American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 98: Genius starts again (Part 1)

After the night in New York got dark, the lights of the whole city began to gradually go out. Only the top floors of the Stark Building had faint lights. Pepper, who had been busy all day, walked up to the elevator and waited until the indicator light of the elevator came on. She took a deep breath, but didn't fully relax.

The elevator door opened, and the lights on the ceiling lit up one by one with her footsteps, guiding her to Stark's laboratory, which had not been there for a long time.

The door of the laboratory opened slowly, and there was no sound. The whole laboratory was dark, only the lights of the experimental instruments were dimly lit, and Stark was lying on the experimental table, seemingly asleep.

Jarvis turned on a little soft light, enough for Pepper to see under his feet without waking Stark. Stark was sound asleep, and when Pepper walked over, he found his brows furrowed.

She saw a pile of data on his experimental bench. In the past, it was all experimental data that Pepper could not understand, but today, Pepper saw several books on the experimental bench that should not appear here.

Social engineering, game theory, political science, international relations, etc., Pepper even saw a few textbooks from his own university there. On the table, it was obvious that Stark had not finished reading it.

She walked a little closer and picked up the information, most of which were related to the military, Congress and S.H.I.E.L.D., especially some information about their personnel.

Pepper was just about to walk around the test bench and walk to Stark's side, when Stark moved, he coughed dryly, and then woke up, in the dim light, he saw Pepper standing in front of him, still I thought I was dreaming.

Stark shook his head and blinked his eyes hard, looking very confused, an expression that Pepper often saw in him, often after drinking alcohol or staying up late to do experiments.

"Oh, here you are, are you done? How are you doing?" Stark seemed at a loss, as if he had not seen Peto much for so many days, and he used that somewhat embarrassing tone. Greetings.

Pepper was not influenced by him. She came up and said, "What's the matter with you? Why did you start reading these books?"

Stark glanced back at his desktop, his expression was a bit like a child who was secretly playing a game console and was discovered by his parents, he twisted his neck unnaturally, and then said: "A friend recommended it, he said I should read more of this kind of books, or I won't be able to deal with the trouble."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Stark paused, then lowered his head, his voice was a little low, with a seriousness rarely seen in the past.

"S.H.I.E.L.D., the military and Congress have basically got what they want. Next, it will be the last negotiation of this event."

"I represent the Stark Group. I know that this time no one will deal with these troubles for me. I have to learn to deal with it all by myself."

"I've never been in a decent negotiation, sometimes even if I go, I just sit there and wait for Uncle Obadiah to talk about everything, I'm just a symbol, everyone knows I'm a genius , so even if I show impatience, or leave early, no one dares to say anything..."

"I know, I suck. I've made a whole lot of mess and hassle. I used to mock the rep on the other side for being retarded, or purposely flooded the table with coffee just to leave early."

"I can't remember how many times I've done this kind of stupid thing, but I know it's only me this time."

Stark rubbed his eyes, then rubbed his face with his hands, trying to take back the sad and lost expression, saying, "No one will do these things for me again, no one will do it for me anymore. With these troubles solved, no one will even see my inventions or listen to my genius ideas anymore..."

Pepper had to admit that it was the first time she saw Stark's sad expression. In the past, he made those sad expressions to make fun of people or deliberately find people to be happy, but now, he is really sad.

After Stark paused for a while, he clapped his palms and said, "Okay, so be it, I can handle this, right?"

"I'm Stark, why can't I do it? How can these things be more difficult than making mechas? Look, as long as I read all these materials and books, during the negotiation a few days later, I can beat them all by myself..."

Pepper felt a kind of sadness. Before that, whenever Stark was cheating and didn't want to do anything, she felt a headache and felt that she was wasting too much time on coaxing this big child. Stark can mature quickly.

But now, when Stark calmly accepted to do what he didn't want to do, Pepper suddenly hoped that he would still be as willful as before.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. Stark became mature, which should be a good thing, but Pepper knew all too well that such growth must be accompanied by severe pain and grief, and she would rather Stark not experience this kind of pain. , forever living in a utopia.

Peto choked up, and was about to say something when the phone in her pocket rang again. She had no choice but to leave to answer the phone, and she didn't care about chatting with Stark, so she had to deal with it as if it didn't work. end of work.

Stark watched Pepper leave, his pain and helplessness reached its peak, he put one hand on the test bench, and then covered his eyes, he had never felt that the dark night in New York was so long.

