American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 930: Deep in fog and rain (5)


The shotgun fired, and the moment the fire flashed, Merkel saw the scene in the manor clearly, and the leaves of all the plants began to sway, continuously stretched, and spread towards him.

Finding that the gun was useless to plants, Merkel did not panic at all. He picked up the bag where the powder was just sprinkled, and sprinkled the powder on the surrounding ground at a very fast speed.

He retreated all the way to the buildings of the manor, spreading the powder all the way on the ground he passed. After retreating into the buildings, there was a "bang", the shotgun hit the powder in front of the door, and the sparks of the bullets ignited these specially designed for incineration. chemicals, and in an instant, the flames rose.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the garden burning with raging fire, Merkel sighed deeply, then walked into the middle of the hall, picked up the phone and said, "Hello, Mr. Alfred? There is a very bad I just burned the garden of my employer's house..."

In Wayne Manor, Alfred put down Aisha, who was holding him in the other hand, covered his forehead and said, "My God! You haven't called for so long, I thought you were finally going to be A qualified housekeeper! Knife."

"I didn't expect that you would prepare such a big surprise... reason? Is there any reason for you to burn the big garden of the middle manor?! The big garden of the Rodriguez manor is in Gotham. The private mansion is very famous in the circle, you actually burned it?!!!”

"Well, listen, Merkel, you are a housekeeper, and now you are just a housekeeper. If you still can't adapt to this profession, then I can only contact... what? Plants move first??"

Alfred raised his voice and said, "Knife" "Did you drink the bar? This is seriously unprofessional! You can't"


There was a scream in the back garden of Wayne Manor. Alfred immediately put down the phone and ran towards the back garden, but Aisha was faster than him. The grandparent and grandson had just rushed into the back garden. Just saw Dick hanging on the fence.

Alfred ran over quickly, rescued him, and said, "Master Dick, even if you want to practice gymnastics, you can't always jump off the wall. I said a long time ago that one day, you will be hanged." In the middle of the air, because the former Master Wayne was hung up..."

"No..." Dick scratched his head and said, "I didn't jump off the wall, I was rehearsing the club's dance moves and I felt like a hand lifted me to the wall?")

Dick turned his head very puzzled, and looked at the garden wall, but there was nothing there except vines, he said: "What a ghost, could it be that I was so focused during rehearsal that I didn't even notice it when I walked up the wall?" ?”

Alfred's vigilance was much higher than Merkel's. He immediately pulled Dick away from the wall, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw a thick vine on the wall, which directly rolled up Aisha.

Aisha didn't know why, so she thought she was playing a game and cheered with her hands up. Alfred immediately picked up the garden shovel next to her and swung it vigorously. The sharp edge of the shovel cut off the vine. Before Aisha fell to the ground, he Just rushed up and caught Aisha.

Holding Aisha in one hand and Dick in the other, he sent the two children back to the manor building, keeping them in front of the window and keeping them in his sight.

He walked to the tool room next to him, picked up the gun, and the incineration powder of the same type as Merkel, and fired at the vine first. After finding that it had no effect at all, he poured the powder directly next to the root system of the plant , and then lit the flame.

Walking around the garden, when all the plants were just moving, the raging fire engulfed them. When Alfred walked back into the house with a shotgun and a garden shovel, Dick opened his mouth and said, "Oh my God!" !Mr. Alfred, you burned the gardens at Wayne Manor!"

"Master Dick, you can go to the living room to practice dancing. By the way, remember to bring Miss Aisha with you. I'm going to make a few calls. You must not run out..."

Seeing Alfred's frown, Dick also felt that something was wrong. He nodded sensibly, picked up Aisha, went upstairs to the bedroom, closed the doors and windows, and started building blocks with Aisha .

Downstairs, Alfred came to the phone and started calling all the housekeepers he knew.

"Hello? Is this Love Manor at No. 3 Osprey Avenue? I'm the steward of Wayne Manor. Have you noticed that the plants in the garden have mutated? ... Oh, you saw the vines moving, didn't you? Yes, they It's just changed..."

"Remember the incineration powder we used to deal with some chemical fertilizers? Yes, that thing is very useful, just sprinkle it on the roots of plants, yes, sprinkle more, after all, it is not easy to catch fire in this weather."

"Hello, is this Mrs. Teach? I'm Alfred, what's the matter? Why do you sound a little tired? There are thieves trying to get in again. It seems that they want to take advantage of the fire. Have you dealt with it?"

"I'm calling to remind you that the plants in the garden may have mutated, and you'd better burn them all with the incineration powder I recommended to you earlier, yes, that's what you used to deal with the thieves That kind of thing, you don't have to be too polite...")

"Hello, I'm Alfred, I need to remind you."

