The synchronous communication device has been given to Heimdall. After that, the starry sky map of the universe can naturally be drawn by the information transmitted by the big clock.

Now, he has also obtained the interstellar coordinates to the Void, Morag and Vormir.

Without stopping at all, Li Qingyun arrived directly at Morag Star.

If you want to get it, get it at the very beginning.

Take it away before Star-Lord, Ronan, and Thanos arrive.

The gate of the temple, the energy shield that stores the cosmic spirit ball, these facilities used to prevent others from taking away the power gems, are all useless in front of Li Qingyun.

The power of super god technology surpasses the previous technology of this Morag planet by many.

After getting the cosmic spirit ball, Li Qingyun didn't even open it to look at the power gem inside.

The wormhole opened, and he went directly to the next location, which was located on a cliff on the planet Vormir.

Soon after he left Morag, the planet welcomed new guests.

It was a Star-Lord wearing old headphones and humming like crazy.

After Star-Lord, there are people from Ronan’s Legion...

But no matter who it is, after coming to Morag Star, they will return empty-handed.

Because the cosmic spirit ball had already been taken away by Li Qingyun.

"Welcome, Lord of Kamigawa!"

The red skull hidden under the black robe appeared in front of Li Qingyun.

As the guide of the Soul Gem, Red Skull already possesses many strange abilities at this time.

Knowing some things in the universe that ordinary people don't know can prevent you from being harmed by any force, even beyond life and death.

It is Red Skull's misfortune to be controlled by the Soul Stone.

But the power given by the Soul Stone also makes it much stronger than before.

"You know everything about me?"

Li Qingyun was a little curious.

In the movie, when facing Thanos and Black Widow, they all seem to know everything.

Now, he saw that he was the Lord of Kamigawa as soon as he opened his mouth.

Lord of the Divine River, this was the name Li Qingyun had just given before he left the earth. It was to commemorate the Divine River civilization that created the big clock, so he gave it the title of god.

"No, I actually know nothing about you!"

Red Skull shook his head helplessly.

As the guide of the soul gem, he can see through the souls of the people who come here and see all their information through the soul gem.

But this time, he failed.

He didn't understand the person who suddenly appeared in front of him at all. The only thing he could see was a title, the title of Lord of Kamigawa.

But he had no idea what the Lord of the Kamigawa meant and who the Lord of the Kamigawa was.

"The moment you arrived, a strange force quietly invaded your soul, seeming to want to read certain information."

The sound of the big clock sounded in Li Qingyun's mind.

At that moment, when he felt the arrival of strange energy, Li Qingyun's self-defense program had already started.

The large clock provided enough energy, so Li Qingyun did not read any information from this strange energy.

"The Soul Stone is indeed the most mysterious and peculiar one among the six Infinity Stones!"

Li Qingyun sighed in his heart.

Of the six Infinity Stones, the one that displays the strongest power should be the Power Stone.

The Power Stone can destroy a planet instantly.

In terms of functionality, the Time Stone and Reality Stone are obviously better.

The Time Stone allows people to travel into the past and future and master the powerful rule of time.

The Reality Stone has the ability to rewrite reality. It can actually subvert some conventional rules and energy laws in the universe.

During the time when the ether particles were attached to the Tiancha Sword, this attribute of the ether particles had been further understood by Li Qingyun.

However, no matter whether it is the power gem, the time gem, the reality gem or the other two space gems and the mind gem, they are not as powerful as the soul gem in front of you.

It has been proven that both the Mind Stone and the Ether Particles have a certain spirituality.

But in terms of spirituality, the soul gem is obviously more obvious and unique.

It hid on the planet Vormir, and transferred the Red Skull here through the Cosmic Cube to become its guide.

No matter who comes, if you want to get the soul gem, you need to dedicate the soul of the person you love most before you can get it.

He paid no more attention to Red Skull.

Li Qingyun walked directly to the edge of the cliff at this time, looking into the mid-air ahead.

His eyes suddenly opened wide at this moment, and the aura on his body also suddenly increased at this moment.

Li Qingyun activated the Eye of Insight and aroused the surrounding dark energy to conduct an all-round search of the space in front of him.

He wanted to try to find the specific location of the soul gem and how it was hidden.

But at this moment, no matter how much he searches, no matter how much dark energy he mobilizes, the result seems to be the same.

There was absolutely nothing in front of him.

The Soul Stone seems not to be in this place at all, not even on this planet.

"You are very powerful, but it is simply impossible to find the soul gem with brute force!"

Red Skull reminded that what he said at this moment was actually what the soul gem wanted to say.

The Soul Stone itself cannot speak, but the connection between it and the Red Skull allows it to use the Red Skull to convey its meaning.

"It cannot be obtained by force alone!"

Li Qingyun stopped searching for the Soul Stone.

He actually knew long ago that his trip would probably be in vain.

After all, Thanos, who possessed the three Infinity Stones of power, space and reality, had no way to do anything when he came here, and could only push Gamora off the cliff.

Although Li Qingyun now has four Infinity Stones and has the blessing of the Great Clock.

But the increase and decrease of power still have the same effect.

"Perhaps another way is needed to find the Soul Stone."

Li Qingyun thought in his heart.

"As long as it exists in space, it can definitely be found, unless..."

"Unless it is not in the space we think it is!"

Li Qingyun took over the words of the Great Clock and expressed his guess.

The Soul Stone, it is rarely introduced in the movie.

But in the comics, it is a stone that is emphasized.

In the description of the Soul Stone in the comics, there is such a setting.

That is, there is a small universe hidden in the Soul Stone, which is different from the real universe and contains extremely powerful and special energy.

Perhaps the current Soul Stone is hidden in this small universe.

And what it leaves here is just a special mark. Only when it senses that someone has followed its instructions will it come out through this mark and appear directly in that person's hand!

I am quite busy today, so I have only written the third chapter so far, please forgive me!

In addition, you can criticize me, but if you bring other readers along, I will be permanently banned!

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