American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 85 Energy Factors of the Celestial God Group

It is said that he has the most invention patents in the universe, and has the ability to allow organisms and humans to evolve directly for millions of years.

But in fact, the Supreme Evolution is just a petty person.

Seeing that Rocket Raccoon has a smarter brain than him, he wants to make himself smarter by directly obtaining Rocket Raccoon's brain.

He said that he can even master gravity, how powerful he is.

But in the end, he was killed by a joint attack by the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The Supreme Evolution has a loud name, but the way he died and what he did were really not up to the standard.

Integrating dark energy into Star-Lord's body, stimulating the energy of the Celestials in his genes, making Star-Lord have the power of a true demigod.

And the self-destruction program in Rocket Raccoon's body, with the computing power of the big clock, it is a matter of minutes to crack this program.

After dealing with the situation of Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon, they will take over the rule of the entire void.

As for the Collector, he left.

Li Qingyun did not stop him.

What he wanted was this void, an outpost that would take root in the universe in the future. The collector had no effect on Li Qingyun.

Three days later, Li Qingyun completed the analysis of the Celestial God Group Factor.

"What are the specific data of this Celestial God Group Factor?"

Li Qingyun entered the dark matter plane space and looked at a group of light spots in front of him.

This is the supernatural factor of the Celestial God Group, a peculiar factor that contains the energy characteristics of their Celestial God Group.

"This factor has very powerful energy. In terms of the level of quantity, it is even more powerful than the lightning factor of Thor."

"They were born in the planet and were born by obtaining the energy supply of the planet's intelligent life for tens of millions of years."

"After they were born, they had the ability to create a star system."

The big clock explained.

"Have the ability to create a star system?"

Li Qingyun actually recognized this ability.

Although Li Qingyun has a strong combat power, it seems that it is difficult for him to create a star system at his current level.

Unless the operation mode of a certain star system is precisely controlled and simulated through the Big Clock, it can be finally realized.

The simulation ability of the Big Clock can even simulate the birth and evolution of a universe.

But the Big Clock does not have the ability to create matter directly. It can only create by transforming the surrounding environment and using the original matter in the universe.

"If you merge the factors of the Celestial Group now, the power you can obtain will not be very strong, because it needs to absorb the life force of a planet for a long time to continue to grow."

The Big Clock reminded.

"This is not difficult, right?"

Li Qingyun did not care much about this.

"The Celestial Group can rely on the earth to obtain powerful life energy, and I can naturally obtain the same life energy based on the earth."

"Moreover, through energy docking, it may also be possible to guide the energy of some other life planets in the universe to me."

In Li Qingyun's understanding, the way the Celestial Group obtains power to be born is the same as the gods absorbing faith.

However, the Celestials created a star system, left the seeds of the Celestials in the life planet, and obtained energy through the entire process from the birth to the development of life.

And because it was originally nurtured inside the planet, it would destroy the life planet itself after birth.

But Li Qingyun didn't need to do that.

He could completely collect the required life energy through the big clock.

Through special tools like altars, other life planets can be bound to themselves, so that they can naturally obtain the life energy of multiple planets at one time, so that they can obtain energy faster.

The nurturing of the Celestials took billions of years, and Li Qingyun would naturally shorten the time required by this method.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid you have to rule more life planets!"

The big clock has understood Li Qingyun's intention.

This method is the same as the birth and development of a main god civilization.

The Death God Carl created the Death Song Academy with himself as the center, and there were only a few people around him.

But the Death Song Academy was built in the Dark Nebula, and all the life planets in the entire Dark Nebula actually belonged to him.

The Taotie Corps and the Giant Wolf Corps are only a part of the life planets that are ruled.

However, the Death God Carl studies death and the void. In the dark nebula where he is, life is consumed continuously and at a high frequency in the continuous war.

The remaining population of the civilizations formed by the Taotie Corps, the Giant Wolf Corps and all other animal life forms is less than one million.

What Li Qingyun wants is life energy, so the life planet he wants to control must be like the Angel Nebula controlled by the Melo Heaven.

With a powerful angel army, control all other planets in the Angel Nebula, suppress the development of their military technology, and prevent them from entering a situation of military hegemony like the Denor civilization.

All civilizations in the nebula get along with each other in a friendly manner and unite under the glory of justice!

"I don't need to guide their thoughts and beliefs, I just need them to recognize me as the king!"

Li Qingyun never thought of creating a Melo Heaven or a Death Song Academy.

He just wants to find a way to obtain energy from more living planets, so as long as he can find those living planets and then place the energy-obtaining equipment on that planet.

And in the process, he could incidentally become their king.

"How many materials do you have here, and how many Kamigawa mechas can you make?"

Li Qingyun asked.

"The materials we currently have can produce two hundred Kamigawa mechas!"

The big clock answered.

"Then start manufacturing, and create them in the shortest possible time, and they will become the first army under my command!"

Li Qingyun now rules the land of nothingness, but here, at best, it is a group of ragtag people, not an army.

He will next try to find more living planets. To enter these earths and successfully build an altar that can obtain life energy, he needs the participation of the army.

Copying these memory data of the Taotie Legion to create the Kamigawa mecha is the most convenient and fastest way.

"Understood, I'll start now!"

The big clock agreed, and then, underneath Li Qingyun's manor on Earth, the underground factory began to operate again.

At this moment, Li Qingyun reached out and grabbed the energy factor of the God Group.

The process of fusing this energy factor with its own super gene began!

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