In this chaotic world, robots made of steel are madly hunting down mutants.

Magneto, Professor X, Iceman, Pyro... Old mutants can only flee in panic under the pursuit of these robots. Their powerful strength seems pale and powerless at this time.

As Iceman and Pyro are killed one by one like prey, the remaining mutants gather together.

The old Professor X looks at everyone solemnly:"The current situation cannot be changed. We need to... change the past and reverse the future!"


I don't know how long it took, but the chosen Wolverine woke up from the body, looked around in confusion, and when he saw the peaceful world and the cheerful children outside the window, even a cold-hearted Wolverine couldn't help but relax at this moment.

"Professor, it worked!"

"Now, it's time to find the professor."

Half an hour later, Wolverine appeared at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and told Professor X everything.

The good old Professor X listened quietly without any impatience.

Only after listening to Wolverine's story, Professor X spoke in a strange tone.

"I have some understanding of quantum teleportation and time travel, but……"

Wolverine frowned:"Professor, you don’t believe me?"

"No, that's not the case. In fact, I have just peeked into your memory." Professor X said, with an obvious look of embarrassment on his face.

"You know, your words are really strange, I need to confirm it."

Wolverine was angry at first, and then quickly recovered. It was because he was used to Professor X's actions. Even if he was angry, it was just a stress reaction.

"In this case, you should trust me even more."

Professor X looked thoughtful:"Actually, I should trust you, but it's really strange that the scenes in your memory will not appear in theory."

It was Wolverine's turn to be confused:"Won't appear? Why?"

Professor X's eyes wandered:"Actually, if it was in the past, this possibility did exist, but it's different now. There is a great being suppressing everything, sentinel robots? Killing mutants? The military doesn't have the courage to do this. Even if they were given a few copies of the courage, they wouldn't dare to do it."

"Even now, the attitude towards mutants is changing. It is not perfect acceptance, but there is no more disgust as before. Some people even start to worship mutants."


What kind of myth are you talking about?

Even in his memory, decades later, the relationship between humans and mutants is still terribly stiff, otherwise the Sentinel robots would not have exterminated mutants.

In addition, great existence? What kind of existence can be called great by the mutant bipolar?

Looking at the confused Wolverine, Professor X smiled a little more

"It seems that you need an answer. Coincidentally, I also want to know the answer to this question, so we should find someone who can really give me the answer."

"By the way, we also need to call Qin. With her, some things will be easier to do."

"Jean!!"Wolverine instantly became excited:"Jean is... still alive?"

Professor X glanced at Wolverine dimly and said:"Jean is of course alive, or rather, the fact that Jean is alive is a kind of doubt about your words, because as long as Jean is alive, that great being will not hesitate to set his sights on Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and mutants will not become extinct because of this.""

"Finally, a friendly reminder to you, Wolverine, Jean may not be the same as you remember, so you'd better not express some of the ideas in your memory."

Great existence, it's that weird great existence again!

Besides, what does it mean not to express some ideas?

Damn Professor X, you're snooping into my memory again!

Professor X ignored him, turned around and asked someone to call Jean Grey.

Seeing the younger, more youthful and more beautiful Jean Grey, Wolverine's expression instantly became uncontrollable, and he muttered:"Jean!"

However, Jean Grey just looked at him inexplicably:"Who are you? And don't look at me with that weird look!"

Wolverine suddenly came to his senses:"I understand, I understand, it's Scott, and Scott should be alive and well now"

"Scott? What's the connection with Scott? We broke up a long time ago!"

""What the hell?" Wolverine felt dizzy. It was different, completely different from what he remembered!

Damn it, this world was wrong, especially wrong!

A hand suddenly rested on his head, helping Wolverine soothe his memory:"Okay, don't think too much, just be quiet, just follow Jean and me, and you will get the answer." He turned and looked at Jean Grey:"Jean, we may need a little help to find the answer. Of course, I think you should be interested too."

Hearing this, Jean Grey's pretty face blushed slightly

""We can go there."

The group set off on a plane. After a while, they arrived at a relatively remote location with a building.

