American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 56 I need to find another young and beautiful one

Selvig and Dr. Banner emerge from the wormhole.

But what I saw in front of me was still a school.

"Where is this?"

Banner was a little confused.

You've already found Dr. Selvig, why go to school?

Are you looking for someone else?


Li Qingyun replied casually, and then his eyes locked on a beautiful woman walking in front of him.

Wearing sportswear, but unable to hide her figure, she is young and beautiful...

"I want to study science, but it's very depressing to stay with you two middle-aged and elderly uncles all the time!"

"I have to find a young assistant, right?"

This was the idea that Li Qingyun suddenly had after finding Dr. Selvig.

"We've already traveled through time and become super soldiers. It's absolutely not okay to be an old bachelor."

"Ge Xiaolun is still chasing ten school beauties. I find a female doctor to be my assistant. Is this too much? Is it too much?"

"Not too much! Not too much at all!"

If it comes to mind, do it.

Jane Foster is definitely not to be found.

But in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, besides Jane Foster, there is also a very famous female scientist.

Helen Zhao is not in the Marvel comics, so the person in front of me is exactly what she looks like in the movie!

I don’t envy the mandarin ducks, I don’t envy the immortals, I only envy the chaebol every day...ahem...

Needless to say, there is absolutely no need to mention the figure and appearance of the person who managed to break out in that environment.

If nothing else, just like Helen Zhao, she can defeat most of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Helen, who was running over and whose heartbeat had not yet calmed down, looked at the three men blocking the road in front of her with a wary expression.

The security guards who were admiring the beautiful scenery not far away were also walking towards this direction.

"We are all scientists. I have a way to help you complete the research on the regenerative cradle!"

Li Qingyun opened his mouth and directly told the key point.

Helen Zhao is a scientist, and she studies nanotechnology. It is the regenerative cradle technology that created Vision's body in Avengers 2!

"Are you scientists?"

Helen Zhao was still suspicious and looked at the three people in front of her carefully.

"This is Bruce Banner, this is Eric Selvig."

Li Qingyun pointed to Banner and Selvig next to him, and finally to himself.

"My name is Li Qingyun."

"Li Qingyun? You were the one who caused the sun to flicker some time ago?"

Helen Zhao obviously knew something about Li Qingyun.

She and Stark knew each other, after all, they were both genius scientists in the scientific community.

Moreover, the nanometer field studied by Hailun Zhao is also the new direction of the steel suit that Stark will study in the future.


Li Qingyun nodded.


Zhao Hailun stared at Li Qingyun, seeming to be thinking and judging whether Li Qingyun was true.

"Would you like me to demonstrate one to you on the spot?"

Li Qingyun saw Zhao Helen's suspicion.

"No, it's better not to use it!"

Helen Zhao quickly shook her head.

The sun is shining. Can this be just a demonstration?

Can you please respect the sun a little?

"So, can you come with me now?"

Li Qingyun asked.

"I have to think again!"

She didn't agree directly. After all, she was a woman, and she didn't originally know the three people in front of her.

"All right!"

Li Qingyun also saw Helen Zhao's hesitation and understood that normal people would not go to a strange place with you just because of a few words.

"This is my address. If you decide, you can come and find me yourself!"

As Li Qingyun said, a message was sent directly to Helen Zhao's mobile phone.

"We hope you can join!"

After saying that, he turned around and opened the space wormhole again.

With Banner and Dr. Selvig looking confused, they returned to their manor.

Looking at Li Qingyun who opened the wormhole at will, Helen Zhao was actually shaken at this moment.

After returning home, it only took her two hours to make her decision.

It's just that she wasn't as willful as Selvig. She settled the situation at home first and then came over.

However, that is all a matter later.

Li Qingyun is now taking Dr. Selvig back to his manor.

Dr. Banner found it a little difficult to understand that Li Qingyun suddenly went to find Helen Zhao.

"Why did you suddenly think of going to find her?"

Banner has been with Li Qingyun during this period, and without the worry of transforming into Hulk, he also has time to study some scientific matters on Earth.

He also knew a little about Zhao Hailun and knew that he was a newcomer with good talents in the field of nanotechnology.

But the problem is, Li Qingyun originally only said to find one person, but after looking for him, it turned into two.

And he was looking for Helen Zhao.

"Is there anything not to do with her?"

Li Qingyun asked back.


Banner shook his head.

"But, aren't you planning to do something to help Thor?"

"We suddenly found two scientists, and they were in different fields."

"What exactly are you going to do?"

What Banner really can't understand is the reason why Li Qingyun did this.

"I just want to find two helpers!"

Li Qingyun answered casually.

Researching celestial convergence and wormholes, Li Qingyun can easily figure out everything he wants with the help of the Big Clock.

But he can't do everything by himself, he still needs some helpers.

However, what they deal with are all high-tech matters, and it is definitely not possible to find ordinary people.

So, Li Qingyun went to find two people who are more outstanding in the field of science.

In the future, he may have to go further to find more people, but he will find those people directly in China.

Even if Li Qingyun can build his own civilization without relying on people, after all, science cannot stay at one stage forever.

The Big Clock has very advanced and powerful technology, but the Big Clock cannot improve itself.

Li Qingyun will become stronger in the future, perhaps even stronger than the strongest king of gods, Holy Kesha.

But Li Qingyun has also understood that he is not suitable to be that kind of scientist.

Just like Kesha and Hexi, Kesha can be the strongest, but in terms of technical research, she is not as good as Hexi.

In the end, Li Qingyun still has to cultivate a group of outstanding scientific talents around him.

The most advanced technology and the most powerful force can be in his own hands.

But how to move towards a stronger one requires such a group of people to innovate.

Brainstorming is always better than being alone.

However, by then, resources must be firmly in his own hands.

Never let down your guard against those who may betray you.

Like Kaisha letting Liang Bing go out of weakness, and the initial contempt for the god of death Carl, it must never happen.

Because smart people who are not under your control will inevitably stab you in the back one day!

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