American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 72: The genius is on the left, the lunatic is on the right (below)

Schiller was called back by the principal. Even if he could remotely control it, he actually needed other people to manage the large and small affairs of the psychiatric hospital. This task fell to Bruce.

Schiller threw all the work directly to Bruce with great confidence. Bruce always felt that the professor had more confidence in him than he had in himself.

He is only a freshman, and is about to take over an atypical psychiatric hospital in his first internship. In this psychiatric hospital, although there is no real mental patient, he is more dangerous and more dangerous than a mental patient. trouble.

When Bruce questioned his suitability for the job, Schiller told him: "Sometimes you don't know you're a genius unless you push yourself."

On the first day on the job, Bruce had a big problem, he couldn't tell who was who here.

Although he has memorized all the patient files as thick as a book, memorized all their names, room numbers and corresponding medical records, if this is in a general hospital, a trainee can do this level, is completely sufficient.

But unfortunately, there is no mental patient in the traditional sense. Behind their names and medical certificates, there are extremely complex social identities.

Who is a member of which gang? Which gang has a bad relationship with which gang? Who and who used to be enemies? Who and who are partners? This information cannot be seen from the cases.

When he listened to Schiller talking on the phone in the past, Bruce probably heard some things. His far superior memory made this information into his novice gift bag. He couldn't understand everyone's social identity. It didn't matter. Some clues are pushed back.

On top of that, Bruce is good at disguising, just as he does the **** disguise, and in this hospital, he's become a big-hearted, pampered but yearning for gangster life.

The status of the richest man in the world has provided him with a lot of benefits. Generally, no gang member thinks that the richest man in the world will deliberately set his words on him. Therefore, when Bruce shows interest in the story of the gangster, the gang bosses just think this The young rich man, just like the rich man's son, has lived a comfortable life for too long, and yearns for the exciting life in the gangster movies.

Therefore, although they added a lot of their own fictions when telling stories, Bruce can still infer real and useful information about gangster social relations from these stories.

In a city where almost everyone has something to do with gangsters, after figuring out the complicated gangster relationship, almost all the connections at the bottom of the city are clear.

Bruce found that the city's survival laws were more complicated than he thought.

Starting from the bottom gang, even if it is a small gang with only a dozen people, they have their own rules of survival.

These little gangsters often undertake the business of patrolling the streets and petty theft, and they also pay protection fees to the bigger gangsters for them to drive.

The bigger ones are gangsters with hundreds of people. These gangsters are the mainstream of Gotham. Most of them have one or two industries in their hands, which may be shops or factories.

They provide protection for these industries, expel those who are looking for trouble, and remote control the small gangs under their control to solicit customers. When some conflicts over competing for customers arise, they will also have small-scale disputes, but they are basically hiding in cars. Two shots were fired from the back with a pistol, and few large-scale firepower was used.

Further up, there are big gangs with a number of hundreds of people. These gangs have reached another level. Each of them has at least one special industry on which to survive. Bruce found that these **** gangs are still there. Industry segmentation is achieved.

At the scale of hundreds of people, they often control at least one smuggling chain or have a complete industrial chain of planting, refining and sales, or they control the vast majority of industries in a red light district. A monopoly is achieved in a certain industry in a region.

Reaching this level, the profit they can grab every day has reached a rather astonishing level, and it has also produced saturation.

Going up, it can no longer be called a gangster, but should be called a family crime group. The twelve gangster families that rule Gotham, except for the core force in the hands of their talkers, actually do not have any. Businesses that require hands-on work, what they have to do is to remotely control these big gangsters. Each gangster family has dozens or hundreds of big gangsters, in charge of different businesses in different areas.

When Falcone established the twelve families, he gave them twelve different industries to focus on.

Falcone, on the other hand, stands at the top of the pyramid, giving orders to all families and gangs.

In the collection and analysis of this information, Bruce found that Gotham's seemingly chaotic rules are actually a fairly solid pyramid, and wealth is extracted from the criminal industry layer by layer, and then from the top to the top. for redistribution and production.

In this cycle, Gotham has developed its own unique ecosystem, forging the largest concentration of crime industries in the United States.

At the same time, Bruce found that, unlike what he imagined, from the perspective of sociology and economics, the industrial structure of the city is still **** healthy, whether it is the distribution of industrial volumes at various levels or the so-called division of industrial clusters. , even better than the vast majority of cities in the United States.

As the investigation deepened, Bruce began to doubt his original intention a little bit, because he found that although Gotham is evil, it is not poor, and the living standards of the people are not low. In addition to being very dangerous, the people here Quite rich.

In the process of traveling in the United States, Bruce also studied the living standards of people in major cities in the United States. He found that the living standards of the vast majority of people in Gotham, the **** city, were far beyond the pass line.

During his visit to the hospital, Bruce met an old man from the city who was called "Rifle Gun".

Rifle was originally going to rush to the city, but his daughter married Gotham and married a small gang leader who was maliciously framed, and his daughter almost suffered misfortune. Rifle, directly carrying an old-fashioned rifle, rushed to Gotham, and killed the gang members who wanted to frame his son-in-law with a few shots.

The Lauren family, one of the twelve families, took a fancy to the old man's temper and his good skills, and now he is the owner of a restaurant in the west area of ​​the Lauren family.