Along with one phone call after another, Batman rang in the southern and western manor areas. Batman, who was squatting in the helicopter and was about to land on the roof, saw that all the manors in the southern and western areas were moving at an extremely fast speed. , One after another, the flames lit up.

Almost instantly, the entire South District and West District were lit up. The thick smoke from the raging fire was thicker than the rain and fog that had just risen. For an instant, the thick rain line stopped for it.

Batman, who landed on the roof, silently put down his hand holding the communicator when he saw the scorched garden, and also reminded Alfred that the plants might have mutated, And the flame might be an effective reminder, so he swallowed it back.

After returning to the manor, Alfred greeted him immediately. Before Batman could speak, Alfred said with a smile: "The plant samples and burned samples have been sent to the underground laboratory, and the power supply has been activated. , hot tea and towels are placed on the table on the right hand side of the laboratory table, Dick and Aisha have already gone back to sleep..."

Batman opened his mouth, retracted what he wanted to ask, nodded, and walked towards the underground laboratory.

He turned his head and saw Alfred smiling at him, now he understands what Schiller said, what he did to stop the mastermind behind the scenes, and what he did to Gotham may not be to save Gotham, It was to save the black hand behind the scenes so that he would not fall into the abyss presumptuously, and could not extricate himself from then on. )

Zombies come out of cages and plants mutate. If they are placed in other cities, it must be a disaster that will destroy the world. But in Gotham, it is more like the daily life of people here. It is not so great and wise to defeat dangerous and terrifying mutant plants. He is not a hero, but a housekeeper who helps his master deal with thieves every day.

Walking into the underground laboratory Batman, looking up at the ceiling, he remembered that when he was building this laboratory to open up the underground soil layer, he knew why in a city like Gotham, he had never heard of it since he was a child. There was news of the burglars breaking into Wayne Manor.

I finally know how terrifying it is for Catwoman, the head of the Four Snitches, to be able to steal Gotham's invincible hands.

Picking up the plant samples that Alfred had collected in advance, Batman began to study non-stop, but the thoughts that just remembered Catwoman spread again.

Although he knew that Catwoman might not be troubled by this level of attack, Batman couldn't help being a little worried, and to a certain extent, his worry was justified, because when the plants first started to move, Catwoman was frightened. There was a big jump.

After Bruce came to live in her house in the slums, the original rented house could no longer be lived in, so Catwoman moved to Living Hell, but it was too far away from the North District where she often worked, so later She moved to an apartment further north anyway.

The houses here are relatively old. They were built not long ago when Falcone first came to Gotham, that is, more than 40 years ago. They are relatively traditional stone buildings, and there are many illegal structures.

When the rain just started, Catwoman just came back from wandering around the North District. Today's harvest was quite good, so she was in a good mood, but when she got the key to open the door, because the gemstone necklace in her pocket put her in a good mood. The key got scratched and she had to stand in the doorway to unlock it.

Catwoman was concentrating on untying the necklace entwined with the key ring when she felt something move in the shadow of the light on her right. Her movements paused, she took a step back slightly, and then turned He turned his head and saw that there was nothing there.

"This **** old house..." Catwoman muttered in a low voice, and in the corner of her vision, the moss that had grown on the cracks of the brick stretched out its dense legs and crawled towards the door lock. UU reading


The scream pierced the sky on the roof of the apartment building, and in the next three seconds, the door of Catwoman's apartment inside was conservatively estimated to have cost more than a hundred dollars.

The terrified Catwoman's first reaction was not to run away, but to attack the moving moss frantically, and her behavior hit the right spot.

The sparks carved by the blade on the iron door drove back the piece of moss. Like a mouse, the moss ran along the corner of the corridor into the shadows and disappeared.

Catwoman gasped in shock, before she realized that it was not a ghost image, but a piece of moss. She cursed in a low voice, looking at the dark corridor and the key that was still far from unlocking, I had to rush to the window in the corridor, opened the window, jumped out, and climbed to the roof along the water pipe.

Then I saw the flames splashing on the ground, three gangsters were chasing two trees with legs, running from south to north) A group of children held torches, chasing the vines that kept extending forward, running from north to south .

"What's wrong? Why do plants have long legs?!" Catwoman narrowed her eyes in surprise.

Catwoman is somewhat afraid of ghosts, but what she is afraid of is the kind of invisible ghost that will come out of the shadows and startle people.

As long as this kind of thing can be attacked, they should run away. Her psychology is also the psychology of most people in Gotham. They are afraid of ghosts, but those who can be attacked are not ghosts.

After discovering that the muzzle flash was useful for these mutated plants, the nature of the matter changed. Gotham people's first reaction was not "what kind of ghost is this?" but "this is not a ghost at all!"

Catwoman squatting on the roof scratched her head, a little confused about the current situation, but she knew that there was no one who could figure it out.

She ran towards Wayne Manor without hesitation.

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