When he threw himself into the experiment, the whole night seemed like a flick of a finger. Before he could finish a small part of the experiment, the day dawned. At that time, he would always complain that this pure and happy time was Short-lived.

But today's night seems to be endless, as if the sun will not rise for as long as he suffers here.

In the drowsy and dark room, Stark thought, what the book said makes sense. In this world, not everything can be reckless in wearing a mecha, and social human beings cannot survive without social rules, as long as he lives in In this society, some social rules must be followed.

Before Stark felt that he didn't have to abide by it at all, didn't have to think about anything, and lived as he wanted every day, but now he found that someone just paid for him to follow the rules.

It's just that they paid the price first, so that Stark could always live in this warm eggshell and think about nothing.

Stark actually knew that in order to deal with the peach news for him, Pepper was busy until midnight every day, and Obadiah had cleaned up all kinds of messes for him more than once.

But since the kidnapping case, reality has been like a heavy hammer, directly smashing the shell of this chick, letting the cold wind of reality blow on his feathers that have not yet grown, causing him to turn some somersaults, covered with After getting in the mud, he had to struggle to get up.

After the warm wings that made him crave left him, the rest had to be faced by him. The cold wind blew in the nest built on the cliff, but Stark had to learn to fly by himself.

After a while, Stark seemed to accept this fact, he slowly sorted out the scattered information on the table, then bookmarked various books and put them aside, picked up one of them and continued to read on.

In fact, Stark didn't know whether it was useful to do so. When he learned from Schiller that the chips of several parties were almost ready, and only the last step of negotiation was left to divide up all the interests, Stark I have never felt so anxious and flustered.

In the past many years, he had never thought about these things, but at least he knew that if he did nothing, he would give up the entire Stark group, his father, his uncle and all his efforts.

If he can't take this step, the Stark group will only retreat again and again until they are knocked out and completely divided up.

And now, no one will turn the situation around and turn the tide in this situation, except Stark himself.

In the past many years of his life, he did not need to consider the feelings of any other person at all, and now he is about to participate in a negotiation that may be the highest level in this country. There are members who have been in politics for many years and are all-powerful in the political arena, and some are hidden behind the scenes. , strategizing SHIELD agents, there are aggressive, greedy military leaders.

And Stark, in this situation, he is like a primary school student who suddenly participates in the doctoral forum. He has no theoretical knowledge or practical experience, and he can't even look at people's faces. Stark can already imagine , the rambunctious actions he used in the past will not have any effect except to make these wolves make a big fuss and bite another piece of meat.

He must learn to be calm, learn to remain calm, and learn to use resourcefulness and skills to complete a war without gunfire on a battlefield without the sound of gunfire.

It's not easy, and it's no easier than waging a real war.

Stark is like a newborn baby, and at Schiller's suggestion, he can only start with theory.

Not all of those politicians know these things, but they have a wealth of practical experience.

But Stark is a blank piece of paper in this regard, but fortunately, he is a genius Stark, and his brain allows him to write down all the knowledge in this in a very short time, even if there is no time. Let him practice and master it again, but having this knowledge in his mind is better than nothing.

Stark thinks what Schiller said makes sense. Since he has decided to bow his and decided to learn these theories that he didn't bother to read at all and thought it was empty talk, then he must do it as quickly as possible. Read them through and try to understand.

The former is not difficult. Stark's genius brain made him memorize several books in almost one night. When his brain worked to the extreme, he could not forget it at all.

But reading it, memorizing it, and understanding and applying it are completely different things. After Stark has memorized it, he has to think about how to act according to the popularity and relationship information.

How would any of them respond to certain topics? What are the intricate subdivisions within the same power? Which relationships are available? Why are some people's bottom lines lower than others? Why are some people willing to pay more than others?

These questions almost overwhelmed Stark, even if he was a super genius, he couldn't learn the essence of human knowledge overnight.

More importantly, sometimes game theory and psychology seem more like occultism, because human nature is always mysterious and unpredictable, and all the use of theory to analyze will only get more and more wrong answers, everything depends on On-the-spot reaction, this really put a lot of pressure on Stark.

Finally, in the dark night of New York, Stark muttered: "You are a genius... Stark, you are a super genius... There is no one smarter than you in this world, of course you are fine... "

Then, in the gradually disappearing voice, he fell asleep, and at this time, a fuchsia glow had just lit up on the New York skyline.

Chapter 98: The Genius Starts Again (Part 1)

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