American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 83 I want to be as cool as Kesha!

Ronan was shocked by Li Qingyun's sword.

He instinctively dodged back, but Li Qingyun's sword did not directly cut off his head.

On Ronan's head was a helmet commonly worn by the Kree Empire's accusers.

Although this helmet doesn't look very good, it is a defensive helmet made with the highest technology of the Kree Empire.

The material it is made of is extremely strong and is difficult to be damaged by ordinary attacks.

The body of the accuser Ronan itself has also been modified by multiple drugs.

Ronan was able to defeat Drax the Destroyer with his bare hands, and Drax was able to withstand multiple laser cannon attacks in subsequent movies.

Therefore, with Ronan's defense power, it is difficult for regular attacks to damage him.

His own defense was amazing, and his helmet blocked it. The most important thing was that Li Qingyun did not hit his vital part.

"The response was pretty good!"

Li Qingyun turned around and looked at Ronan, who was still in shock.


He reached out to explore and found a bloody gash on his neck.

Ronan, the accuser who has always been a high-ranking member of the Kree Empire, has not been hurt in a long time.

Now he was actually injured by Li Qingyun as soon as he came up, and if he hadn't just avoided it, his neck would have been cut off directly.

The huge sense of crisis, coupled with the pain caused by being injured at this moment, has made him extremely angry.

"Come on, kill this guy!"

Ronan roared angrily, and everyone in the command room took out their weapons and rushed towards Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun looked at these people and smiled contemptuously.

How could such a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals have an impact on themselves?

The sword of Tiansha was swung randomly a few times, and sword energy flew out from the blade.

In an instant, all these people who came to fight were killed by Li Qingyun.

It's a breeze, no difficulty at all.

"How can this be!"

Ronan looked at the people who fell on the ground with some disbelief, especially when he saw that the pursuer Coras was also among the pile of fallen bodies, he was even more shocked.

This is the most capable general under his command, and his combat effectiveness is also very strong.

But now, like other soldiers, he was killed by Li Qingyun's sword casually.

"Nothing is impossible!"

Li Qingyun sneered and looked at Ronan in front of him.

"You think you are strong, but in fact you are just a clown."

"Even if I give you the Power Stone, you won't be able to fulfill your wish to destroy Xandar!"

It wasn't that Li Qingyun looked down upon Ronan in front of him, but that he actually failed to destroy Xandar.

In the movie, Ronan, who got the Power Stone, was embarrassed to death by Star-Lord's dance!

Embarrassed, and then died!

"Stop looking down on others!"

Ronan suppressed the fear in his heart, raised his war hammer, and rushed towards Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun stepped forward with his left foot and raised the Sword of Heaven.

At the moment when Ronan rushed over and was about to reach him, he stepped out suddenly and slashed down with the sword of Tiansha.

This sword was a sword that Li Qingyun used all his strength.

Knowing that Ronan was wearing a sturdy helmet, he also knew that his physical defense was amazing.

But with this sword, Li Qingyun was 100% sure that Ronan would never be able to withstand it!


The Tiansha Sword struck directly from Ronan's head, diagonally, splitting his head in half.

The war hammer he raised was frozen in mid-air at this moment.

It wasn't until a moment later that he fell to the ground with his body.

Blood flowed out from the split head, along with the paste on the ground.

"I used to think that to fight a super villain, you have to keep pulling back and forth, and you need superb fighting skills..."

"But now it seems that under the absolute power, all of that is completely useless!"

It can be said that Li Qingyun took action in the void this time with great ease.

With two simple moves in the land of nothingness, more than a thousand thugs on the black market were slaughtered.

In space, the power of the Sword of Heaven exploded, instantly killing all the pilots in thousands of aircraft.

Now in the command room of the Dark Star, Ronan the Accuser, one of the great villains in the galaxy, was killed with one sword.

He has now begun to yearn for the fighting style of Holy Kesha.

Just sit on the throne, move your fingers casually, and then command the silver wings to easily eliminate the enemy.

If the silver wings can't solve it, there is still a huge judgment angel.

The demon king Liang Bing, who was as powerful as the fourth-generation god, was also grabbed by the judgment angel and thrown to the ground. He almost exploded with a sword!

That style and momentum are so impressive!

"With your current abilities, you are still unable to control such a powerful god-killing weapon!"

"Besides, without Ansu Yin, weapons like Kesha's silver wings cannot be made!"

The big clock knew what Li Qingyun was thinking at this moment, and directly explained the feasibility of these ideas!

"Hey, how can I say this directly? Can't you let me fantasize about it?"

Li Qingyun felt a little speechless. Isn't the big clock ruining his own fun?

But he couldn't help it. Although the big clock was communicating with Li Qingyun in a relatively anthropomorphic way due to his own instructions.

But the big clock is a machine after all. When it handles everything, it will give priority to a rational perspective.

The big clock also knew what Li Qingyun was thinking at this time.

Instead of dwelling on this issue, it raised a new one.

"Does this Dark Star need to be taken away?"

the big clock asked.

"Well, first transfer it to the solar system. As for the remaining people on the ship, use the wormhole to send them all into space!"

Li Qingyun nodded.

The Dark Star was not sent directly back to Earth because there was already a Dark Elf mothership on Earth.

Moreover, the Dark Star does not have the ability to be invisible like the Dark Elf Mothership. Taking it back to Earth will inevitably attract global attention.

Although Li Qingyun doesn't need to be afraid of anything now, there is no need for him to make the situation so complicated.

"There are already two motherships, but I only have eight Kamigawa mechas in total. Are these too few?"

Li Qingyun suddenly discovered that the trophies he collected seemed to be of little use.

The Dark Elf Mothership stayed on Earth, although at first Li Qingyun wanted to learn about the technology in the Dark Elf Mothership.

But now, everything that needs to be understood is understood. Li Qingyun also understands what the black hole bomb is.

Therefore, now it can only be a decoration, and two people have to be specially arranged to watch it.

The Dark Star was transported back to the solar system, and the results were the same.

Someone has to be sent to watch it, and there is no other specific use value!

"Maybe it will be useful in the future!"

Li Qingyun could only think like this.

Because he couldn't bear it, he just blew up the complete mothership for nothing!

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