It was strange that although this place was relatively remote, there were many people coming and going. What was even more strange was that there were all kinds of luxury cars coming in and out. Although Wolverine was not very interested in the so-called rich, he also saw many familiar figures that made him feel familiar. Obviously, it was not just a high position, but also a name that could leave a name in history.

"Professor, what on earth is this place?"

Professor X smiled slightly and said in a pilgrimage-like tone:"This is Hellfire!"

"Hellfire? The Hellfire Club? The Black King and the White King? Wasn't that destroyed?"

"No, it's different, very different. That one was indeed destroyed. This is the new Hellfire. Moreover, this Hellfire and the Hellfire in your memory are completely two different concepts!"

"You can understand it as a place of pilgrimage for mortals, a place of miracles!"


I feel like you're telling a fairy tale again! So weird!

The three of them followed the flow of people and quickly entered the building. It was obvious that there were all kinds of high-ranking officials, military personnel, or wealthy people gathered here. People gathered in twos and threes to chat and drink, but for some reason, their eyes always fell on a mural from time to time, as if there was some treasure on it?

Subconsciously following the gaze of the crowd, Wolverine's eyes suddenly widened:"Professor! Professor! Look, the painting is alive!"

Professor X glanced at Wolverine calmly:"Be quiet, Logan, you will be very rude."

Wolverine took a deep breath and suppressed his curiosity.

The amplitude of the mural's fluctuations became more and more amazing. At this moment, a figure suddenly walked out of it.

This was a young man, quite handsome, and looked not very old. He wore a badge on his chest with a square J on it.

Seeing the person coming, Professor X immediately went up to him and said with a smile:"Pietro, congratulations, you finally became a high-level sequence, and you became a diamond jack at such a young age. In the future, it is not impossible to become a higher Q or K."

Quicksilver Pietro shrugged:"Professor X, you know, I have someone behind me, so it is definitely easier for me to upgrade than ordinary people. However, J is almost the limit. Q is a combination, and ordinary people can't get involved. As for K, those guys are all monster-level!"

Suddenly, Quicksilver Pietro saw the person next to Professor X. Wolverine was ignored by him. He looked at the Phoenix girl Jean Grey, took a deep breath, and said respectfully:"It turns out that Miss Jean has arrived. No wonder His Majesty asked me to greet you."

Wolverine was a bit Spartan. He didn't understand and was a little confused. What was going on with this kid? He didn't quite understand those Js, Qs, etc.

But the problem is that he is not blind!

This kid spoke to the mutant Bipolar in an equal communication tone, but he treated Jean in a respectful tone!

What the hell is this?!! Jean's status is higher than that of the mutant Bipolar?!!

Thinking of Professor X's previous hint, Wolverine inexplicably took a breath of cold air. He inexplicably felt that Jean was a little strange at this moment, and there was a class difference between them.

Jean greeted Pietro generously, with an unprecedented gentle expression:"Does he know I'm coming?"

"Yes, let me come to greet you."

"Everyone, follow me."

Pietro turned around and put a hand on his chest. In an instant, the mural in front of him began to fluctuate again.

At this time, some wealthy businessmen behind him could not hold back:"Mr. Pietro!"

However, Pietro ignored them directly, just waved his hand and took a few people, and instantly disappeared into the mural. Behind him, the sigh was hard to dissipate for a long time.

Passing through some inexplicable and strange murals.

Suddenly, the scene around changed drastically, as if entering another world.

White clouds, blue sky, islands floating in the air, like a fairyland-like scenery, seeing everything in front of him, Wolverine Mu Ran widened his eyes and said in shock

"Is this the Heavenly Palace?"

Professor X slapped Wolverine on the head with a skilled slap:"Logan, this is so rude."

"I've said before that you should talk less and watch more. You look like a country bumpkin who suddenly enters a big city. It's really rude."

If someone usually called him a country bumpkin, Logan would definitely respond with his claws, but at this moment, he didn't do that, or rather, he was a little numb with shock.

"Come with me, everyone. Your Majesty is entertaining a distinguished guest. I will take you there."

"Professor X said,"Are we being a little presumptuous to be considered a distinguished guest by that person?""

"No, on the contrary, it seems that the distinguished guest came here just because of you, so follow me."

Professor X subconsciously glanced at Wolverine and fell into deep thought.

