotic life planets, and then building altars there to unite the local people?"

Thanos, the one who wanted to collect the infinite gems, but Li Qingyun took the lead to collect four of them, was looking at the superstar in front of him with a surprised face.

And the superstar, she was the first time to appear publicly in Thanos's Sanctuary 2 spacecraft.

Originally, as the most mysterious intelligence officer under Thanos, the superstar should not appear in front of anyone.

She only needs to investigate the relevant information and then tell Thanos the information through mental transmission.

But now her identity has been exposed.

Li Qingyun instantly expanded the scope of exploration by one light year, accurately found the location of the super giant, and almost killed the super giant.

At that time, he was near the void, and that place was originally a place where information flowed very quickly. The existence of the super giant was naturally spread to all parts of the universe.

Since her identity has been exposed, she naturally does not need to hide anymore.

"Yes, but I think all this is not as simple as I know."

The intelligence that the super giant has found out all points to the fact that Li Qingyun is expanding his strength.

But she has a feeling that Li Qingyun's purpose is definitely not to get more territory and manpower.

There are so many superheroes on the earth, and there are many powerful ones among them, but Li Qingyun has never joined forces with anyone except Hulk who was pulled over to help at the beginning.

Although he ruled many planets such as the void and Sakaar, he did not take any soldiers from those places (except for a Valkyrie), and did not even let these planets form any powerful armies.

Expanding territory without training soldiers for yourself is obviously different from general power expansion.

"He once suppressed all the people on the planet Sakaar by himself, which shows that relying on numbers alone is meaningless for people like him!"

Thanos' face was very ugly at this time.

The information brought back by Superstar this time made him feel more and more that he could not compete with Li Qingyun.

Suppressing a planet by himself is not as simple as taking the army to slaughter half of the people on the planet like Thanos.

They still need to spend time to kill little by little. If they encounter stubborn resistance, they will have to consume a lot of troops to win.

Li Qingyun is different. He is motionless and directly suppresses everyone with invisible energy.

"If he is not going to recruit troops, then there may be something useful to him on these planets!"

Ebony Maw said.

"Could there be any special resources or energy on those planets?"

General Grim Reaper also expressed his opinion.

"The intelligence shows that every time he arrives at a planet, he will ask the locals to build a huge altar for him."

"After the altar is built, a team composed entirely of robots will appear inside the altar."

"As for what they did inside the altar, we don't know."

"But from the memories of witnesses, it seems that some special machines and devices were transported inside."

The Super Giant provided more intelligence for everyone to speculate.


Thanos repeated this keyword.

In this piece of information, or in all the intelligence brought back by the Super Giant this time, this should be the most important.

"My lord, do you need me to explore it?"

The Super Giant asked.

"No, your identity has been exposed. It is not safe to be easily exposed to Li Qingyun's control."

Thanos shook his head.

The Super Giant is very important to him. With him, Thanos can better grasp the information in the universe.

"Ebony Maw, you and Black Dwarf go together and choose a more remote life planet!"

"If possible, avoid the locals as much as possible and enter the altar quietly, as long as you understand the specific conditions inside it!"

Thanos looked at Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf among the four Obsidian generals.

One of these two people is a magician and has a smart mind.

The other is a strong warrior, and he obeys Ebony Maw's words.

It must not be difficult for these two people to sneak into a planet quietly and understand the situation inside the altar.

"Yes, sir!"

Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf nodded in agreement at the same time.

Then, the two of them turned and left together.

"Just let them two go?"

General Deathblade was a little worried.

They know nothing about the situation of this altar. If this is all a trap...

"Let a unit of the Vanguard Guards go with them. If they encounter danger on the planet, the Vanguard Guards will be dropped directly to help them complete their mission!"

Thanos understood General Deathblade's concerns and added another sentence.

So, originally it was only Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf who went there, but instead they went together with a vanguard force.

This time, it will be the first contact between Thanos and Li Qingyun. Although it is only a subordinate coming forward, and Thanos is only looking for the altar that Li Qingyun has arranged on a certain planet.

But this was the first time, the first contact between the two forces.

The last time Loki's was there, it was considered aborted!

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