Chapter 95: Notify Charles! Threaten the White Queen!

He controlled the suit-wearing Hydra executive to follow him, rubbed his temples and exhaled. It was still a bit uncomfortable to use psychic abilities in large quantities. If it weren't for the help of the sheep spell, he would probably have a severe headache at this moment.

He led the Hydra executives to the laboratory in the base. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a group of researchers in white clothes constantly experimenting with mutants, and some were studying a kind of green blood, which was obviously Abaddon's blood gene! Then he used telepathy to control all the researchers again.

It turned out that there was one person who couldn't be controlled. A telekinesis pressed him tightly on the experimental table. The other party could defend against psychic abilities, so he should have something on him.

"Shit! Who are you and how did you get in!!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense..."

Came to the front of the researcher and took out a special device from his pocket, the same as the one he got from the Hydra executive before. He used psychic abilities on him again, and then Jiang Bai looked at the mutants who were trapped in the experimental cabin around him.

There are children, teenagers, young people, middle-aged people, and many mutants with mutated bodies! Some look at Jiang Bai with fear and terror, while others still have hope in their eyes. Many mutants are already ashen, perhaps because of these experiments.

They have given up any hope, their hearts are numb, and they are no longer afraid of death. Perhaps death is more like a relief for them! As long as they are not tortured, experimented, tested, etc. by these demons...

"Charles, please send someone to me. There are many mutants here... the kind that have been captured and studied, alas..."

"Okay, I'll send someone over right away... Thank you..."

Looking at their appearance, Jiang Bai felt mixed emotions in his heart. He took out his mobile phone and called Charles to pick them up. He might take these mutants out of the entire base, but he would not care about their life or death after they go out. He only informed Charles that they might still have some hope in the future.

Otherwise, if they leave here, they will also face the possibility of being captured and studied by other organizations. Then Jiang Bai controlled these experimenters to release all the mutants. Then, they just opened the door of the cage where they were imprisoned. Some of them came out tremblingly, and some did not come out...

"Wait here for a while, and your fellow mutants will come to pick you up. You can live well with them in the academy. You still have a future..."

Jiang Bai slowly spoke to everyone, and then walked directly in another direction, a location that was confidential in the memory of the Hydra high-level officials! It is very likely that the place where the White Queen was imprisoned, and the Hydra high-level officials used this to open the portal in front of them that required a password.

I found that there was an elevator inside, and it was still an elevator going down. I entered it, and the elevator began to go down! It stopped after ten minutes, and then I walked out of the elevator and saw a blonde woman imprisoned in a transparent cage, surrounded by some devices made by technology.

It looks a bit like some kind of magnetic field. When Jiang Bai entered here, he felt that his mental ability seemed to be weakened. It seems that Hydra used this thing to restrain the White Queen's telepathy! In addition, this is an extremely deep underground.

With these special devices, even the White Queen cannot control the people above through telepathy, and only the Hydra executives with telepathic defense devices and the researcher can come in. It is even more impossible for the White Queen to enter here.

Then Jiang Bai controlled the Hydra executives to turn off the device and open the cage! After doing all this, the Hydra executive fell to the ground and died. At this time, the White Queen also found Jiang Bai's arrival and walked out of the cage.

"I didn't expect you to come here from above. It seems that I underestimated you. I wish you saved me. See you later."

"Where do you want to go?"

"You...what are you going to do?"

"White Queen, you have two choices now, surrender or die!"

After walking out of the cage, the White Queen looked at Jiang Bai with disbelief, and spoke to Jiang Bai with a smile on her lips, and then she was ready to leave! The next second, she was bound to the spot by a telepathic force, and then his body turned into a hard diamond.

He was not going to let the White Queen leave. A woman with telepathy and diamondization had very good strength! It was probably impossible to subdue him, so he decided to be tough and threaten him directly! Queen Bai looked at Jiang Bai in horror because she found that her telepathy could not control him.

"Don't waste your energy. I also have telepathy, and it's stronger than yours. Diamonds are notis omnipotent. You have three seconds to consider. If you don't answer, I will take it as a rejection."


The White Queen's mental attack can be resisted by using the sheep spell. Then a piece of metal next to it is wrapped around the White Queen's neck under Jiang Bai's control. After Jiang Bai finished speaking, it began to tighten continuously, and the diamond on the White Queen's neck, which had turned into a diamond, also made a continuous sound of breaking.

Feeling the threat of death, the White Queen said the word "surrender" with difficulty, which made Jiang Bai loosen the tight metal! Then he used telepathy and the sheep spell to instantly invade the White Queen's mind. He was not going to modify the White Queen's cognition because she also had telepathy and would probably recover by then.

It was equivalent to a time bomb. It was not safe to keep it around! So he used the sheep spell to directly tear out a part of the White Queen's soul. After all, the sheep The spell can make the soul leave the body, but it is not limited to one's own soul leaving the body! Soon, a white crystal appeared in Jiang Bai's hand.

There was a gray-white energy-like thing inside, which was a part of the White Queen's soul, which was torn off by Jiang Bai using his psychic ability and the sheep spell! As long as the crystal was held, the White Queen would be in excruciating pain. This kind of pain belonged to the pain of the soul and could not be cured.

Only by taking this part of the soul back can it be done. This is also Jiang Bai's means of controlling the White Queen. Perhaps after getting the Mind Gem in the future, he will directly modify the White Queen's cognition! With something like the Mind Gem, which is similar to a rule, there is no need to worry that the White Queen's own psychic ability can be restored.

"Ah——————! did you do!"

"Nothing, just tearing out a part of your soul, how is it? It's very uncomfortable, right? If you are obedient in the future, this situation will not happen, otherwise I will make you suffer for a day!"

"Soul...? You devil!"

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