Chapter 278: Superstar's Revenge! The truth is revealed!

After learning that the strong man who destroyed Galactus had family members, Superstar was very excited. This meant that if she controlled the family members of that person! It was entirely possible for him to work for her and others. A strong man who could clone Galactus was exciting to think about.

But she soon calmed down, because the combat power on Skull Island was not much lower than that of the Illuminati! First of all, the four special pets owned by Jiang Bai, each of them was an unreasonable existence! There was also his original housekeeper, Martin. The bodyguard he had hired, Cain!

And the recruited Hulk, each of these three was a powerful existence, and it was not realistic to fight head-on, so they had to find other ways! Because Superstar had read the memory of the President of the United States, she naturally knew what had happened.

So for now, it is impossible to take action on Skull Island, and we can only hope that the families of the members of the Illuminati will come to New York through the portal! Yes, Superstar also knew from John's memory that people in Skull Island would come to New York through the portal, and every manor in Skull Island has a portal.

It is still a two-way portal, but the location is different. Although she also thought about using the Cosmic Cube to directly enter Skull Island and control those people, if she fails. Then they will be exposed, and the Illuminati will appear in Skull Island almost instantly and take them down.

In particular, Jiang Bai has said more than once that family members are the reverse scale of the Illuminati members. Once touched, they will surely die! Even the native countries on Earth dare not have any thoughts about the families of Illuminati members.

Finally, after careful consideration, Supergiant gave up going to Skull Island and turned to look at Ebony Maw next to him:

"Get ready, we need to make a device to activate the space energy in the Cosmic Cube to locate the master's fleet and open the portal!"

"Use the Cosmic Cube to open a super long-distance portal? Are you sure there is enough space energy in the Cosmic Cube? If not, the consequences..."

Ebony Maw looked at Supergiant with a complicated expression. After all, this is not a trivial matter. Once the space energy in the Cosmic Cube is not enough, the portal will suddenly close! If there is a problem, they will have to face Thanos's accountability at the first time.

"Don't worry, although there is no space gem in the Cosmic Cube, the energy inside is enough to open a super long-distance portal, which can last for at least a few hours."

"Okay, I'll go prepare! Do you know the location of the family members of other Illuminati members from his memory?"

"I know, but things are a bit tricky. You have to prepare the equipment before we can try. If successful! Not only can we get the space gem, we may also get a very powerful warrior!"

Faced with Ebony Maw's inquiry, Superstar did not tell Ebony Maw directly, but spoke to him mysteriously, and finally took John out of the room directly! Soon they came to another room. Of course, she was not going to do that to John.

Although Superstar is a woman, she is not a human being, and her aesthetics are different from those of humans! Even if John looks pretty good and is a handsome guy, he is not good enough for Superstar to look at! After entering the room with John, a black dagger appeared in Superstar's hand.

Looking at John in front of her with a fierce look in her eyes, she has not forgotten how this guy slandered and trampled on her! Ebony Maw might not care for the mission and plan, but Superstar might not. After all, there is an old saying: Only women and villains should not be offended.

Superstar grabbed the dagger in his hand and stabbed it into John's body fiercely, because Superstar used the Mind Stone to control John. Even if the dagger pierced into the body, the pain could not wake John up, and he would still lie unconscious on the floor.

But Superstar would not give up just because John was unconscious. His eyes were full of cruelty, and his hands were moving faster and faster. After a while, a lot of wounds appeared on John's body! Blood kept pouring out of the wounds, and John was completely lying in a pool of blood.

There were countless holes stabbed on his back, but each one perfectly avoided John's vital organs. This was naturally done to prevent John from dying so easily! He was also one of the bargaining chips that Superstar and Ebony Maw used to threaten the Illuminati.

A day passed quickly, and the day of the concert was approaching. More and more ordinary people came to Washington by various means of transportation! Not only ordinary people, but even some mutants came all the way to Washington to watch their idol's concert.

On the other side, the atmosphere in the Illuminati was very serious. A day had passed, and John had not returned yet! The people sent out to look for JohnOnly John's motorcycle was found! At this moment, Susan sat next to Reed in the conference room with a worried look on her face.

From her red eyes, it can be seen that Susan had just cried. Reed's face next to him was also very bad. He didn't expect that his future brother-in-law would disappear at this time! This is obviously very unusual. Ordinary forces dare not kidnap John at the risk of offending the Illuminati.

Moreover, John's strength is not weak. Even if he has not developed it carefully, ordinary mutants can't do anything to him! In addition, he has the ability to fly, so he can escape even if he can't beat him. But now he is missing directly, and even disappears directly without a fight.

If a fight occurs, they who are in the Illuminati Building in New York cannot be unaware. Now the Illuminati's special satellites, Stark Industries' satellites, Wakanda's satellites, and Attilan's satellites are all monitoring the entire earth.

With John's strength, once a powerful energy bursts out, it will be detected instantly. But there is no fighting situation now, which means that John has no power to fight back against the opponent. He was subdued in an instant and then taken away.

Because of John's sudden disappearance, everyone who was originally studying the instrument for monitoring psychic fluctuations gathered in the conference room. At this time, Tony looked at everyone and was about to speak, when he suddenly received a call from Stark Tower.

"Sir! Miss Pepper has been away from Stark Tower for more than 24 hours! When she left, she did not bring bodyguards with her, and she did not even take a car! Miss Pepper was not seen in the manor on Skull Island or the villa in New York!"

"What!! Pepper is missing! When did Pepper leave Stark Tower! No! Didn't I let her stay in the manor on Skull Island? Why did she appear in Stark Tower in New York?!"

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