In the scarlet world, the chaotic light drowned everything and created everything. This is a world of chaos.

In such a world, Wanda, who is young but has a hotter body than an adult woman, sat curled up.

Wanda was not afraid. The reason she curled up was just because she saw something that made her uncomfortable. To be more precise, it was the figures in the sky that were almost the same as herself. She watched their development and their future destiny. Without any exception, every lady who looked exactly like herself was destined to tragedy, destined to experience the death of her brother and husband, and such tragedies again and again, until she was completely crazy.

Wanda was like watching a movie, watching a movie that made her feel the same.

Suddenly, strange ripples appeared not far from Wanda. Wanda did not look back, but a barely detectable smile appeared on her face:"You are here~"

Locke showed up, walked forward, and sat side by side with Wanda. The relationship between the two seemed quite familiar.

In fact, this is true. Since obtaining the power of chaos, although Locke did not directly awaken Wanda, he has begun to contact Wanda and has been using his free time to enter Wanda's spiritual space and communicate with Wanda.

This special chaotic space in front of Wanda is also because of Locke. Wanda can see it. In fact, a normal Wanda cannot see or perceive the location of this chaotic space.

"So, what do you think after reading about Wanda’s experiences?"

"Are those all true?"

"It depends on your own perception. If you think it is true, then it is true. If you don’t want to believe it, then it is just a story."

"That's really not a wonderful story~" Wanda said in a complicated tone.

Locke looked into the distance and suddenly frowned:"Where is the most powerful Scarlet Witch?" The most powerful super Scarlet Witch Locke had ever seen before, to be honest, brought Locke quite a shock. Now that he is stronger, Locke can more clearly understand how terrifying the other party's strength is!

The peak of the Father God, at least the peak of the Father God! It is even possible that he has begun to transcend the Father God and began to contact the level of a single universe.

If it were not so powerful, he would not be able to rely on his own strength to perceive the greatest secret of the power of chaos and clarify the truth about the source of the power of chaos.

Hearing this, Wanda suddenly smiled strangely:"She, she went to find someone."

"She is very determined and must find someone~"

Locke's brows frowned. He naturally understood who the most powerful super scarlet witch wanted to find and what her purpose was.

A scarlet witch who was at least at the peak of the Father of Heaven, or even stronger, and who was beautiful and hot, was looking for him wholeheartedly. If it were someone else, they would probably be excited, but Locke didn't. He was very opposed to this.

Unlike Locke himself and Wanda beside him, the super scarlet witch was obviously close to"gestation" maturity. For the god of black magic, Xithorn, it was already a super meal that was almost finished.

With the help of Tom's power, it didn't matter if he cut off his relationship with the source of chaos, even with Wanda beside him, it didn't matter, but the super scarlet witch was different.

A seed that had just begun to develop and a super meal that was about to be completed, you can tell the difference with your toes.

Locke and Tom dared to act in this second, and Xithorn dared to come down and talk to Locke in the next second. Locke would be crazy to face a multi-dimensional existence because of a guy he didn't even know.

Locke shook his head:"Don't think about those for the time being."

Whether the super Scarlet Witch can find him is still unknown. The number of parallel worlds in the Marvel world has reached 199,999, which is more than 190,000 parallel universes!

This is still a known number. No one knows how many unknown worlds there are.

"So, Wanda, are you going to rely on your own strength to move forward, or let me help you cut off your own destiny~"

Wanda smiled faintly:"Then I'll trouble you"

"I thought you would hesitate. After all, severing your fate also means saying goodbye to some things that are destined."

"Something destined? You mean my future 'husband'?"

"To be honest, I don't have much expectation for a robot husband."

"Besides……"Wanda glanced at Locke out of the corner of her eye.

Locke naturally noticed Wanda's little action, and a smile inexplicably appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There was a semi-conspiracy theory in the previous life that the reason why Wanda fell in love with Vision was because Wanda's own power was awakened by the stimulation of the Mind Stone, and Vision was also born by the Mind Stone, so there would be a strange attraction between them.

Otherwise, with so many superheroes around her, how could Wanda fall in love with a robot?

It was precisely because of falling in love with a robot, a special life form that did not understand love and was incomplete, that all her emotions had a wrong sustenance, which triggered a series of tragedies that followed Wanda.

Now, Vision has not yet been born, and Wanda is resisting the tragic future. In contrast, it is conceivable which one is more attractive, Locke, who is superior in all aspects and has the same power as herself, compared to Vision.

"In this case……"


"Meow~" Tom rubbed his sleepy eyes and appeared beside Locke.

"Tom, please gnaw off the connection nearby."

Tom nodded, and jumped up very skillfully, biting the scarlet light pillars around him one by one like gnawing a carrot.

Soon, in just a few breaths, the scarlet light pillars around him were bitten off, and the surrounding space began to collapse.

One second, two seconds...

I don't know how long it took, as if Wanda had experienced a long sleep, and slowly opened her eyes.

Some strange light made Wanda's eyes feel a little uncomfortable. As time passed, her vision gradually became clear, and a familiar yet strange figure appeared in her sight.

Under the warm light, the handsome man holding a cat showed a gentle smile

"Wanda, everything new, welcome you~"

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