· ···Request flowers0 ··

Led by Quicksilver, the group passed through portals one after another, and finally arrived at the giant main island in the middle, which was also the core.

They arrived at a special pavilion, where two people were sitting opposite each other, drinking tea together.

Wolverine subconsciously looked up and saw a young man, who was very handsome, even a grown man like him felt handsome. More importantly, his temperament was something Wolverine didn't know how to describe. Anyway, he didn't look like a human, but more like... a god!

The other one was a big bald head.

I don't know why, just by looking at these two people, Wolverine subconsciously lowered his head, always having an inexplicable feeling that he shouldn't look directly at them.

Professor X stepped forward and respectfully performed a courtesy:"Your Majesty, and that noble existence."

Locke looked down:"Professor X, don't be so polite, get up."

Then he turned his eyes:"And Jean, what are you still doing there, why don't you come over."

Hearing this, Jean Grey's pretty face blushed, and she walked forward obediently, sat down next to Locke, then picked up the teapot and poured tea for the two of them, looking like a young wife.

At this time, Locke and the bald man opposite them set their sights on Wolverine.

Locke spoke up:"No wonder I felt that the timeline had changed. Sure enough, someone from another timeline had traveled to this world."

"Ancient One, this is quite interesting, isn't it~"

Ancient One smiled slightly:"It is indeed interesting, and it comes from a special timeline on the verge of destruction."

Wolverine's face changed drastically, and the shock he received was countless times greater than Jean Grey's attitude of a young wife.


"You, you know!"

Locke nodded slightly:"Of course we know, more than you know, but you don't know."

Professor X glanced at Wolverine behind him and asked:"Your Majesty, may I ask, what is going on with Logan's matter?"

Locke said leisurely:"How else can it be, a world on the verge of destruction, a few naive old guys, the foolish idea that changing the past can save the future, and no respect for the power of time..."

"They don't understand that even if they change the past, it will only form a new timeline and will not change their future in the slightest."

"Also, one more thing, the idiot below traveled through the wrong timeline"

"How is it possible?!"Wolverine was horrified!

If he couldn't change the future, what was the point of going back to the past?

As for other words, he couldn't listen to them anymore. This was the only thing left in his mind.

Professor X looked at the shocked Wolverine, and his good-natured personality came back. He took a deep breath and asked again,"Your Majesty, can you explain it in detail?"

Locke didn't want to answer him, but Jean's soft hands felt very comfortable.

Jean's attitude towards Professor X was that of both a father and a friend. Professor X was being a good-natured person, so Jean naturally wanted to help.


Locke drew a line with his hand, and a series of long green lines appeared in the air. Locke pointed casually:"No, that is the timeline that originally belonged to them."

As Locke spoke, various pictures immediately appeared on it. It was the Sentinel robots fighting, or more accurately, killing all kinds of mutants.

Professor X even saw his old self and the old Magneto on it.

"They want to change the future by changing the past, but the result will only be like this~"

Locke made a casual stroke, and a branch suddenly appeared on the established timeline. It turned around and slammed into the past timeline. At this moment, two timelines were suddenly formed. One was still the original one and was not affected at all. The other was a changed timeline. Everyone survived safely, creating a peaceful and harmonious scene.

Wolverine was completely stunned. He stared at the tragic old timeline that was still going on, and kept muttering,"How could it be, it shouldn't be like this?……"

At this time, Gu Yi spoke calmly:"Anyone who teases time will be teased by time."

"Moreover, what Lord Locke described was the original plan of those time playsters. However, you traveled through the wrong timeline, and you cannot even create the timeline you planned."

"In other words, your time travel is meaningless~" Locke interrupted.

What is heartbreaking? This wave of chills!

"Now, I give you two choices. You can choose to stay in this world and replace Logan in this world, or you can choose to go back to your world that is on the verge of destruction."

"Go back! I want to go back!" Wolverine said without hesitation!

"Haha, not unexpected."

"You should not mind bringing a guest to your timeline."

Gu Yi looked at Locke with interest:"Sir Locke, this is your real plan."

Locke looked back at him:"Gu Yi, don't tell me you are not interested~" Two.

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