The fate of the cube triggered a fierce battle...

Well, that was the opening of Transformers.

But the problem now is that the Cosmic Cube itself is still the focus of controversy on Earth.

SHIELD wants to take it back.

Thor also wants to take it away.

Senator Yan has long sent a message to show that they also want to get the Cosmic Cube.

In fact, Li Qingyun also wants the Cosmic Cube.

The big clock needs an energy source, and the Infinity Stones can be said to be the best energy source.

But Li Qingyun also understands that at this stage, he can't just keep the two Infinity Stones on him.

Although, there are basically no people on Earth who know that the Mind Scepter is also an Infinity Stone (the reason why I say basically is that the Ancient One is likely to know).

But Thanos, who asked Loki to come to Earth, must know.

Although it is impossible for Thanos to come to Earth to find himself at this time, the Cosmic Cube itself is too eye-catching.

Any force on Earth knows that it has the power to destroy the world.

Odin needs to use its power to repair the Rainbow Bridge again.

If he kept the Cosmic Cube with him, it would be like bringing endless trouble to Li Qingyun.

Although Li Qingyun is now a second-generation super soldier, he has the Thor factor and has gained the ability to use lightning.

But Li Qingyun still doesn't want to make such a big problem all at once.

The water of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is too deep.

If it is not necessary, there is no need to go too deep at once.

"The Cosmic Cube is in my hands, and I have the final say on where it should go!"

Li Qingyun said, and his words immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him.

They all hope that Li Qingyun can give the Cosmic Cube to them.

"First of all, SHIELD will never take it back!"

Li Qingyun was the first to kick SHIELD out.

Nick Fury's face darkened, but he also understood why Li Qingyun would choose this way.

They SHIELD have a criminal record!

"Secondly, Iron Man can't take it away either, you can't keep it!"

Iron Man never said he wanted to take the Cosmic Cube, but he had this idea, Li Qingyun could see it.

"I'm just curious, if you decide to stay, you can call me when you want to study!"

Iron Man didn't care too much, what he said at this moment was exactly what he thought in his heart.

Unlike Nick Fury, he said one thing with his mouth, but thought ten sets of eight sets in his heart.

This kind of person has too many tricks in his mind, not only is it not suitable to be friends, even if you just know him, you have to be wary of him.


Li Qingyun finally looked at Thor.

However, he just wanted to speak, and took his words back.

"What's wrong with me?"

Thor was puzzled!

"Give you the Cosmic Cube, it seems there is nothing wrong with it!"

"But why do I always feel that if I do this, I will suffer a lot?"

Li Qingyun never thought about getting the Cosmic Cube from the beginning.

But now, the Cosmic Cube is in his hands.

Just because you said it was something from Asgard, I have to give it to you?

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Even if there is, it would be great if someone else gave it to you, but if you gave it to someone else, wouldn't you be a complete idiot?

"Are you trying to extort money?"

Stark saw what Li Qingyun was thinking.

When he came to Li Qingyun to discuss the deal, Li Qingyun's expression was similar to this one.

Is he trying to get benefits?

"What extortion? Am I extorting money?"

Li Qingyun was not happy. Why should he give away something he got for free?

He just wanted some benefits, how could it be extortion?

"You don't want my hammer, do you?"

Thor subconsciously held the hammer in his hand tighter.

"Hey, you reminded me!"

Li Qingyun seemed to have suddenly realized something.

But Thor, who was sitting opposite, became even more nervous when he saw Li Qingyun's expression.

He immediately did a backflip, flipped from the sofa to the back of the sofa, and kept a distance from Li Qingyun.

He was ready. If Li Qingyun wanted to take the hammer this time, he would run away.

If Li Qingyun was in a hurry, he would fight with Li Qingyun.

In short, no one could take his hammer away!

"Are you afraid of a hammer?"

Li Qingyun was completely speechless.

You are a dignified Thor, so is this necessary?

But in fact, Thor is afraid of a hammer now!

He is afraid that Li Qingyun will take the hammer away from him again.

Thor, the current Thor, loves the hammer in his hand the most, super love!

Not only because this hammer is the source of his power in his eyes, but also a symbol of his recognition by Odin.

Why did he summon Thor's hammer when he already had Stormbreaker in Avengers 4?

The purpose was to verify whether he could still get the approval of Thor's hammer, whether he was still the god recognized by his father, Odin, the father of the gods, who could lead Asgard to light.

What a man wants most in his life is the approval from his father!

"Don't worry, I won't snatch the hammer from you!"

Li Qingyun had no choice but to explain to him quickly.

"I want a weapon, a weapon made by you Asgard, not your hammer."


Thor hesitated, looked at the hammer in his hand, and then looked at Li Qingyun.

Finally, after making sure that Li Qingyun was not looking at his hammer, he slowly approached again.

However, he did not sit down again after all.

"Was your elder brother so timid before?"

Black Widow could not help but turn back and ask Loki.


Loki shook his head helplessly.

It was also the first time for him to see Thor like this.

They had lived together for more than 1,500 years, and he had never thought that Thor, the god of thunder who was fearless and dared to break into the lair of the frost giants because of his two words of instigation, would have such a scene today.

"Things that are lost and found are the most precious. He once lost his hammer, and now he has found it again, so he cherishes it even more!"

Captain America did not think Thor was funny.

He knew that Thor did this not because he was timid, but because he cherished it.

When Thor first came, Li Qingyun took Thor's hammer from his hand.

Li Qingyun has proved that he really has the ability to take the hammer away.

In this case, without knowing whether Li Qingyun would really do that, he would naturally be cautious.

Just like when you were a child, your favorite toy was taken away by the kid next door. Although you took it back, you would always carefully hide the toy when you see the kid next door again!

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