Unlike other gang members, this old man really came to the hospital. He had a long-term headache, which seemed to be a complication of anxiety, so his son-in-law found a relationship and sent him in for treatment. Much better already.

"It's the same everywhere, it's the same everywhere..."

Rifle smoked a cigar, leaned against the hospital bed, and said to Bruce, "Where do you think you'll get better by going to the city? Everyone lives on clean streets, every house has a car to drive, the children Are you all wearing school uniforms to go to school?"

He took another puff of his cigarette, and the old man even had the air of a southern nobleman, like a real rifle.

Accompanied by the smoke, he slowly recalled: "When I met Mary, you know, it was decades ago... At that time, I was a poor boy, and I was running around the city with my bare hands..."

"There are also gangsters in the city, where is there not? I work for them, but it's not as good as Gotham, I earn too little, sometimes I don't even have a cent in my pocket, I want to marry Mary, but I don't have the money, How do we get married?"

"So, I took a gun and started a killer business, which made my life a little better. When my daughter was born, I was already doing a good job. Although I haven't read any books, I want to see, Gotham is a lot stronger."

Bruce said, "Gotham is better than rushing to the city?"

If it wasn't for an old man who seemed to be quite knowledgeable, Bruce would have thought he was out of his mind.

"I know, you guys with serious identities think this city sucks, there are gangsters everywhere, and everyone is a criminal, but for people like us, it's just as hard to work for anyone. If there is more money, we will go with whomever."

"In Gotham, as long as you are a full-fledged member of a gang, you can actually make a lot of money, and like me, if you can own a restaurant or a bar, it's no different from running a big business."

"And here, the members of the gang are actually safer. There is a set of rules here. If you don't want to declare war on a gang, it's best not to touch his people, even if it's just a gangster at the bottom."

"So, those who join the gang to support their families are actually safer than other places, because the gang has the final say here, you become a part of the gang, and it's easier to speak."

"I know, I know..." Rifle put down the cigarette and said, "I know very well that the killer is going to be punished, I will go to hell, there will be Satan's judgment waiting for me, but I don't care, you know why?"

Before Bruce could answer, Rifle said to himself, "I need to fill my stomach first, make more money, and live a better life."

"God didn't let me be born into a family with the same food and clothing as you, my father lost everything in gambling, my mother ran away with someone else, my only possession is an old gun that is not very smart, then I think, I just did it, what can I do?"

"After I came to Gotham, I realized that the person who built this city must be a genius, don't you think these gangsters are well planned? It even reached a perfect balance, allowing the city to be able to It went on for a long, long time, and people were doing just fine."

"What's the name of the one under my son-in-law's hand? ... Forget it, we all call him "one hand". His left hand was cut off by his father who was drugged and brain-destructed when he was a child, but he I have been working with the casino owner on their street since I was a child, specializing in throwing dice, I even bought a car last year, and I will get married next month."

"The gang industry is huge, and they are short of people. As long as they have hands and feet to work, they will accept anyone."

"Children don't go to school, they can learn a craft in gangsters. If they have some brains, they can go to restaurants to work in restaurants and learn how to cook with the boss, or go to bars to learn bartending. The most powerful ones are those who can learn skills in casinos. , those are some naturally clever ghosts."

"If you are agile, you can become a pickpocket. If you have good eyes, you can watch the wind and watch the wind. The worst thing is, you can learn how to fight with other people. There are so many gangsters, restaurants, bars, casinos, garages, or If you need employees, or you need security, you can eat anywhere.”

"As far as I can see, the economy has been better in the last two years. If I save more money, I can even buy a small independent house on the edge of the rich southern area. Oh, you should live in the center of it, after all. They say you're a very rich man."

"My grandson is not as lucky as you, but it's enough, he's better than me, at least he was born in a house that won't leak, and his mother takes good care of him, and his father is outside Making money, we're doing pretty well, right?"

Perhaps it was because the headache was much better. The old man seemed very energetic and kept reciting some details of his life. At this time, Bruce's thoughts drifted far away.

A word from the rifle made him think.

Gotham's crime industry planning is perfect, it's almost impossible to form naturally, gangsters are born out of chaos, they can't everyone organize these industries spontaneously.

So how did the city get into the weird shape it is today?

Could it be that someone really designed it like this on purpose?

What is his purpose then? He has the ability to plan the industry chain so perfectly, so why does it have to be turned into a crime capital? Can't you do something else?

Gotham is simply the biggest flower in all the cities in the United It has been running smoothly for so long in a bizarre twisted posture, and it has become the most prosperous street on the east coast. One of these cities, in an extremely outrageous way, has rushed to the forefront of urban GDP in the United States, and people's living standards are not only passing, but also excellent.

His creator must be a genius, he wrote order out of disorder, creating a new mode of urban operation almost out of thin air.

But at the same time, he must be a lunatic, using his crazy creativity to create the world's largest city of sin with his own hands.

Bruce thought, maybe here, genius and lunatic are only separated by a thin line, Gotham is like a coin standing between them, it seems as if it will fall at any time, but to this day, it is still swaying on this line superior.

Everyone here, like this city, is two-faced, a genius with a special talent, and an unparalleled lunatic.

The genius is on the left, the lunatic is on the right, and everyone in Gotham has the same traffic rules as here—

I am going straight, and I will never turn.

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