Outside one of the cells in the SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury looked inside through the one-way glass window. The figure in a white prison uniform sat silently on the metal bed in a daze. His hair was messy and he could not clearly see the expression on his face. idea.

The whole body exudes an aura of malaise and decadence.

Beside him, a hint of complexity flashed in the eyes of the cold female agent Hill, and she said:"In the past two months, we have conducted a large number of tests on his body. We found that his muscle density is forty-eight times that of ordinary people, and his bone density is also Completely no different from ordinary metal"

"But for some unknown reason, his original ability disappeared or deteriorated."

"His genetic sample is very special, and its genetic structure is more perfect than that of ordinary people, but this genetic sequence cannot be copied."

"In addition, his"540" has always been like this from the time he was arrested until now. He says nothing and does not communicate with the outside world, but he cooperates with everything we ask him to do."

Fury looked at the decadent Peter Parker with an expressionless expression.

"He is being dragged down by his own personality"

"Yes, he is too young and he has lost himself. Hill nodded:"So, I think we need to guide him.""

Hill knew exactly what Spider-Man did.

From the perspective of SHIELD, Spider-Man let the Green Goblin go because of his rash principles, which caused the Green Goblin to cause greater damage. There is no doubt that this is A huge mistake.

Whether from a legal perspective or from other aspects, it is normal for Spider-Man to be imprisoned and arrested.

However, Spider-Man has been unable to get out of this two months due to regret and self-blame, which is enough to prove his character.

From a human point of view, Hill would sympathize with him, because anyone would kill a teammate due to a wrong decision. There are countless SHIELD agents who have been decadent because of this kind of thing over the years.

But from a rational point of view, she believes that Peter Parker can save , but the premise is that he needs to change

"I don't have time to wait for him." Fury said coldly.

The reason why he captured Peter Parker from beginning to end was not just that he simply believed that the other party had made a mistake, but that he valued this opportunity.

He wanted to make the other party a powerful fighting force.

Fury held A flat plate gestured to Hill. Hill nodded and operated a raised metal platform in front of him. He saw the metal door of the closed room in front of him being opened.

Fury calmly dragged a bench and walked in. He sat down in front of Peter.

Peter still kept his head lowered and motionless.

Fury said to himself:"Do you know how many people from SHIELD die every year? According to the data obtained, there are about 7,300 people. Of course, there are many more who died without complete bodies or are missing."

"Some of them are fighting some monsters that cannot be known to the public. Those greedy and ugly bastards treat humans as food. There are also some people who are even more disgusting than those monsters and are trying to cause killing and destruction."

"But there are still some people who died in various accidents, but some of the same people who survived had to be forced to retire and leave."

"Because one of their decisions led to the sacrifice of the entire team of agents. Unable to bear the pressure, they were either crushed by nightmares or simply went crazy."

Peter's body trembled slightly, as if he was touched.

But he remained silent.

Fury didn't pay attention. He knew that he needed to add more fire. He paused and continued:"There are too many things in this world that are beyond our understanding. things, abilities, people and even monsters"

"The same goes for you as an enhanced person, but you are different from those who suddenly gain power. You have a sufficient bottom line. They will use their power to make profits and release the dark side in their hearts."

"They think they are the protagonists and should be the master and the center of the world. There are countless such idiots in the United States."

"They have no bottom line. If you want to be a superhero and face it with your own original thinking, the results you will get will only be unsatisfactory."

"Being young, being reckless, and not seeing the big picture are all your shortcomings, Peter."

Fury's words gradually became fierce and sharp, even sarcastic......

"You have been given power and want to help others. This is an advantage, but advantages often do not mean that you are a qualified illegal law enforcer, because you do not have enough control over the situation. This is stupidity."

"For this reason, dozens of families are paying for your recklessness, but you want to spend the rest of your life here with peace of mind?"

"Your remorse, self-blame, and guilt are worthless in my eyes, and in the eyes of those victims who lost their families because of your recklessness and choices."

Faced with such fierce words, Peter finally raised his head. His originally young and handsome face was now full of exhaustion, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and his unshaven beard seemed to be more than ten years older.

Shocked by these words, Peter did not Angry, no anger, all that can be seen is full of annoyance and regret.

Such eyes did not touch Nick Fury at all. He was like an indifferent machine, looking at the"sinner" in front of him with contempt."

"do you know? The whole of New York and even the United States has only one opinion about you, and that is that they hope you are caught and sentenced to death."

"Countless people took to the streets, creating a huge resentment against illegal law enforcers like you. Congratulations, you are famous, Peter Parker."

"They were right, I should be sentenced to death."Peter's voice was hoarse and hoarse.

His eyes were dull and dull.

"Death is always the easiest way. Do you want to die to redeem yourself? No, this is a coward's choice."

Fury said coldly.

"Don't forget, you still have an aunt. Do you want her to die carrying the identity of a family of sinners? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Peter's body was shaken, his eyes flashed with tears. After a long time, he slowly said:"What do you want me to do?""

"I want you to redeem yourself and use your life to save more people in this world."

After Fury finished speaking, he handed over the tablet in his hand. The picture displayed on it was a huge green monster.

(Please give me a monthly ticket for flowers. Thank you for your support. The card is a bit serious, but the problem is not serious. , thank you!).

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