American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 58 The celestial bodies converge and begin

Within a few days, Helen Zhao had arrived at Li Qingyun's manor.

This originally huge manor had become somewhat popular at this time.

Moreover, the scale of the laboratory in this manor has also expanded.

The laboratory where Li Qingyun asked Big Clock to control artificial intelligence equipment to manufacture void engines and special alloy armor can only be owned by Li Qingyun.

Banner originally had a laboratory of his own.

And now, there need to be two more.

One is used to develop nanotechnology and regenerative cradle for Zhao Hailun.

Another is to study wormhole theory for Selvig.

Because Selvig has a PhD in astronomy, his research topics include astrophysics in addition to wormhole theory.

Therefore, Selvig's laboratory is in an attic on the top of the building.

"When you first came here, you said that it was useless for me to live alone in such a big manor. Look now!"

Li Qingyun looked at the workers coming in and out. These people were transporting equipment to Helen Zhao and Selvig.

"This manor is still very big now!"

Banner said.

Although four scientists now live here, it is still very spacious considering the size of the manor.

"This is just for now, there may be more people moving in later!"

Li Qingyun currently has no plans to find other scientists.

But there will definitely be more in the future.

Not to mention anything else, just yesterday, after Wang Yan learned that Li Qingyun had recruited two new scientists, he proposed to send several professionals in the scientific field to Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun is still waiting for him to send information. If he meets the conditions, he might also be recruited.

"Alright alright!"

Banner said helplessly.

"Dr. Selvig said that there have been some strange phenomena in space recently. It seems that a gathering of celestial bodies is taking place. Is this related to the event you mentioned?"

There was no further discussion of how many people would live in the manor.

Now Banner wants to know even more what Li Qingyun said about Thor before.

"Well, it has something to do with it!"

Li Qingyun nodded.

"Selvig said that the convergence of celestial bodies will produce a natural wormhole phenomenon. By then, planets in several different star fields will be connected to each other."

"Will the Earth also be connected to Asgard?"

After all, it is the brain of a scientist. With a small amount of relevant information and clues, the reason can be quickly found.

"Yes, the earth, Asgard, and the nine kingdoms in Nordic mythology will be connected together."

Li Qingyun answered.

In fact, he has always been thinking about the celestial body convergence event in his heart.

Not only because he wanted to help Thor, but more importantly, it was actually for the ether particles that were about to be born.

Li Qingyun now has a Tiansha Sword equipped with a void engine.

But Li Qingyun himself is only a second-generation super soldier.

It has the blessing of thunder and lightning factors in its body, giving it the power of thunder similar to that of Thor.

But if he can also be equipped with a gene engine that is the same as or even stronger than the Sword of Tiansha, his strength will inevitably become stronger.

The power possessed by ether particles is to rewrite reality.

This reminded Li Qingyun of the Void Controller.

The combination of Ge Xiaolun's anti-void ability and Zhi Xin's void ability finally created the void controller, Xiong Xin!

It’s a new path beyond Carl’s void and Space Headmaster’s counter-void.

If Li Qingyun can also master the technology of the Void Controller, and upgrade it through the big clock, so that the Void Controller can achieve a higher computing speed than the black hole engine, then the brand new genetic engine owned by Li Qingyun will definitely be unprecedented. of strength.

"Nine great kingdoms, danger comes from these nine great kingdoms!"

Li Qingyun turned his head and looked to the west.

In that direction, in London's subspace, lies the aether particle, one of the Infinity Stones.

As long as you get the ether particles, everything else will fall into place.

Li Qingyun can obtain ether particles for research, and if the ether particles do not reach Jane Foster, she can avoid being affected by the ether particles and suffer from cancer, and Frigga can also avoid the attack of the cursed warrior!

Killing three birds with one stone is beneficial to everyone!

"At the beginning, I was just thinking about whether I could save Sol's mother, but I didn't expect that I would also become a profiteer..."

Li Qingyun sighed in his heart.

However, he wouldn't worry about it.

No matter what plan he has now, at least at the beginning, he just couldn't bear to see a great mother die.

She knew that she was going to die, but she still resolutely let her son return to his own life. How could such a mother ignore death?

"Daisy just sent a message saying that she found a strange place in London, where there seems to be an invisible space wormhole!"

Dr. Selvig came over.

He had been organizing his laboratory, and now he received a message from Daisy Louise.

In the movie, it was Daisy Louise who first discovered the existence of a wormhole in London (of course, she only found out about it through a group of children).

"The big clock!"

Li Qingyun shouted in his mind.

"I have locked the target, analyzing the wormhole, and detecting other abnormal energy points in the surrounding area!"

The detection of the big clock is fully turned on.

Li Qingyun wants to participate in the birth of the ether particle this time, and the big clock will naturally participate in the whole process.

Finding Dr. Selvig is just looking for a helper.

The only one who can really let Li Qingyun handle everything well is the big clock.


Li Qingyun nodded.

He actually had concerns in his heart.

When the ether particle was born, it chose to possess Jane Foster, and it also directly activated the self-protection mechanism to prevent all threatening people from approaching.

If Li Qingyun went to get it himself, would the subspace gate still open?

Or, would it move to another place and choose another safe target to possess?

Li Qingyun had no answer in his heart.

The big clock could not provide an answer.

The solution provided by the big clock is calculated based on real data and the model it records.

But the infinite gems involved in this problem are not familiar to the big clock in the past.

Moreover, the Infinity Stones have a certain spirituality, which has been confirmed by the Mind Stone.

Any spiritual thing, without historical data and factual data to compare, it is difficult to make an accurate inference.

"I think we should go there to investigate!"

Selvig suggested.

"Go directly there?"

Li Qingyun pondered.

"The original goal is not here, why bother, it is better to let it go!"

In the end, Li Qingyun made a decision.

Although he didn't know whether his appearance would change the way the ether particles were born, he still had to participate in this event.

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