American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 218: The frontal invasion of three Taotie formations

"Deno Satellite No. 3 detected that at least three Taotie vanguard corps were heading towards the Earth."

"The other side gave the green light all the way and came here in a mighty manner. This is clearly telling us to launch a strong attack!"

In the command room, Lianfeng reported the latest situation.

Now, the entire South China Sea Fleet has entered the highest combat readiness state, and all the super soldiers have entered the standby state, ready to go to support at any time.

"Last time they came here, they were sneaky, and this time they suddenly came openly like this. I'm afraid there is a trick."

Dukao said, as the commander-in-chief, he has been watching at the scene at this time.

"There's nothing strange about it. They do this for two purposes."

"Either test our attitude towards the implementation of the nuclear restriction order, or deliberately divert our attention to facilitate their missions in other places."

Li Qingyun said that when he saw the other side suddenly dispatched three formations together and headed towards three different places at the same time, he already knew the other side's intentions.

"I know this, but the question is what the other party's real intention is?"

As a war maniac, Dukao naturally has strategic vision. What Li Qingyun can see, he can also see.

But what he really cares about is the combat purpose of the three vanguard flagship formations, and the most important point is that even if the other party has no backup, the frontal invasion of these three formations alone is enough to give them a headache.

After all, although these three formations appear in different areas, they are all in China, that is to say, these are all their defense areas.

"If the enemy comes, we will fight back, and if the water comes, we will cover it with earth. Since they have come, we have to fight."

Li Qingyun can't see what the other side is thinking now, but his usual approach is to respond to changes with the same approach.

No matter what conspiracy is hidden behind the other side, they can only fight according to normal circumstances now.

"Lianfeng, summarize the combat information."

Li Qingyun said.

"The other side has three formations. According to what we learned during the last Tianhe City battle, each formation has at least one flagship, two large firepower ships and nearly a thousand soldiers."

"They have the God-killing Weapon and the God-killing No. 1 bullet in their hands, and have the ability and means to fight against super soldiers."

Lian Feng combined the data from the last Tianhe City battle and gave a general guess about the situation of the three formations.

"The Tianhe City battle was the first time that the Xiongbing Company fought, and Sun Wukong was in charge to eliminate most of the soldiers, so the overall difficulty was not high."

"But this time Sun Wukong was not there, and the number of individual soldiers on the opposite side will also become a key factor that we must consider."

Lian Feng said.

In the Tianhe City battle, not many soldiers were actually killed by the Xiongbing Company.

Qilin killed more than a dozen with a sniper rifle, Liu Chuang killed a few, and Zhao Xin killed a few...

Basically, the number of people they killed was in the single digit, and the total number of people killed was probably only one or two hundred soldiers.

The rest were all killed by Sun Wukong using his clone technique. Even one of the large mecha warriors of Taotie was destroyed by Sun Wukong.

It can be said that without Sun Wukong, the difficulty of Xiongbinglian to win the Tianhe City Battle would be at least one or two times higher.

"Last time, Xiongbinglian was basically composed of new recruits with insufficient combat experience, but this time, most of them have experienced a battle with the Taotie Legion, and their response and combat capabilities on the battlefield must have improved."

Dukao said, he had great confidence in Xiongbinglian.

"Indeed, with the current combat power of Xiongbinglian, facing a situation like the Tianhe City Battle again, it can be easily resolved, but the problem is that we will face three Taotie formations this time, and the opponent will definitely readjust the combat plan based on the last combat experience."

Lianfeng analyzed.

Dukao frowned when he heard this.

With the current combat power of Xiongbinglian, it is easy to deal with one Taotie Vanguard Corps. Even if it is to deal with two at the same time, it can still cope with it with the newly joined Xiongbinglian Team 2.

But if it is to deal with three at the same time, Xiongbinglian will be seriously short of manpower.

If the troops are not divided, one of them will be completely conquered by the Taotie Corps, and the number of casualties will be difficult to estimate.

If the troops are divided, Xiongbing now has only three people in total. Even with Li Qingyun and Suoton, there are only fifteen people. Fifteen people are divided into three places, and there are only five people in each place. It is difficult to even organize an effective combat team.

"Xiongbinglian is divided into two teams. The first team is led by Lena, Cheng Yaowen, Ge Xiaolun, Li Feifei, Zhao, Wei Ying, and Zhao Xin, a total of seven people."

Li Qingyun spoke, and he started to deploy the battle directly.

"The second team is led by Du Qiangwei, with seven people in total, including Suo Dun, Liu Chuang, Qilin, Rui Mengmeng, Su Xiaoli, and He Weilan."

"As for the last remaining team, I will go there myself."

"You want to face a vanguard army of Taotie alone?"

After hearing Li Qingyun's last words, Du Kao immediately turned around and looked over.

Even Lianfeng and Yuqin, who were responsible for information management and coordination of operations, stood up.

This is a vanguard army composed of more than 800 Taotie, with a large flagship, as well as God-killing weapons and God-killing sniper rifles. It is too dangerous for one person to face such a legion.

"I will be in charge of the Xiongbing Company, and this matter is settled!"

Li Qingyun said with an unquestionable tone.

"Are you sure you're sure?"

Dukao asked.

"If it's just Taotie, that's fine. What I'm worried about is some of the guys hiding behind it."

Li Qingyun said.

"The guy hiding behind it?"

Dukao was confused. He didn't understand what Li Qingyun's words meant at this time.

"It's useless to say more now, just prepare as I said!"

Li Qingyun didn't explain much.

"Lianfeng, assist the residents of these three cities in evacuating, deploy military troops to the scene in advance, and the first and second teams of the Xiongbing Company will attack immediately. Before the other party officially launches an invasion, they must enter a combat state to prevent the spread and Expansion of death toll!”

Li Qingyun gave Lianfeng an order.

Lianfeng, who originally stood up due to shock, immediately sat down and began to make arrangements according to Li Qingyun's order.

They are all people who survived the Deno civilization. Even the worst scenes have been experienced. Now it is just a battle deployment, which will naturally not affect their normal combat command.

Even Dukao, even if he had many worries and speculations in his heart, chose to do what Li Qingyun said for the time being.

However, he secretly contacted Sun Wukong, the victorious Buddha.

Because he vaguely felt that there might be some conspiracy hidden behind this operation, so he asked Sun Wukong to prepare in advance, so that he could provide timely support if something went wrong.

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